need slime that is actually slimey


Nov 19, 2003
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So, here's the thing. I need slime. It's for a little film project i'm making. and here's the other thing. I need LOTS OF SLIME. Literally a bucket load. thus, i can't spend a whole bunch of money buying it from Toys R' Us.

I googled it, but i got mostly recipes for slime that isn't so much slimey as they are caramel-like, or like soft silly putty.

so here's my question to you!

what's a good recipe for non-toxic, non-staining slime that is ACTUALLY SLIMEY. I'm talking like the stuff from Ghost Busters 1 and 2. Like mucus.

and please, folks, NO BODILY FLUIDS. :E

so if you have any recipes or webpages, i'd appreciate them.
Um, there is a recipe...I will pm it to you soon! ....Its cheap..
^^ Do you think its cum? Cause that isn't cheap....believe me. The price is VERY high.

Its some concoction. I have the book but I can't find it right this moment.
MarcoPollo said:
^^ Do you think its cum? Cause that isn't cheap....believe me. The price is VERY high.

Its some concoction. I have the book but I can't find it right this moment.

Dear god, you guys need better things to talk about at night than male ejaculatory fluids. Especially when it comes to bucketloads of the stuff. Gross!


Different types of slime in that link than from the first link I gave.
MarcoPollo said:
^^ Do you think its cum? Cause that isn't cheap....believe me. The price is VERY high.

Its some concoction. I have the book but I can't find it right this moment.

LOL, no, it's not THAT kind of video project :laugh:
falconwind said:
same reason why anyone needs it; for the slimey alien of course. :borg:

What are you talking about here... a liquid slime? A solid slime? A semi-solid slime that you can spread everywhere, such as the surface of a person?

If its the very latter, I suggest vasoline or something. That shit is slimy as hell.
oh.....You could just use watered down honey.....not pure honey....
Raziaar said:
What are you talking about here... a liquid slime? A solid slime? A semi-solid slime that you can spread everywhere, such as the surface of a person?

If its the very latter, I suggest vasoline or something. That shit is slimy as hell.

i need a liquid slime. mucus-like. needs to be able to flow and drip.
vasaline mixed with cornstarch and water....That should be nasty slime.
MarcoPollo said:
oh.....You could just use watered down honey.....not pure honey....

seems like a shameful waste of honey, that's all.

besides, that's too sticky. i want slimey, not sticky.
falconwind said:
does petroleum jelly even mix with water?

No, That is why you use cornstarch and u use warm water...It makes a slimey substance that sticks to stuf.
falconwind said:
i need a liquid slime. mucus-like. needs to be able to flow and drip.

try that first link I gave you... just don't put enough of the solidifer compounds to make it more solid than you need it.
Raziaar said:
try that first link I gave you... just don't put enough of the solidifer compounds to make it more solid than you need it.

yeah, i'll try that one, though i don't know how expensive whatever guar gum is.

i also found one that consists of gelatin and cornsyrup, though the same problem about cost in large quanties exists.

anyone else have any ideas?
I demand pictures of slime after you have made it. And i think i speak for everyone there.
falconwind said:
yeah, i'll try that one, though i don't know how expensive whatever guar gum is.

i also found one that consists of gelatin and cornsyrup, though the same problem about cost in large quanties exists.

anyone else have any ideas?

Not sure how expensive it is...

If you are just shopping around for ideas right now, maybe purchase a little bit, or borrow some of the stuff and make small quantities first.

/gets pushed away by ritz' body guards.

On another note...the recipe i was gonna pm u is the one raziar linked.
Tell us if it works I want my own slime for slime related activities...:D
i found another recipe that calls for Methylcellulose and water, which is supposedly the same stuff used in Ghostbusters.

though, i think it's fairly expensive... and you have to get it from a pharmacy or chemistry store. :(

... hell, maybe i'll just buy some corn syrup... :hmph:

Tell us if it works I want my own slime for slime related activities...

dare i ask...
Ritz said:
I demand pictures of slime after you have made it. And i think i speak for everyone there.

Yes, yes, oh dear god yes.
Your in luck, i made slime in my chemistry A level course, then we dyed it with food dye, to any colour we liked. It was slimey really, and really good, perfect for the stuff you need, i'll try dig out the sheet for you and PM you the recipe if you want it. All you need is two compounds in solution if you can get chemicals.

For the chemical side, its all ionic attractions, the slime is actually a polymer which has low intermolecular forces and allows the carbon chains to slide about under it. The only issue is the two compounds separate are mildly corrasive, therefore you must mix them thoroughly wearing gloves or whatever, FULLY so its completely reacted before you handle it. Still dont put it in your eyes or eat it though, thats silly.
Hectic Glenn said:
Your in luck, i made slime in my chemistry A level course, then we dyed it with food dye, to any colour we liked. It was slimey really, and really good, perfect for the stuff you need, i'll try dig out the sheet for you and PM you the recipe if you want it. All you need is two compounds in solution if you can get chemicals.

For the chemical side, its all ionic attractions, the slime is actually a polymer which has low intermolecular forces and allows the carbon chains to slide about under it. The only issue is the two compounds separate are mildly corrasive, therefore you must mix them thoroughly wearing gloves or whatever, FULLY so its completely reacted before you handle it. Still dont put it in your eyes or eat it though, thats silly.

In laymens terms for us less scientifically adept? = It makes slimey!
Yep its brilliant stuff, i've just found the sheet...i might as well type in the recipe here for any other people who wanna try it.


Container to mix it in, Sodium Borate Solution 4% (10cm3), poly (ethenol) solution 4% (50cm3), gloves, a stirring stick, food colouring.
(you can buy chemicals online if you look about)

What you do

1. Put about 50cm3 of poly(ethenol) solution into a container (e.g. polystyrene cup). Stir the solution and add a few drops of food colouring at this stage (or fluorescent die)

2. Add 10cm3 of sodium borate solution and stir the mixture vigorously. Keep stirring while the mixture is setting. When the mixture has set to a gel (well slime really), take it out the cup and shape it with your hands (wear gloves!)

3. Mess around with it! The slime is not dangerous, but as a precaution you should wear gloves and wash your hands at the end of the experiment. Maybe wear goggles as you pour mixtures if you like pouring stuff in your eye...ha!

Thats it really. The amount we made was only small but hell it was so much fun. That recipe, including the sodium borate and poly(ethenol) in a 5 : 1 ratio, just maintain that ratio but increase the amounts to get more slime. Happy sliming.
lol, now that i think about it, it's kind of ironic for people to post slime-creating recipes on an hl2 forum. <3
morningstar said:
lol, now that i think about it, it's kind of ironic for people to post slime-creating recipes on an hl2 forum. <3
shit, we talk way more about non-HL2 stuff now that we've completely exhausted all topics of conversation ranging from rumors about the game pre-release to the citadel's resemblance to a phallic member. That latter thread was closed extremely fast.
Spend 5 bucks on a porno mag for me and I'll give ya lots of slime :naughty:
Hectic Glenn said:
Yep its brilliant stuff, i've just found the sheet...i might as well type in the recipe here for any other people who wanna try it.


Container to mix it in, Sodium Borate Solution 4% (10cm3), poly (ethenol) solution 4% (50cm3), gloves, a stirring stick, food colouring.
(you can buy chemicals online if you look about)

What you do

1. Put about 50cm3 of poly(ethenol) solution into a container (e.g. polystyrene cup). Stir the solution and add a few drops of food colouring at this stage (or fluorescent die)

2. Add 10cm3 of sodium borate solution and stir the mixture vigorously. Keep stirring while the mixture is setting. When the mixture has set to a gel (well slime really), take it out the cup and shape it with your hands (wear gloves!)

3. Mess around with it! The slime is not dangerous, but as a precaution you should wear gloves and wash your hands at the end of the experiment. Maybe wear goggles as you pour mixtures if you like pouring stuff in your eye...ha!

Thats it really. The amount we made was only small but hell it was so much fun. That recipe, including the sodium borate and poly(ethenol) in a 5 : 1 ratio, just maintain that ratio but increase the amounts to get more slime. Happy sliming.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but this sounds similar to the recipe that calls for Borax and Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA)...

in any case, i'm not sure where you'd be able to get PVA or polyethenol.
crude oil. kinda stains but if you could heat it up a little bit then i think it would be fine.