Need some advice

That's what I'm afraid of: if I have more contact with her, she will not let me go, and stalk me...
Ugh, I know your pain. I get unwanted attention from people, except these are people I have to see everyday at school, I always seem to attract the freaks.

Edit: lol, I seem to be the only person with this username on the internet, except for a few people in Germany.
Skaadi said:
Ugh, I know your pain. I get unwanted attention from people, except these are people I have to see everyday at school, I always seem to attract the freaks.

Thats caused by your alien psionic waves. :E
First to say: This thread is useless without pics

fake edit: both yours and hers
No no no.

He wants pictures of you two having sex so he doesnt have to imagine it.
just bang her then bang her best friend when you get bored of her and then she will leave you voluntarily, and if she doesnt.. threesome. its a win win win situation.
Reaktor4 said:
just bang her then bang her best friend when you get bored of her and then she will leave you voluntarily, and if she doesnt.. threesome. its a win win win situation.

QFMFT (Quoted for mother fu***ng truth)

That's how i'd play it :naughty:
There's something quite odd about travelling 4000km JUST for sex.

What I'd do - tell her 'Look, this is the internet, don't get so obsessed over someone YOU DON'T REALLY KNOW, please, it's not fair on yourself. This isn't gonna work'


Seriously, 4000km. Just. For. A. Shag. No, no.
Here is one picture:

I picked the best one. The computer in the background makes up for it.

Edit: And for all those smartasses, that's not me, but her! :p
Drop it. Tell her that you're actually a forty year old internet stalker and now that you've collected all her information, you will track her down and use her skull as a bowl to drink the blood of virgins from.

It's possible "she" is just some dude screwing around with you. I've done it before.
See the look in her eyes...they're glazed over with that criminally insane "I'm going to kill you" look.

Give a wide berth.
Insano said:
That might turn her on...

Then send her a picture of goatse and say "HEY YA LIKE MY ANUS" and if she's into that then the best course of action is to kill her and pretend that nothing happened.
Just go for the truth, quick pain isnt as much pain as the long lasting pain. Also this girl is really wierd so block and ignore her after you told her it wont work.
Thanks Garfield_, I'll try to do that, instead of the anus thing.
Actually, call her up and pretend everything's normal. Then pretend that somebody's knocking on the door and act all surprised. Then open the door and quickly SLAM THAT ****ER SHUT. Start screaming and throw the phone around a bit while knocking over crap around the room. Beg for your life and keep making a mess then break something and let there be silence. Take your time to hang up the phone.

If you did it right, she'll think you're dead.
No, she'll probably kill herself for losing the love of her life. And luckily for you, there isn't an afterlife.
just tell her that you fall in love whit someone else and you only can be friends
Something tells me that Garfield_'s plan is much easier.
Skaadi said:
*adds to collection*
That will never work on my superior Irish brain! 100s of years of whiskey and potcheen has forced the Irish brain to evolve much further than those of the other races.

English Brain--->:burp:
American Brain->:rolling:
Aussie Brain--->:imu:
Irish Brain----->:bounce:
Insano said:
Here is one picture:

I picked the best one. The computer in the background makes up for it.

Edit: And for all those smartasses, that's not me, but her! :p

She looks like she's 5.
Oh my ****ing Lord, She is one ****ing ugly chick. Dude, like seriously, talk to her and tell her how ****ing ugly she is, and how you now have to uninstall MSN for ever meeting someone so horrific. Please be as mean as possible, and tell her to:
1: Kill herself
2: reincarnate as roadkill
if she was hawt i would tell you to secks her.
Since she isn't just tell her the picture wasn't of you and that you are ugly.
Hmm, You could:

1. Create a new email address.
2. Say you have PC problems and you wont be on the PC ever again.
3. Say you are going to die in 5 min (then block her)
4. Dont block her and tell her and hurt her feelings.
5. Meet her take that picture back and tell her to stop kissing paper!!!!!11111
lol she looks young. and isnt really that fit......

get a pic of her in slinky jeans and a tshirt or something! and see what she really looks like....

And seriously jsut Fcuk budday!!!
What Ennui said

"Run to the Hills"
Now, that you posted her photo, she isn't hot enough to consider meeting with someone that is wrong in the head.
1. It is 400 km
2. Trust me: that was the "best" picture of them all.
it's obvious that you somehow offended her years ago and have forgotten her. now she's found you, she's trying to seduce you to coming to her house so she can kill you. So... let her down, hard and fast. your first mistake was getting on msn with someone you idn't know in the first place.

btw, sulkdodds=teh hawt.