Neverwinter Nights 2 first impressions

My CPUs clockspeed is at 1.7 gHZ, I have a readean 9800 pro and 512 MB RAM, its the CPU I fail at but it runs fine although I cant have all the options turned on but I dont need to have them all off/turned down. I have only played a couple of hours and I must say the game is worth taking the chanse.
Wow, if your computer can run it, my definitely can...

But I'm scared to waste any monies D:
Something is definitely up with my configuration because it runs like ass on my machine which can run Oblivion high res and high options. Damnit. Time for more screwing with settings...should be worth it at least--its been fun so far (minus the choppiness).
Something is definitely up with my configuration because it runs like ass on my machine which can run Oblivion high res and high options. Damnit. Time for more screwing with settings...should be worth it at least--its been fun so far (minus the choppiness).

yeah, i've got a similar rig to yours (P4 3.2Ghz, 2gig Ram, x850xt pe), and I get 30+ fps indoors, and only slight dips outdoors, but nothing that renders the game unplayable. are your drivers up to date? fyi, i use the omega drivers for my radeon.

edit: forgot to mention...1028x768 res, average of medium settings on the first page of options, max draw distance, combo of min-max settings on the second page.
yeah, i've got a similar rig to yours (P4 3.2Ghz, 2gig Ram, x850xt pe), and I get 30+ fps indoors, and only slight dips outdoors, but nothing that renders the game unplayable. are your drivers up to date? fyi, i use the omega drivers for my radeon.
No, my drivers are a tad old. I'll see if that helps. Danke!

I'll also post if I get it straightened out.
Good luck on getting it straightened out. I made a vow not to play this crap until it is fixed.
Well, what do you know? It plays MUCH better now that updated to the latest Catalysts (6.10). Plus I turned normal mapping of terrain off, but I don't know how much of a gain that was. Anyway, everything runs much smoother with the new drivers. Can't believe I didn't think of that! Now I will have to see how high I can turn things up and still get to run nicely (I am not getting my hopes up too high however). Thanks for the help and sympathy peoples!!
Argh! I ****ing hate the catalyst control center. How much god damn flash do you need? Too resource intensive and too flashy. The old way was better.

I also hate updating to ATI drivers because my computer reacts very sluggishly. My start menu takes a couple seconds to open fully, I right click on the desktop and it takes a second or two to fade into view.

And as always it takes me a bit to figure out why it does this, and to fix it.

I'm also getting an error in the control center when trying to update my settings...

"the currently used opengl driver does not support the required extensions to run the 3d preview"

EDIT: Arrrrgh god damn mother****ing piece of shit windows! I tried doing a windows repair installation, and it's now hanging up in the installing devices phase at 34 minutes left, and nothing I do can get it going again. My computer is ****ed. I have to find some way to back up my important information on there, and reinstall windows.

**** **** **** **** ****.

I read on a forum that the 34 minute mark is when it has an issue with the graphic drivers. That would make sense since I installed the latest ****ing catalyst drivers just prior to this.

How to uninstall graphic drivers in dos?
If any of you guys are still having troubles playing, you may want to try this. I am playing at almost max with some of the shadow resolution settings set a little lower. I uninstalled the game, and reinstalled without patching. I can play at max in an area I was getting around 3 fps before. This is how it ran when i first installed it so I don't know if it was the patch or just something that went wrong as I was playing but this has helped a ton.
shit ..what the hell is it with the games I want to buy and performance issues? Gothic 3 and now NWN2? this rate I wont be buying anything this holiday season till they've patched it to a playable state ...but I so want to play g3 or NWN2

You n me both.
Unoptimised and unfinished games are a symptom of modern apathy which is spreading at an alarming rate.

My solution was to return to tyria and buy Guild Wars Nightfall yesterday, which runs like a dream, plays like a dream and looks lots nicer than Gothic 3, which is odd as it uses a much, much older technology :/

NWN never really grabbed me, the shockingly bad single player game put me off the sequel. Mybe if I hear enough good things about it i'll buy it sometime after xmas.
PS: This game is good.

It's everything KOTOR 2 should have been.
Hmm, well i got it today, but i'm quite disappointed, my specs seem fine and suited for the game seeing as i can run games such as oblivion and source maxed out, yet this is going extremely shitty even on 1024 x 768 on medium settings .. :(
what's your specs? ..funny thing is last year this time I upgraded for oblvion, gothic 3 and NW2 ..and now it doesnt look like it makes a difference what pc I have ;(

Gothic 3 crashes before it even gets to the menu. :( I know I need to upgrade, but I should at least be able to get to the menu, or get a relevant error message.
PS: This game is good.

It's everything KOTOR 2 should have been.

HEY. The ending is a little lackluster, but that doesn't stop it from being the masterpiece it is.

Think I could run this decently on an athlon 3200, 1 gig ram, and 6600 GT?
Don't suppose anyone can help ??
Been trying since ive installed it to get it running decently without any FPS lag so it don't look as someone said earlier "like a slideshow".

ATI X850XT PE 256mb pci-e
1gb ddr2
p4 3.2ghz

I've tried everything from running on the lowest resolution on the lowest settings to running it on average settings on 1024 x 768 and then running it max, it's all horrible performance wise, i have the latest drivers, i just defragged, nothing is overheating, no virus's or nothing. I checked the NwN2 forums and it's just people flaming each other over it as it seems some are getting the same problem and some are not :( .. if anyone has any idea, please let me know, i'm dying to get stuck in :(
HEY. The ending is a little lackluster, but that doesn't stop it from being the masterpiece it is.

Think I could run this decently on an athlon 3200, 1 gig ram, and 6600 GT?

I have almost the same rig however it runs like shit. Out side at the start I lag to a stop. I should probably lower the resolution and see what happens.
Easier and more profitable to let the gamer foot the bill by having to buy more and more hardware to run these things than it is for developers to properly test and optimise to run on existing systems like in the past. Wtf is with this shitty industry nowadays? I'm going to take up macrame instead. Anyone want a string owl to hang on the wall?
It's not the game apparently though, according to quite a few people on the NwN2 forums it's our hardware -.- ... as people with machines worse then ours are running it perfectly .. how that makes sense i'll never know but hey, i hope someone has a fix or they patch it soon because not being able to play it kills me :(
I don't want to go on another one of my personal rants about the industry but i find it funny how patching these days has become more of a crutch for pc games than any advantage. Most games will sell the bulk of their copies in the first few weeks. If the game doesn't profit well in these weeks, it probably never will. Therefore, from a publisher's standpoint, is there any real reason to continue supporting a game after it is released? No. I also absolutely hate the argument of "this will be patched in later" or "that will be patched in eventually", when it was something that should have been done in the first place. Nothing is guaranteed, period. For once, i'd like to see a patch that actually adds something new rather than fix a stupid problem. This does happen, but is extremely rare and is usually for some other "purpose".
I agree, but in this instance i'd rather they fixed the problem which seems to be haunting 95% of their community before adding anything new.
Performance/Technical issues aside, how is the actual game? I may pick it up after a few weeks of patching...
Don't suppose anyone can help ??
Been trying since ive installed it to get it running decently without any FPS lag so it don't look as someone said earlier "like a slideshow".

Some people have reported huge preformance boosts after turning off xfire. You might try that if you have it. I reinstalled nwn2 without patching it and that fixed my problem. It seems xfire doesn't work without the patch so that may have been my problem as well. From reading the forums though it looks like one person solution won't work for everyone.
Yep i just found that after a bit of searching, disabling Xfire while playing makes it run perfectly, just as it should, apparently Xfire messed something up within their update to make it compatible with NwN2, so all those who now read this and wonder whats going on ... TURN OFF XFIRE :D
well to be fair to developers most publishers sign them up to 2-3 patches after the game ships, that's it ..anything else comes out of the devlopers pocket
Man after that whole windows repair installation crap... I had to completely reformat my hard drive. My previous windows installation was totally fubared.

Anyways. I'm on a fresh install of windows, with drivers installed and everything. This will be a perfect opportunity to test NWN.

I will also test the x-fire thing as noted, to see if it has that great of a performance effect after a fresh install.
Well, can honestly say i am bloody impressed, after finding the cause of the FPS problem i'm now playing maxxed out on 1280x1024, looks beautiful and so far i've been impressed by every second of gameplay, anyway, thought i'd minimise to post :P .. back to playing ^.^
I am going to do four tests. They won't be scientific or anything, but i'll judge how each one feels. I'll update after finishing each one.

Before Patching, X-fire Disabled: This works very well. My settings are on fairly high... textures on high shadows on medium(one below the highest), and things are running quite smoothly outside all things considered. Even tilting the view and looking towards town to get as many npcs as I can on screen. And holy hell, this engine is capable of handling alot of npcs compared to the first NWN.

Before Patching, X-fire Enabled: Whoa... it seems this is true! After enabling x-fire and launching the game again, going through the same scenario I did before, it was choppy inside the house and unbearably choppy while outside! Character animations were not going off properly, and everything was just jerky and terrible. I'll definitely be disabling x-fire while I play, until they fix this problem. Now on to the patch, and the next two tests. It'll take me a little bit for these last two tests, since the patch takes soooo long to finish.

After Patching, X-fire Disabled: After patching, it seems that the game runs roughly as it did before patching. If I would have to say there is a difference, I would guess that maybe it is a little slower performance wise after patching? It's difficult to tell. Only runs with a little bit of chop when moving in an area with lots of npcs on screen.

After Patching, X-fire Enabled: The game is just as choppy as it was before the patch, when x-fire was enabled. Pretty much unplayable and unenjoyable as animations are incredibly slow and sometimes don't even work right... and the chop is terrible!

That confirms it. Something to do with X-fire causes the game to run VERY poorly. Just not having it running while you play seems to clear my problems all up. Now I can actually play the game and enjoy it, without being distracted by the incredible graphics lag.

Thanks guys!
Thank YOU for giving us the results of your testing so others won't have to. Thanks man! :thumbs:
Argh. I ran into a gamestopping problem. I was loading my saved game, and it is sitting on the screen saying 'unpacking module' endlessly. I can't load my game. Grrr!
I never bother with extra installations, so I never had the X-Fire problem to begin with. It runs pretty alright on my pc with everything on high, except I have those simple cone shadows, which look dull.

Everything looks pretty good though, especially in dungeons. The only thing that bothers me is the insane aliasing.
Extra installations :/ .. Most people already had Xfire :p
Me either. Funnily enough Gothic 3 asks to install xfire too...
Another few things to try. Not sure how much they will improve performance, but some people have said they did. Occasionally there is a bug that changes the refresh rate in the nwn.ini file to -1. Set it back to whatever your refresh rate should be. Note, this is in the documents and settings .ini file, not the game install location.

Also, you can try changing your setcachesize to 50, from whatever number it was at for another boost in performance, according to some people.

I still haven't resolved my save game issue.

EDIT: I tried those two things suggested on the forums, and they didn't improve my experience. If anything they made it slightly laggier, at least from what I can tell.

I'm not going to play this game until they iron out alot of the bugs. I'm sure it will be great, but it has far too many game stopping bugs at the moment.
Well, can honestly say i am bloody impressed, after finding the cause of the FPS problem i'm now playing maxxed out on 1280x1024, looks beautiful and so far i've been impressed by every second of gameplay, anyway, thought i'd minimise to post :P .. back to playing ^.^
Good deal. I was really pleased when it started working smoothly for me too. Though trying to split my time between this and Final Fantasy 12 is killing me!!!
I havent encountered many bugs yet, except mine just crashes/freezes randomly like ever 20 mins or so and it won't let me ctrl+alt+del or alt+f4 out so have to reboot. Apart from that it seems to be good, performance gets a bit choppy when many people fighting on the screen and when i move the camera down so far (probably something to do with draw distance).
Yeah, Only on rare occassions my FPS drops now, mainly when there's over 10 people or so on the screen at once, other then that havn't run into any crash's/freezes yet.
Having updated the graphics card and sound drivers and squeezing a little more out of my brothers amd64 3000+ the game is running pretty smoothly at 1280 x 1024, no shadows, high settings on his machine. He hasn't mentioned any game crashes or freezes either, so all seems to be well now.
Argh this ****ing game!

I found that I also can't run my antivirus with the game or else it'll detect viruses, which will force me out of the game, which will cause the game to crash. And once that happens, it corrupts my saved games.

Jesus Christ. I had a fine save that I saved well before the crash, and it still got corrupted because it was the last save? BULL SHIT.

This game ****ing sucks until they can fix these issues. And I appologize for my language, but this is completely stupid. I have never had a game that brings up false positives of viruses.

Learn to beta test your god damn games Obsidian. It may be a good one, but I can't ****ing tell because I can't get out of the first town.
:O ... First i've heard of these crashes from someone