New Half Life 2 pic in EGM!

just take down the link and give him a slap on the wrists
*Saves illegal beta pictures to hard drive*

Weeee, now I can look at them whenever I want and you can't stop me... :LOL:
sabre89 said:
I was just kidding.

Here you go guys.

ok, thanks. is that scanned at postage stamp size for a reason? or just to lead us on...

:) cheers, it's still good to see something new.

probably means we'll be seeing the full size shot in the next few weeks.
wow, that magazine picture looks pretty damn impressive even though it is rather small and blurred, the atmosphere/envirement seems pretty damn realistic-ish looking
heh nice little pic, hard to tell the progress is any has been made form that shot. gg

wow i love how some people are wannabemods, but hey everyone wants power. i love hl2.
/me lays down $100 on a bigger version of that pic being in the next PCGamer.
ar, why must it be so small :(

I see some trees.. thats a good sign.. hopefully they wont look like something drawn on paint like in HL1 :p
It looks more sandy and desert-ish than other screens. Not sandy like the dried up sea though.. OMQ GORDAN SI GOING 2 ITALIE!!
that picture is clearly from the beta. it looks like an area near the dried up sea, maybe up a bit of a hill to the area that used to be above land.
Doppelgofer said:
yes theres a scary building at that bit :)

wow thanx i dont have to play the game now i know whats gunna happen!!! :LOL:
Oh yah, I remeber that part from the beta. Real cool part, haha I ruined the story for you...its cool.
In the vids, all the trees seemed to be burnt, but in that pic, theres actually leaves or something, are you sure its from the beta, it looks higher quality than the E3 vids?
Beta spoiler, I suggest you edit it out before a mod does.
But was there leaves on the trees in the beta, or is that new. If it is new then it means they have made some sort of progress
But was there leaves on the trees ...

my friend has a friend that has a friend, and this friend has just checked it... no there were'nt any...
Guys...honestly. We're better than this. First off that pic sucks. You can't see crap and it's so friggen small and low res you'd never see anything good. Secondly it doesn't show anything new. It's just some combine being shot at. You all need to settle down because this isn't anyhting special.

I shouldn't even be excited about them releasing an SDK but when they do I will be. I don't mod at all but I will still get it and see what's in it. sheesh...this game should have been done by now..I'm bored with this crap.
wonkers, its not the screenshot everyone is excited about it is the fact that valve released somthing new. But we soon found out that pic was from the leaked build and this thread died.
I sense magazine bannage. I don't understand why a magazine would do that. My eyes hurt from straining.
I'm still not convinced it's from the beta, posting an unauthorized screenshot would be suicide for a gaming mag.
I am pretty sure it is beta, look at the reticule(unless it is off) you can't see it because in the beta it is just a few little dots.
Bannage? Anyway, it is NOT from the beta. I cannot give proof, and NO I vae not played the beta. It is NOT from the beta. All remain calm. Krinkels stop spamming. If you want to stay at these forums, abide by the rules. Wow! I should apply for a job as a mod.D :D :D :D
It's true that you do see that area in the beta, however the grass looks a bit different. But if you get an official ss you're not going to print it the size of a postage stamp.
yay im a zombie, you guys (mods) should change it so ur rank stays on your posts, so like "when i posted .. as a headcrab, it stayed as headcrab, no turning back, ye get what i mean?"
Krinkels, calm down! I'm telling you to calm down.....Oh, forget it, please proceed
Holy shit... well... "Got The Life" is a good song...

(some mod needs to either delete all his posts or merge them... hah, that'd be crazy)
krinkles, you'll get banned and youre post count reset/....... you DO know that dont you .....
What the hell was that about , I just lost the plot. Very well, does anyone know
when valve will be releasing new pics