New Half Life 2 pic in EGM!

I don't think Krinkles knew what the *edit* button was used for. Oh well...we'll probabably get a series of new screenshots and maybe a video! In the meantime, drool over this
and this
...and this...

i don't know guys, this game just looks better and better as the days go by.
OMG, a tiny little scan of Half-Life 2!!!111oneoneone!11eleven!!111 :O :rolling:
im not too into stalker, but that sky and m4 look pretty cool. im hoping that they dont mess up the reload on the m4 like they did in cs.
100 replies on a tiny thumbnail pic...

Oh dear...

In the meantime, yes, drool awards go to Stalker.
Spiffae said:
ok, thanks. is that scanned at postage stamp size for a reason? or just to lead us on...

:) cheers, it's still good to see something new.

probably means we'll be seeing the full size shot in the next few weeks.

No sorry thats the actually size it is in the mag. I was dissapointed too. ;(
Oh yeah, and krinkles your gay go die. :thumbs:
Stalker looks better than HL2, my only complaint is the stupid lens flare thing when you really look at the sun it doesn't do that lol.
Foxtrot said:
Stalker looks better than HL2, my only complaint is the stupid lens flare thing when you really look at the sun it doesn't do that lol.

It doesn't?
Nope, I am kind of an expert at this. I stare at the sun for hours....
you think stalker looks better? i think they have similarities, and each have strengths in different areas, so i consider them to be pretty equal.
I heard Half-Life 2 won't have weather effects or shadows from the sun and stuff like that.
Lens flares occur when looking at the sun through imperfect lenses, i'm not sure how perfect our eyes are but thats why they are much more apparent through cameras and the like normal eyes would not see the lens flare. I was right, looking like looking at the sun all day has paid off!
Foxtrot said: normal eyes would not see the lens flare. I was right, looking like looking at the sun all day has paid off!

doesn't that hurt? :LOL:
Hell yah it does, you also can't see for like an hour because there are dots in the middle of your vision...
HL2 does have weather fx

All shadows are projected in one direction (not effected by light sources) the only realtime shadows are those on normal maped surfaces

I got this info from a rick ellis email
the sky in the stalker-screenshots looks amazing.. well let's see what halflife2 has to offer hehe :)
If i'm not mistaken, does that not look very similar to alcatraz? (at least the pics from the alcatraz publicity thing)
Foxtrot said:
wonkers, its not the screenshot everyone is excited about it is the fact that valve released somthing new. But we soon found out that pic was from the leaked build and this thread died.

it is NOT from the leaked's a MAP from the leaked build, and therefore of course, a map from halflife2 ..but very much upgraded with trees and such.
We can see the progress made.

damn..can't you guys think at your own? :p
the sky in the stalker-screenshots looks amazing.. well let's see what halflife2 has to offer hehe
It's just a firgging bitmap. What's so impressive about that?
*shaking head in shame* why people... just why. This is the equevilant of doing a study on sidewalk gum.
I think he means everyone wants to see a larger version of that pic...
What's going on in here ?

.... iI........Ii
==0( o o )0==

it's just a shitty pic move on
Wonkers is a little :rolling:, but that's to be expected, eh? ;)
I think I should have just not looked at this thread...

but as I am here, is the picture bigger in the magazine?
finally somehting new!!!!1

mrchimp said:
I think I should have just not looked at this thread...

but as I am here, is the picture bigger in the magazine?

I scanned it directly from the magazine untreated. It's the same size in the mag.
Dagobert said:
It's just a firgging bitmap. What's so impressive about that?

Actually its not JUST a bitmap, stalker has a full dynamic sky system with moving clouds, lense flares and the whole bit