W4E said:
I think they'll reshow the ending of HL1 at the beggining of HL2.
on gman04 it says the last line of HL1.
It's also in the E3 2004 demo, where he says:
"That's all for now. The right man in the wrong place, can make all the difference in the world. I will see you up ahead." Its the same soundclip as in the E3 04 demo, so its not from HL. But I do also believe HL2 will begin with the end of HL
On second thought, I guess it COULD be from the new, sourced version of the end of HL if its in HL2. But I don't think so.
:( i havent seen the e3-04 vid :( when will they release it on a dvd on a magazine? i cant download it cos ive not got broadband :(
broadband shmoadband
The russian translations sounds awesome! I think I'll buy that one instead of the english. :D
CB | Para said:
OMG new media!!! Gman wave files!!! This is so not exciting.

It's good news for many people outside U.S/Can that the voice overs are just as good as the english ones - you should see the shitty translation job other devs do. This is infact a great thing valve is doing, and a worthy piece of media to show that this game is going to be good for not only people in U.S/Can/Britain or any palce where english is spoken - but for foreigners too.
It is also good news that the localization has begun. The game must be well on it's way to completion.
DrEvil said:
It is also good news that the localization has begun. The game must be well on it's way to completion.
Ohh I think they took care of that quiet a while ago. ;)
Never got the thing with dubbing movies/games, thank god we don't do that in Sweden.
Localisation will have been going on for a long time now.

Anyway, I guess they are kinda cool...

But to be honest I didnt find them as exciting as some here..... :(
the russian guy scares me, both because of his freaky voice, and his 1337 actor skillz
I always wondered if someone could do the ultimate test and see if a def person could read the G-mans lips in the G-man BINK.
That would be pretty cool.
AJ Rimmer said:
I always wondered if someone could do the ultimate test and see if a def person could read the G-mans lips in the G-man BINK.
That would be pretty cool.

im sure i heard somewhere that someone did that, im sure it was in the valve thread, asking about subtitles, because they couldnt read the lips...
guchi said:
im sure i heard somewhere that someone did that, im sure it was in the valve thread, asking about subtitles, because they couldnt read the lips...
Awwww... they look so realistic but I guess they are not quite there yet. Oh well, give the computer gaming world five more years and you'll see...

You'll all see.
Of course they don't have "Wake up and smell the coffee" in rusia, so "wake up and smell the ashes" wouldn't quite as interesting as it is to us, hence the different wording. I wonder how many other coloquisms(spelling ?) like this have to be dealt with among the different languages.
I'm more curious about languages I can actually understand :/

I've never heard a decent dutch translation and I probably never will.

AJ Rimmer said:
You'll all see.
That's very unlikely considering more than one of them will have passed away by them, statistically. Then you've got to consider changes of interest, etc... And let's not forget getting a REAL girlfriend.
Sourcerer said:
Of course they don't have "Wake up and smell the coffee" in rusia, so "wake up and smell the ashes" wouldn't quite as interesting as it is to us, hence the different wording. I wonder how many other coloquisms(spelling ?) like this have to be dealt with among the different languages.
Uhhhh... well I never heard of wake up and smell the coffee but I thought it sounded cool anyway ;)
Sourcerer said:
Of course they don't have "Wake up and smell the coffee" in rusia, so "wake up and smell the ashes" wouldn't quite as interesting as it is to us, hence the different wording. I wonder how many other coloquisms(spelling ?) like this have to be dealt with among the different languages.

actually, in sweden we dont have "Wake up and smell the coffee" either, and i didnt even know of that quote till now, but i still thought "wake up and smell the ashes" was a really cool line...
See? We swedes have a mind chip from IKEA implanted in us so we all think alike.
hah, exactly what i was gunna say! i think i need sleep...
pixartist said:
lol ************* is censored?
rofl ^^
*bad url* has tons of stolen content all over it. Also they refer to new posters as :Gabe n00bs. I find taht funny lol.
wtf, in the 3rd english clip the gman sounds like he has learning difficulties
And yet, even with all this stolen content, Gabe sends them exclusive sound clips. I cant believe how much they hit on this site. Did onboarderrors post get deleted and he got banned for posting them?
mbrithoms said:
wtf, in the 3rd english clip the gman sounds like he has learning difficulties

Seriously - have you played Half-life?

You'd know that he speaks in a very weird way - almost as though he has some problem of speech.
yes he does plenty of dramatic pauses but he actually sounds freaking retarded in number 3
G-man sounds really strange in HL2. Although the other characters sound normal. It's like he has a speach impediment problem, they made him sound like that though so he probably isn't human.
just so everyone knows, Half-Life2 will be supporting a heck of a lot of languages out of the box, i beleive specifically, Russian, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, German, and British. Half-life2 will also haeb subtitles for all of these languages so you could play the game with English speaking characters, but german subtilies. or Russian speaking characters with English subtitiles, or Chinese speaking characters with Italian subtitles!

All of it out of the box people! right when you open up that sweet sweet game. customizable from the preferences menu it 'tis.

How Sweet Is That!?

(answer: "too sweet" )

Wow, the Russian voice actor is unbelievably close to English in pronunciation. And the choice of phrases produces comparably spooky monologue.

Good job!

Stan R.
#3 is kind of a spoiler IMO. g-man sounds like he is.... in human in that one.
mbrithoms said:
yes he does plenty of dramatic pauses but he actually sounds freaking retarded in number 3

IMO gordon stumbles into g-man while transforming into his real form.
tut tut tut rocks..why are you guys hating on it? their banner is halariousely funny,(the 0 is gabes head) thats why gabe loves them.
Subz said:
naughty rocks..why are you guys hating on it? their banner is halariousely funny,(the 0 is gabes head) thats why gabe loves them.

It might have something to do with the beta info they stuck on their website. :)
People here don't hate them, thats the thing. They just don't want to link to websites that support development of the beta.

People seem to jump to conculsions all the time. "We filter out this website". "OMGxorX y0uo l3ik h@t3 tem!!!111!". No we just have a rule of no linking to sites that support development of the beta.
ShadowFox said:
Maybe #03 plays when you cheat and get near the GMan.
Exactly what I was thinking - but then again... Oh who knows. With almost every new piece of media Valve releases, it becomes increasingly apparent how significant the G-Man is, and how much we're going to see of him. Oh goody.
AJ Rimmer said:
I want the rest of the sound clips from the "Rise and shine"-speech
I'd rather play through it... Especially seeing as that's likely to be from the beginning.
Mechagodzilla said:
...or the red light district. :eek:
Now that you mention it, I was thinking that the Russian voice actor was vaguely sexual...
In a few years, the hl2 beta will become a historic piece of software. If you quash is now, then you'll be to blame for losing a valuable piece of history.
Doom betas and alphas are all playable and legal, but its just for curiousity. HL2 beta will continue regardless of your website, so why do you bother censoring it?
Yeah, I don't think anyone hates them.
At a glance, The only real beta info i found was how to use the beta, no pics or sound wavs or real files.