Because I have commited crimes in the past (under age drinking, stealing a few songs, smoking pot) I should never be allowed to protest something? I should never be allowed to defend what I think is right?

No. You should be in prison.

hey Careful on that thread guys, some peeps avatars have pics of Leak Material :O avert your eyes , I think its a serious spoiler or 2.
I think thats the intro or something when he wakes up. Cool stuff anyway.
clarky003 said:
hey Careful on that thread guys, some peeps avatars have pics of Leak Material :O avert your eyes , I think its a serious spoiler or 2.
You know, if you hadn't said that, nobody that didn't know would have noticed...

Now everyone is gonna analize them avatars :p

Anyway, if it is what I think it is, it is a major spoiler indeed. Don't scroll farther than the first post if you don't want to see it (and you don't).
DeltaBlast said:
You know, if you hadn't said that, nobody that didn't know would have noticed...

Now everyone is gonna analize them avatars :p

Anyway, if it is what I think it is, it is a major spoiler indeed. Don't scroll farther than the first post if you don't want to see it (and you don't).

sorry I thought if I didnt warn, everyone would just go free wheeling down the thread.
DeltaBlast said:
You know, if you hadn't said that, nobody that didn't know would have noticed...

Now everyone is gonna analize them avatars :p

Anyway, if it is what I think it is, it is a major spoiler indeed. Don't scroll farther than the first post if you don't want to see it (and you don't).
Hmm, I read the whole thread, and looked at the avatars, and I'm not aware of anything being spoiled for me. I think I know which avatar you're talking about, but I didn't even know to assume that that was from HL2 at all. It may well not be. Unless I'm looking at the wrong one?


Until very recently (yesterday, in fact) I had no idea that Gabe supported, and posted information at, the banned site. I didn't even know it existed, because I've always come here, to, thinking that this really was the "definitive hl2 source", but it's now apparent that the site can't live up to that claim and keep it's current censorship rules at the same time. I can only wonder how many posts from Gabe I haven't read, just because they were posted on the banned site. Apparently the admins here banned someone for posting links to this information, which seems rediculous to me as it's come from Gabe.

If wants to make a protest against all sites who have any information about the leaked build whatsoever, that's fair enough, but by doing so they are certainly compromising their ability to be a "definitive" source of information reguarding HL2. I've always liked this site but it looks like I'm going to have to visit others too if I want the whole picture. And since I do actually have an ounce of intelligence in me, I'm sure if I don't want to read leak info, I can safely avoid it by not clicking the "HL2 Beta FAQ" link.

I think this website would do better (and have more respect from me, and I assume a few other people) by cautioning people that the banned site contains leak info, in a "go here at your own risk" kind of way, rather than censoring the evil URL from our innocent child eyes. That would seem, well, less insulting to our intelligence.

(Sorry, I know I had a bit of an argument about this yesterday in another thread, but I think it's relevant to this thread)
Gabe has only made 2 posts there IIRC.

The sound clips and the hacking steam games comment.
Logic it's a fair point you make but we've always stood by our not reporting or linking to sites that use or host beta information and as far as I am aware the majority of our community has supported us in that. As for Gabe well I can't speak for him, I can only say honestly if that genuinely is him then I'm let down that he went there given how much support the hl2 community not only from here but most other sites supported valve after their mishap.

If you feel this position insults your intelligence then my apologies but for the time being we have to stick by our guns , if in the end that proves futile so be it
but I'm glad of all the support we've received over our stance on this subject and as I say it will stay the same way for the time being :)
Something else that people should bear in mind:

This is an internet discussion forum and, as such, is absolutely no place for reasoned debate, logic or reason.

Pi Mu Rho said:
Something else that people should bear in mind:

This is an internet discussion forum and, as such, is absolutely no place for reasoned debate, logic or reason.

We can try though right?... :(
Hot Soup said:
Logic it's a fair point you make but we've always stodd by our not reporting or linking to sites that use or host beta information and as far as I am aware the majority of our community has supported us in that. As for Gabe well I can't speak for him, I can only say honestly if that genuinely is him then I'm let down that he went there given how much support the hl2 community not only from here but most other sites supported valve after their mishap.

If you feel this position insults your intelligence then my apologies but for the time being we have to stick by our guns , if in the end that proves futile so be it
but I'm glad of all the support we've received over our stance on this subject and as I say it will stay the same way for the time being :)
Thanks for your response :) (I got bitter responses for saying similar things on another thread). I do stand by what I said, but it's certainly the right of whoever owns\runs this site to make the rules, so I'm not going to try to stir up arguments or anything. I guess what annoys me about censorship, is not knowing exactly what's being kept from you. In this case, for example, I'd rather see the link, know what's on the site (illegal or not), and make the choice of whether or not to go there myself.

Anyway, you guys do run a great site, so despite any disagreements, I'll still support it and post here :) (not that I post all that often anyway :p)
Pi Mu Rho said:
Something else that people should bear in mind:

This is an internet discussion forum and, as such, is absolutely no place for reasoned debate, logic or reason.


You can't get anymore sig worthy than that. :D
Pi Mu Rho said:
Something else that people should bear in mind:

This is an internet discussion forum and, as such, is absolutely no place for reasoned debate, logic or reason.

It's the perfect place for it, really, despite the general lack of it ;)

You've got a good point about the spoons, though.
Skullhair said:
Why does still censor tralallaa? I know it has the beta info on it and all, but don't you think when Gabe himself starts to post on there that it's time to make it uncensored? Gabe doesn’t seem to have a problem with it or he wouldn’t post there. Just my 2cents :)

Because a lot of us here don't want to go to links on this site and encounter beta material. I don't want anything spoiled for me. That's why this site is good because they make sure that beta stuff isn't revealed dumbly.
Can't someone e-mail Gabe to get this site shut down, it has so much leaked crap on it's forums. Some users have links in their sigs to their sites containing custom source maps and the moderators aren't doing anything about it.

The user named jb55 seems to be a bad one, he's made an HL2 server browser called EkomZ for the LEAK, and guess what, the moderators are doing nothing!

Also he's made player model fixes for the leak.

You can find the threads if you look at his Profile then view his posts, i won't post the URLs here.

Why would Gabe give small exclusives to this illegal website???
StardogChampion said:
Why would Gabe give smalls exclusives to this illegal website???

I've had a hard time figuring out why Gabe would post there aswell...
Oh come on, we (hl2w) keep things legal and we're not terrible people.
If you've all finished talking about the new HL2 media then I'll close the thread :)
It sounds like the site's run by 12y/o's aswell, Gabe should stay well clear in future...
I'm guessing why Gabe posts there and doesn't pursue any action against the site is that he realises that a considerable portion of the HL2 fan base (future customers) have and play the leaked build. Most of these people are going to be buying HL2 when it comes out (I really doubt anyone's going to not buy the game simply because they've already played the leak), so rather than make enemies out of a large number of fans\customers, he's gotten over the leak and is supporting even the parts of the fan community who have it. After all, people who are mapping and developing for the leak are obviously very enthusiastic and will likely be among the first to start seriously developing for HL2 when it arrives. Illegal though the leak may be, and as bad an occurance the theft was when it happened, nothing can be done now to reverse it, and attacking those who use it would only be a negative, unproductive thing for Valve to do at this stage. Gabe obviously recognises this, and is therefore treating all the major fansites pretty equally when it comes to PR.
*edit* ^Well said^ :D

hl2worl*d isnt bad at all. Some ppl just need to loosten up a bit. Brake some rules at least once! Cmon ppl need a place to talk about stuff we cant in other places and hl2worl*d is the place. And JB55 is a good friend of mine. He is also a very talented prorammer. If it wasnt for the leak i wouldnt be able to model, texture, or code!
Logic said:
I'm guessing why Gabe posts there and doesn't pursue any action against the site is that he realises that a considerable portion of the HL2 fan base (future customers) have and play the leaked build. Most of these people are going to be buying HL2 when it comes out (I really doubt anyone's going to not buy the game simply because they've already played the leak), so rather than make enemies out of a large number of fans\customers, he's gotten over the leak and is supporting even the parts of the fan community who have it. After all, people who are mapping and developing for the leak are obviously very enthusiastic and will likely be among the first to start seriously developing for HL2 when it arrives. Illegal though the leak may be, and as bad an occurance the theft was when it happened, nothing can be done now to reverse it, and attacking those who use it would only be a negative, unproductive thing for Valve to do at this stage. Gabe obviously recognises this, and is therefore treating all the major fansites pretty equally when it comes to PR.

I've seen a bunch of people at HL2World talking about pirating VALVe games/having CZ pirated.. :|
Shuzer said:
I've seen a bunch of people at HL2World talking about pirating VALVe games/having CZ pirated.. :|
Hmm, well that's no good, pretty stupid too really, considering it wouldn't be hard to track them down. Still, those people only represent themselves badly, not everyone there, nor do they represent everyone who's played the leak, and I'm sure the people running the site don't condone pirating games instead of purchasing them. Also, I'd be willing to bet there are more than a few people here who pirate games, the difference being that they don't\can't talk about it here.

Once the pressure of getting HL2 out the door is over, I'm sure Valve will be quite active in fighting the piracy problem.
Oh, I was by no means saying everyone at HL2World is like that. It's just, alot of people are .. meh. Even here.

Still, I've played the stolen build, and I have every intention to buy HL2. I completely agree that most everyone having played it is just as if not more likely to buy HL2. I have it preordered :)
The fact that people there have major spoilers in their avatars and sigs, call Gabe names, call other people names, freely discuss the leak and warez, and so on, is reason enough to disallow linking to the site. Don't you think?
these have been posted already, but i think the old post was deleted
DeltaBlast said:
The fact that people there have major spoilers in their avatars and sigs, call Gabe names, call other people names, freely discuss the leak and warez, and so on, is reason enough to disallow linking to the site. Don't you think?
Depends on your point of view.. in my oppinion raising awareness about something bad works much better than hiding it from people. What you've said (other than namecalling :p) is certainly reason enough to advise people that they risk seeing spoilers or discussion of illegal things if they go there, but I see no reason why people shouldn't know where the place is. Besides, I'm sure spoiler\warez conscious people would appreciate knowing where not to look if they want to avoid spoilers.

For example if someone who doesn't like spoilers is googling for HL2 and comes across the banned site, and doesn't know about it, they'll likely unwittingly explore the site and forums, whereas if, each time a link to the site was posted here, it was left alone, but had a little "view at own risk, site contains spoilers and beta info" (and namecalling if that bothers you :p) disclaimer put next to it each time it cropped up, the person may have seen this disclaimer, and would therefore, if he\she choses to, avoid the site upon finding it on google. Much better.
You guys need to lighten up.

If you dont want to see leaked info, then dont go to posts that have spoiler warnings on them you fool!

hl2world is a great place with great people, but if you want to be an asshole there, you'll be treated like an asshole should :)

I dont see what the big gruge is with us and all you admins here, is it that we've got more things to talk about then you guys do?.. Well, it just may be ;)

so go on, come visit hl2world ;) you're missing out, really.
Well when i visited i immediatly got told what happens when you go into the room in trainstation :|

Some of the stuff they have done with hammer is quite nifty.
Joeyslucky22, I get the feeling you're going to be asked to change your sig ;)
It's not a direct link so the admins can't force me to change it. :dozey:

^ben yes, lots of cool things have been done with hammer. Theres actually some old maps I havn't seen before and they've amazed me. Theres some pretty impressive people in the forums.
Joeyslucky22 said:
It's not a direct link so the admins can't force me to change it. :dozey:

^ben yes, lots of cool things have been done with hammer. Theres actually some old maps I havn't seen before and they've amazed me. Theres some pretty impressive people in the forums.

I'd actually think highly of those people, if they stop making immature jokes about Gabe being overweight, I mean come on man!, even kids have grown out of the typical "your a fatass" routine. :dozey:
Joeyslucky22 said:
It's not a direct link so the admins can't force me to change it. :dozey:
I wouldn't be so sure...

Hmm, this really has gotten off topic, hasn't it... So yeah, those new sounds... Actually I thought the stumbling on words was perhaps a bit overdone, certainly taken further than it was in the original game.. It probably works quite well in the context of the game, though, it definately adds to his distinctive character. I'm sure good writing will make it work, and I have faith Valve will have done a good job of that.

You wont be complaining in-game.

None of you will.

Cause if you do, you're just too picky and you don't deserve a copy of HL2.
^Ben said:
Well when i visited i immediatly got told what happens when you go into the room in trainstation :|
My experience wasnae quite so bad, but the 2nd thread I looked at was all about leaked stuff, which was barely hinted at in the title. Also someone had a gif avatar made from the leak! In fairness, it looked very good and gave nothing away.