New HL2 Video


Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
New HL2 video to be released tomorrow VIA steam
Steam will now actively send you the next Half-Life 2 movie, Barricade, once you login.

If you'd like stop the movie from automatically being sent to you, right click on "Half-Life 2 Movies" in your games list and choose "Do Not Automatically Update This Game".

We'll be making the movie available to everyone to view at 4:00 p.m. PST tomorrow when enough people have gotten a head start on the download.

Erik Johnson
It's going to be Barricade .. AKA streetfight ..
scene with barney and all :cheese:
Originally posted by nw909
3rd time posted,

Use the search button kthx.
that's great maybe if the forums weren't so damn buggy then maybe I would of.. plus I didnt see any other posts concerning this.. too bad I don't spend all my time on these forums resfreshing it every second like you do
Originally posted by ChessMess
I didn't know either... thanks for the info!

preloading the movie right now :cheers:
thanks for info, I'll get a head start then... and for posting the same topic... every time you do, someone else will know about it, so all the better
nw909 you dont have to be an asshole cuz he dosent like you he hates me too and still im nice...
Hmm soft of a weird update .. I got the updating message right away but there is no progress bar.
All you have to do is refresh just before you post the new thread in a different window. It should be obvious that there are hundreds of people here who knew about the release at the same time as you, so it bears extra caution to avoid duplicates. You're just luckly, we got mods here with fast-on-the-draw fingers! :)
Mine did say it was downloading at 1.5Mb/sec, and seeing as 1.5 Megabytes per second is clearly impossible, would someone care to tell me how my 1 Megabit connection downloads at 1.5 Megabits?
Originally posted by -*Mi6*-Mr_Matt
Mine did say it was downloading at 1.5Mb/sec, and seeing as 1.5 Megabytes per second is clearly impossible, would someone care to tell me how my 1 Megabit connection downloads at 1.5 Megabits?
divide 1500 by 8 = 187.5 kilobytes per second
This confusing stuff is just a marketing ploy to make us think steam is super-fast.
Originally posted by -*Mi6*-Mr_Matt
This confusing stuff is just a marketing ploy to make us think steam is super-fast.
well, I think someone mentioned earlier that it started some time in the earlier dial-up days to make it seem a lot faster; for example, even the network status has it; "link speed: 50kbps," while that's only a little over 6kb/sec
Originally posted by -*Mi6*-Mr_Matt
Mine did say it was downloading at 1.5Mb/sec, and seeing as 1.5 Megabytes per second is clearly impossible, would someone care to tell me how my 1 Megabit connection downloads at 1.5 Megabits?

first you need to realize megaBIT and megaBYTE are very different. when you seen Mb/sec that means Megabit, if it's a capital b MB/sec then it would be MegaByte.

1.5Megabit = ~185KB/sec (KiloBytes, not Kilobits)

i believe they're going to change it due to people being confused, but yeah, no bandwidth monitor is ever perfectly correct, except of course DU-Meter, which i love dearly.
So what's the deal with the uploading of "Barricade"? Did the first, say, 200 people to log on first get priorities for upload? Cause I've been checkin my Steam monitor every minute and I don't see anything relating to the "Barricade" movie.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
So what's the deal with the uploading of "Barricade"? Did the first, say, 200 people to log on first get priorities for upload? Cause I've been checkin my Steam monitor every minute and I don't see anything relating to the "Barricade" movie.
maybe it's already been downloaded? or try a reboot? sometimes Steam doesn't close all the way, so I gotta do ctrl-alt-del... who knows
Yeah, I'm still not seeing the new movie... and I've rebooted and all that stuff...
It doesn't mention what it's specifically downloading. Make sure you have "Update this game" enabled, then see if it starts downloading something.
Letters -- if you're looking to view the movie, you can't do that until tomorrow when they enable it. This is only to download it early so Steam isn't clogged with users all trying to get it at once. You can see the movie tomorrow at 4PM PST (7PM EST)
Ahh... thanks... and I see that it is updating now when I go to properties... wooo I get it now!
We'll be making the movie available to everyone to view at 4:00 p.m. PST tomorrow when enough people have gotten a head start on the download.
heard that one before :flame:
Big Deal.. another movie.. yeehaw... where is that Old New is so Exciting pic... these movies do nothing for me.. I want new stuff, new news, new content information, new pictures, unseen movies and most of all I want the game before October!!
Originally posted by Arn
heard that one before :flame:
at least he's being specific, unlike before the first vid came out... "there will be new media released about once a day"
Originally posted by TAZ
Big Deal.. another movie.. yeehaw... where is that Old New is so Exciting pic... these movies do nothing for me.. I want new stuff, new news, new content information, new pictures, unseen movies and most of all I want the game before October!!
hopefully we will get the new stuff by end of this month, or early next... something that we haven't seen before
Heh heh, you guys should listen to yourselves...complaining about not getting any new material. Be thankful you're getting ANY at all. Head on over to the 3d Realms forums and take a gander at the posts on the DNF page. Considering those fans have stuck to the boards for well over five years in anticipation for ANYTHING new, they're pretty mature and patient compared to you. George Broussard should bend over and take the proverbial ass blast from Gabe. Lord knows he could teach ol' George a thing or two about marketing. If you ask me Valve are geniouses at the hype game. They're doing exactly what they should to create the most sales possible for this game, and they know it too. Their CEO, an ex-Microsoft guru, ain't no amateur in the software biz. So, for the sake of yourself, glean a little more maturity on these boards when it comes to raving about wanting new material. We all know that Valve will deliver in the end, for they always have.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Heh heh, you guys should listen to yourselves...complaining about not getting any new material....

Who is complaining about not getting new material? I just stated that the movies are old and that it will take new material to get me interested in anything they have to offer. The only good coming out of the videos being released IMPO is the closer they are to releasing them all, the closer we are to getting new info.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Heh heh, you guys should listen to yourselves...complaining about not getting any new material. Be thankful you're getting ANY at all. Head on over to the 3d Realms forums and take a gander at the posts on the DNF page. Considering those fans have stuck to the boards for well over five years in anticipation for ANYTHING new, they're pretty mature and patient compared to you. George Broussard should bend over and take the proverbial ass blast from Gabe. Lord knows he could teach ol' George a thing or two about marketing. If you ask me Valve are geniouses at the hype game. They're doing exactly what they should to create the most sales possible for this game, and they know it too. Their CEO, an ex-Microsoft guru, ain't no amateur in the software biz. So, for the sake of yourself, glean a little more maturity on these boards when it comes to raving about wanting new material. We all know that Valve will deliver in the end, for they always have.

*applaudes spitcodfry* Well done, I couldn't have put it better myself.

I'm just happy that we're getting media for HL2, rather than nothing at all. The next movie will arrive when it arrives, and no sooner...
Originally posted by Keva
wheres is it??? its 12.00 am here 4:00 PST

the video will be released at 16:00 PST August 12th, right now it's 04:33 PST August 12th.

so you see, you have much time to wait.


arent timezones fun!!!!!!!