New info from the gameplay videos

Who cares , it will the most amazing boss fight ever! Plus , you would have to incapacitate DOG rather than totally destroy it. It could be a great non-linear combat situation and DOG throwing objects at the player and in return blocking and breaking the physics objects Gordon throws , that would be awesome.
No pheropods?

I don't know about you guys...But the pheropods was one of the coolest aspects of HL2. The Raid onto Nova Prospekt with your 'buddies'...
"Go, my children,...Slay slay, kill..." ;)

I hope they come back in HL2Ep2. Not from the beginning but like after you survived the Antlion nest and defeated the Antlionking you could pick m up and use them to raid a combine outpost. Maybe like in HL2 they are limited in time and geography...

Any comments?

Yeah I jut couldn't help but shout, "FLY MY PRETTIES, FFLLLYY!" when using the antlions for the first time so yeah i would like to see a return of them.
Pheropods - certainly. It would be even cooler to control those glowing ones. If Gordon fights along a vortiguant, maybe he will once again "retrieve" them?
Yup I was actually thinking about Dog and when the topic was made about who was going to die, I thought we had neglected Dog. I would personally very upset if Dog died. Mainly because he is like awsome and can kick arse, but also because he is nice, friendly and playful, just like a real dog, he may be a robot but he shows emotions too. So if it was him I would say he sacrifices himself for Gordon or Alyx in some way. Also, imagine the impact on Alyx, I mean Dog must be Alyx's oldest friend. Valve did say we will see a large developing of Alyx's character in EP2. I think its a very good possibility.

I love the idea of Dog resting in peace, esp. thinking about how the resistance can resurrect him easily, with a new look and new features in future games. Imagine meeting "Dog Next Gen" in Half Life 3. Also it would be touching to watch him sacrifice himself for Alyx.
I'm afraid Dog is going to die. Perhaps not in that one-on-one battle with the Strider, but I sense that it is time for something real tragic to happen in the series. I don't think there would be anything sadder than Dog sacrificing himself to save Gordon and maybe some others. It's that whole "he's just a robot, but his emotions seem so real" thing that would tear me up inside. I don't know about you guys, but when Data died in Star Trek Nemesis, I cried.

I'm pretty sure mossman has goten killed but nah she doesn't count lol
I doubt Mossman will die - its too obvious. My money is on Eli - he has an emotional connection with just about every character, which from a storyline point of view opens up new threads.
Who cares , it will the most amazing boss fight ever! Plus , you would have to incapacitate DOG rather than totally destroy it. It could be a great non-linear combat situation and DOG throwing objects at the player and in return blocking and breaking the physics objects Gordon throws , that would be awesome.

Yeah, but this is Half-Life, which focuses on none cheesy story points. I don't know where all this "dog will be reprogramemd" is coming from. It was bad enough when people kept saying "ZOMG soldiers are now on our side". :)
Hot news: gameplay videos from GC will be released to the web and on Steam next week. Sex in HD!
DOG is awesome, it would suck if he died. Mossman, meh if she dies who cares, just as long as barney doesn't die, he's one of the coolest characters. I hope Dr kleiner dies, more important, I hope we get to kill him hah.
Is it, aint he talking about new videos or have a missed something here :S

I know one new Episode Two video released on steam just this week.

The GC 2006 Episode Two trailer with G-man walking up Alyx's unconcious body & says to Gordon....."Your not supposed to be here, Forget all about this."

that trailer is released on steam, I found that out on
A poisonous antlion? What?

Seems to me more like an exploding antlion.

I'm just hoping this is a placeholder:


Total pwnage.
DOG is awesome, it would suck if he died. Mossman, meh if she dies who cares, just as long as barney doesn't die, he's one of the coolest characters. I hope Dr kleiner dies, more important, I hope we get to kill him hah.

What? Barney is not > Kleiner.
Kleiner at least has a personality, it would suck if he died.
And who would look after Lumar!!!!!
I wonder how the G-man escaped the Vortigaunts from Episode One...
I really hope a character dies. I want to see how the other characters react to his/her/its death.

It'll be very awesome to watch that.
to clarify things...

List of people who may or may not die, starting with least likely:

Odessa Cubbage
Dr. Breen (in a new host body ?!)
Gordon (many, many times)
Male 07 is the model used ever f*cking Gmod comic.
Man, the strider buster looks pretty ordinary :(
You CANNOT kill Kliener.
Thats like killing Jim Raynor or Samos the sage or whatever. Its not right!:monkee:
Man, the strider buster looks pretty ordinary :(

VALVe said in some interview that the artwork for the strider buster isn't finished yet, but what we got to see was the game mechanic.

So, expect a better look by the final build...
I think they should develop the characters a little more before killing them.

I mean, who the hell will care if they kill mossman?
Yeah, poor eli, but he already lost azian. And a leg. And his planet. And his research base (black mesa east). He nearly lost his daughter. So, I think they should leave the poor old man alone already :D.
They should kill Odessa "Cabbage", no one cares about him anyway. :dork:
Yeah, poor eli, but he already lost azian. And a leg. And his planet. And his research base (black mesa east). He nearly lost his daughter. So, I think they should leave the poor old man alone already :D.
Lol :LOL: :LOL:, poor Eli.

What story is complete without a pompous british colonel?
...who stays far away from the front lines and then takes credit for the victory ;).

So you really think I wrote "cabbage" on purpouse? Why the **** do you think I used ""?
Nobody thought you spet Cubbage wrong - you're way over reacting to something that didn't exist in the first place.