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page 97...three more pages...

then, To INFINITY! and BEYOND!!

sorry i meant to say 5000 posts, it has 40k views
lol i looked at these forums a couple of hours ago, then i checked back a min ago and was like wtf? 90 pages?
dan, thats not 40k posts, its 40k views, and 5k+ posts, but decent enough anyhow.
I just got home from class and this is crazy! That move rocks! ...but where is steam?
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
First person to post on the 100th page is a FAG! Its coming fast... DONT be the ONE!

Hell, I'm already an asshat and a ****tard from this thread...
but yeah i corrected myself after i said that, only it must have blurred past your screen before you could read it, either that or my corection is alreayd 4 pages back
a while back there was a bunch of talk about masturbation.

just go through all the 'Mike's Left Hand' strips. It fits in well with all the masturbation stuff. Then when you are done with that, go through the rest of the comics there. It's pretty damn funny, especially the 'Suicide Girl' and the 'Bukkake Star' strips...
i wonder if this is the fastest growing threead in internet message board history.. wow, it prolly is
Originally posted by coax
i wonder if this is the fastest growing threead in internet message board history.. wow, it prolly is

Wouldn't doubt it.. and we have proof with the dates on the posts!
Heh.. So anyone think people are going to see the thread tommorow and think it's a 'revived' thread and ignore it and completely miss out on the goodness?
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