New Videos.. When!!!

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Originally posted by LPC
lol... Valve never confirmed this, 82ross is right. it was just a speculation, and now everybody started to believe it... LOOOL. you guys crack me up

Originally posted by ferd

they did

It got confirmed after that post smart arse.
erm, i think i am gona go for a little while. I expect something interesting to have happend by the time i get bk ;)
They do contain new footage though, which is always a good thing.

Where was this said? I don't remember hearing that, just "the e3 vids"
Ever thought that there may be new info on HL2 released also?
Its next monday folks, if u havent read the other posts in general disscusion u can read this! sorry! :(
damn that's cool!

i heard that they will be only available via Steam 2.0 ..
Originally posted by Tyl3n0L
damn that's cool!

i heard that they will be only available via Steam 2.0 ..

they will be on steam first, but im sure they will get around to sites like fileplanet and stuff.
i think it is just the same video but with just a few new bits...
Well, damn, all this worked up over not much? Meh...
Someone post the link when it is released, i'm gonna stay up for it :)
2 morrow? is it so hard to type 2 extra letters?

Originally posted by Ender
2 morrow? is it so hard to type 2 extra letters?


Hahah, how funny. Notice how you used "2" instead of "two"?
Originally posted by jhero
Umm, isnt it "to" ???

I meant the part where he said "is it so hard to type 2 extra letters?". Quite hypocritical, really.
LOL, my mom always makes me think I'm at school when I'm at home. Annoying..
Yeah.. but im an asshole.. its my job to keep these forums straight
and abom.. i meant to put 2.. its called a joke yeah..
Originally posted by Abom|nation
I meant the part where he said "is it so hard to type 2 extra letters?". Quite hypocritical, really.

Originally posted by Ender
and abom.. i meant to put 2.. its called a joke yeah..

Sure. Pardon my complete lack of being able to tell.

Originally posted by DigiQ8

What is your problem? I was actually semi-sticking up for you!
i will... just loosen up a bit.. im just keeping this place moving..
How the hell should i know? I don't make them I just post them

I can't wait till people can spell tomorrow!
Originally posted by Ender
How the hell should i know? I don't make them I just post them

Ah, so the care-o-meter is not real. Your point was null and void.
I never said the care-o-meter wasnt real.. i just said I dont make the "pictures" I just post them.
According to theory you just spent a whole 19 seconds making that post