New weapons?

It wouldn't really make sense for them to replace the AR2, seeing as how the remaining Transhuman Combine forces would probably be disadvantaged if they downgraded their weaponry, not to mention the issue of how they would rearm all of their troops; if they (Valve) introduce a new weapon for EP3, then it should augment, not replace, the existing weaponry.
probably the AR3... or the ability to wrestle hunters to the ground solely using our fists.... killing 10 to 20 a day.

in all seriousness... i think they should toss the grav gun along with the crossbow (which was a random weapon from the start), and add in the xm28.
i also think it would be pretty awesome to throw in a way to look through the sights to improve the accuracy of some weapons...

There's no way they're going to toss the gravity gun yet. And I love the crossbow, so nyah. :frown:
Only new weapons i want are an upgraded version of the RPG and pulse-rifle. An Alt fire on the RPG so that it fires straight instead of following the laser (at first i didn't know about how the laser worked, and ended up firing at the target, and hiding behind something, only to have the rocket come back and shoot whatever i was hiding behind and kill me)

And please, GIVE THE PULSE RIFLE MORE AMMO IN EACH CLIP! That's why i NEVER use the gun, because i know that i'll be out of ammo in about two minutes!

I think that's why you use the pulse rifle only against the Combine so you can get more ammo after each firefight :|
The AR3 needs to have a secondary fire that fires a barrage of hunter-style flechettes
It would be handy for fighting against larges groups of enemies
I seriously think a Kalashnikov would have been available by now. I mean HL2 is set in Eastern Europe and even though this game is set in the future they still use submachine guns. I would have thought that the place would have been littered with left over weaponry.

Unless of course the Combine did some sort of gun seizure after the surrender...
Yeah imsure that the combine "discarded" the primitive human weapons and moddified the ones that seemed promising.
Well the combine are a bunch of crack pot alien maggot things so......:hmph:

Im thinking that the gordon might get into some kinda accident like in some kinda combine lab, and get one of his arms fussed with some sort of synth technology. Dosetn make anysense but were talking about valve here so thay could do anything.
That'd be like God Hand, where you're this guy who has a super arm.

"Kill 20 Combine and then do a super ultra combo thing to kill even more!"

in short, I doubt it.

Play every half life game ever made.....


Go throught the whole game without dying (this would probably be hard for the newbys out there)

The iorny of futuristic war

Kill someone by propelling a droped weapon at them
I want atlest one new weapon, just one. Just the feel of the current ones are feeling outdated. I wants me some AK-47.
I too want a new weapon or two. Namely the flare gun - I mean, come on! We're supposed to be heading up out to the Arctic, and I want something to set zombies on fire with. And for my second choice, I would have to saaaaaay... damn. That's a hard one. To pick a new weapon and integrate it into a game where everything is - at the very least - acceptable? That's hard. Heck, I'd even suggest having my beloved fare gun for a small duration of the episode.

But there will be a new wep, or two, and I originally thought it would be a new grenade, since I did not previously make the connection between the Hopwire Grenade, the Recoded Hopwire Grenade (or Vortex Bomb), and the Magnussons. However, I now think that it may be a periodic new addon to the grav gun - like the Supor Grav gun episode at the end of HL2/Ep1. They will not put in an ice axe. What would be the point? That would be like adding an Energy Sword with a serrated edge to Halo. Without taking the old one away. Because the'yre not taking the crowbar away, it's Gordons Weapon - he probably has his name inscribed on it somewhere. Hang ong, no he doesn't, he's had at least (counts on his fingers) 1(HL1)...2(HL1)...3(HL2)...4(EP1)...5(EP2)...5! He's had atleast five crowbars. :(

Anyways, I've rambled enough, and so shall let you get on with your topic.

Cut Vehicles and Weps from HL2
I WANT MY AK47... but the gunfire sound has to be the same as the one is cs, it sounds way more badass than it does in games like CoD4
Barney's gonna be pissed if he loses the one he has at the end of EP2!
Told him not to lose that one. lol

Its a different crowbar...he already lost Barney's crowbar when he got knocked out by the car on the train at the end of Episode 1.

Barney will be cheesed though...:|
Its a different crowbar...he already lost Barney's crowbar when he got knocked out by the car on the train at the end of Episode 1.

Barney will be cheesed though...:|

I'm not sure if it was the car that knocked him out, since you see that actually smack into the back of the train but bounce off, i think it's the whole train wreck in itself. On another note i wonder why Alyx and Gordon didn't think it'd be smart to get to the front of the train after seeing the big explosion thing 'chasing' after them.

The Shotgun - But not to get off topic the weapons we have at this point are sufficient but getting a bit dull, i mean how many times are we going to be walking through some radioactive waste, watch a zombie come up half way out of the toxins before you blast it in the head with a shotgun and kill it with one shot. Also when did valve decide that this shotgun could also be used as a long ranged weapon? I know that's not how it's supposed to be used but there's rarely a moment which you really have to fire long ranged and even during those times the shotgun usually gets me the kill in a few shots.

The Pulse Rifle I don't like the pulse rifle because of mainly the small clip and how rapid it shoots which usually results in me saving it as a last resort other then my pistol. I like the charged pulse alt-fire but the only problem is that unless your in a combine-controlled area you hardly ever find rounds of that which i guess is understandable but still kind of annoying.

The SMG - The SMG is fine, you have plenty of ammo at all times but that's sort of what makes it like the opposite of the pulse rifle, since i find it greatly weaker, though it's only noticeable when attacking things like the Antlion Gaurd so it's not much of a problem and even the secondary grenades are easy to find.

Grenades - I think grenades are normally fine but personally i don't much like the main fire since even though you throw it, it usually ends up rolling away from the enemy long before it explodes which is why i only usually just drop it in front of doors the Combine are about to blow open.

The RPG - As said before, the only problem i have with the RPG is that you can't fire it straight, and for people who don't pay attention to odessa cubbage and don't know how to use the laser pointage, it makes the gun near useless since even i tried shooting and hiding behind something so i wouldn't get shot at, and only end up blowing myself up.

The Crowbar - Yes, i do dare complain about the almighty crowbar, it's really no big deal other then usually i even resort to my normal pistol other then using it, since i usually can blow my enemies up in 9 different ways i never really find much use for it unless by some miracle of life i run out of ammo... like when i decide to spawn an army of antlion gaurds in Portal Playground and try to kill them all myself... (i do this often.)

The Pistol - I don't have much to complain about with the standard pistol, it does decent damage and has a huge ammo reserve, but like the crowbar, usually i can kill my enemies in just about ANY other way that i barely bother to even think of using the pistol.

The Revolver (or magnum, w/e) - The revolver is a good weapon, i can admit to that, at first i didn't know much about it and never used it because it wasn't a big gun (what a shock), but now the only thing i can complain about is the reloading time, which i find deathly long. I even overlook the small ammo in reserve because of how majorly powerful it is, but i simply hate waiting for it to reload while Gordon takes his sweet time pulling out all of the shells, calmly putting in all of the next bullets, then finally slinging it in and spinning it. I know that doesn't sound like a long time but only someone who's really experianced it will know that in the action you're often in, it has an annoyingly long weight.

The Gravity Gun - The Gravity Gun is hard to complain about in almost all situations, the only downsides to it are must having a object that can be shot at high speeds to kill someone and pretty much just sometimes overlooking it because the situation requires something that shoots bullets instead of a toilet/cement blocks/whatever.

The Crossbow - is fine kthxbai!

P.S. Yes, i DID just complain about every weapon we have, except bugbait since we only see that in one game.
I'd like to see a proper sniping weapon...the Crossbow is just a poor man's Magnum with a more powerful scope.
I seriously think a Kalashnikov would have been available by now. I mean HL2 is set in Eastern Europe and even though this game is set in the future they still use submachine guns. I would have thought that the place would have been littered with left over weaponry.

Unless of course the Combine did some sort of gun seizure after the surrender...
That wouldn't really make sense, the Combine never use the revolver or the crossbow, those seem to be weapons that would have slipped through if there was some sort of seizure. If so, then I don't see how there couldn't be some rebel weapons cashes with a few AK 47's in it. That rifle really would make a cool addition to the game. Also, I wouldn't mind ironsights being implemented into the game. Why have that cool holographic red dot on the SMG for nothing????
true that

if not something from the kalashnikov varieties then perhaps the galil, fn fnc, or xm8?
those weapons wouldn't make as much sense as the AK-47 though, seeing as the AK-47 is such a mass produced and common weapon.
yeah, it would be cool to have the sniper rfle.

Not that much. The Crossbow is the equivalent of a sniper rifle. Although a sniper rifle bullet would cover more distance before losing its speed.

EDIT: Id like to see a more uncommon weapon. Kindof like The AR2, but something more different.
I was satisfied with friendly rollermines, flares and Magnusson devices. As long as we keep getting new of such stuff, I'm fine. Manhacks is a possibility. I don't think it will happen though. I do however think that the flares will make a reappearance.
but those aren't new weapons in the traditional sense. I think most people in favour of a new weapon want something in a weapon slot.
Manhacks is a possibility.

That reminds me of a time in Episode 1 i think where i took a Manhack to Alyx and held it in front of her expecting her to hack it like she did on the Rollermines, before i realised that it wasn't likely she'd work on it if she wanted to keep her hands. Not very smart on my part. :LOL:

Took some thinking to bring this together, but I like it so far.
LOL !!!

but i think if there were to be a new weapon, its going to be a melee type of weapon.
but i think if there were to be a new weapon, its going to be a melee type of weapon.

I have to agree with others thinking that another meleee weapon would probably work the same way as the crowbar, maybe if there's an icepick make it actually break ice in a few hits but not with the crowbar, but i guess that it doesn't really matter to me because i barely ever use the crowbar anyway and that probably wont change with any other melee... that is except on those rare occasions i run into a room and see a combine standing there staring out a big hole in the wall shooting at my allies, and i just take my sweet time getting the crowbar out and beating him to death on the back of his head.
Yeah I think you're completely missing the point. What you're suggesting is an unbalanced mess that would take a humongous dump on the sophisticated game design from a pretty big height.

true, most of the stuff was pointless and stupid. but, i liked the fact that i could blast away enemies without really worrying if i was going to run out of ammo, because i'd always have 50 other ways to kill em.

i think...
it would be cool to introduce a heavy machine gun and perhaps a new type of resistance soldier to wield it.... "CRY SOME MORE!!!" :sniper:
i think...
it would be cool to introduce a heavy machine gun and perhaps a new type of resistance soldier to wield it.... "CRY SOME MORE!!!" :sniper:

I think the combine elites have an animation for a weapon called the hmg1.
Heavy machine gun?

file names are different to what they are all the time, it may have been originally a machine gun, but then they changed it to the strider gun, keeping the original file name
Yeah. I believe the file name for the SMG's grenade is ar2_grenade.
There is water in the arctic. There is harpoons close to water. Maybe we'll see a reappearance of the harpoon (though I still think flares is more likely).