New XM8 Lightweight Assault Rifle

much more interesting than objects made to mete out death

but I agree, spam is still spam's just so quite around here
looks a lil like the gun from alien, the m40 or something like that. Looks to be jsut the modified g36, judging from recoil and appearance.
hehe, looks like a phaser rifle or something. H&K stole all my ideas, too.... bastards.
Damn't I want a pony!!!

Anyways in my opinion the g36 looks better....I don't like that green futuristic looking bullshit.Also I know I's not about looks...but you got to kill in style..right?
politics and crap aside, aesthetically speaking I don't like it. Not that I don't like it now, but it's kinda stylized. I'd much prefer to have a classic weapon. the old M4 just looks cooler.

btw is this the gun that can fire ak47 rounds too? or is that something else?
It can't fire soviat 7.62 rounds.

You might be thinking of the OICW. This is based on the kinetic (standard gun) part of the OICW. The other part is a 20mm grenade launcher.

BTW The OICW was canned, the things too big.
As the G36, the exterior is mostly made of 'plastic'. And yeah, the looks suck, that's why I don't like it...

Real rifles look like the HK G3 or FN FAL... :D
Raxxman said:
It can't fire soviat 7.62 rounds.

You might be thinking of the OICW. This is based on the kinetic (standard gun) part of the OICW. The other part is a 20mm grenade launcher.

BTW The OICW was canned, the things too big.

The XM8 is a slightly re-designed kinetic part from the OICW...

Also the latest ive heard is that H&K are busy redesigning the XM8 barrel to chamber the new remmingtom 6.8 SPC round.
H&K are busy redesigning the XM8 barrel to chamber the new remmingtom 6.8 SPC round

Yeah, thats what I meant earlier, just thought they made it for that calibre initially...
impressive features, however the actual aesthetics of the gun aren't that pleasing... it looks too futuristic, but not in a cool way.. more like a Judge Dredd kinda way.
as someone else mentioned, the barrel looks pretty short too.
Something to point out: those smooth and irregular lines will probably make it easier to hid with it than with a tradition sharp-edged weapon.
I don't think the people using these weapons really care if it is an advancement of the M16, as long as it doesn't have all the bad traits from the M16 i.e. flimsy, under powered (compared to competitors rifles), unreliable, difficult for a beginner to use and master, prone to jamming, etc.
Although in all fairness the M16 has undergone a lot of revision since its introduction. It and its derivitives aren't nearly as bad with those things as they once were.
Marines in Iraque were pretty satisfied with their M16's but 'standard' GIs just mentioned the RIS systems on their M4s as a real advance... so, yeah, Armalites can be usefull ;)
M16 isn't that bad. The merits and cons of the 5.56 NATO (.223 rem) bare little difference between rifles. A G36 is no more powerful than an M16 (a little less so due to shorter barrel) As the majority of current rifles (none sniper) being used by Western powers are chambered for the 5.56, its more a hobson choice unless the 6.8mm cartridge is used. and considering everyone Western has done what the US did in the past with the 7.62mm and 5.56mm rifle rounds, if the US picks up the 6.8mm round I guess the rest of the western powers will follow suite.

As for the smoothness. This will reduce snagging on stuff and is a decent idea.
the M4 isn't that great.

From the first sight, the M4A1 SOPMOD is an ideal Special Operations weapon - handy, flexible, with good firepower. But the latest experience in the Afghanistan showed that the M4 has some flaws. First of all, the shorter barrel commands the lower bullet velocities, and this significantly decreased the effective range of the 5.56mm bullet. Second, the M4 barrel and the forend rapidly overheats. Third, the shortened barrel resulted in the shortened gas system, which works under greater pressures, than in M16A2 rifle. This increases the rate of fire and produces more stress on the moving parts, decreasing the reliability. While adequate as a Personal Defense Weapon for the non-infantry troops (vehicle crews, clerks, staff officers etc), M4A1 is, by some accounts, less than ideal for the Special Operations troops, at least in its present state. The idea of the complete re-arming of the US Army with the M4 as a money-saving measure, also is somewhat dubious

However the XM8 has a few similar flaws to that of the M4
XM8 is an overpriced version of the G36. The army would be better off getting a weapon like the AN-94
Why doesnt the army just get the ak-47.. that would be awesome...
I hear you can buy one in afghanistan for about $4
I don't understand the fascination with new guns to be honest.

If it kills, isn't that enough? What do you want it to do? Make you a cup of tea while it kills people?
If it kills, isn't that enough?

No, it's not, you see that the last big wars were fought in desert environments, so reliability is a necessity. That's what makes the G36 better than the M4, for example...
CptStern said:
ya but the outcome is still the same ...death
Well thats not what I mean.See there are thousands of generic ak's out there.Most of them didn't even come from russia.So the point is...that if you buy some AK for $4 then it's more than likely gonna break on you during the heat of combat.
1. Reliability. You want your gun to shoot every time you need it to, and not to shoot when you don't need it to. It should be easy mantain.

2. Accuracy. Of course you want to be able to hit people at range

3. Stopping power. You want a single hit to be sufficent to take down an enemy.

And asking about the fascination with guns? Well considering how popular games like counterstrike, Half-life, Rainbow six, and their ilk are, why are you even asking this question?

Okay you can rise above it but to be honest there's an appeal about guns, they're objects that promote the feeling of power, which people like.
ya but if it's only $4 I'm sure that's all the person would be able to afford or else they'd buy something that was better

you cant compare playing a game with shooting a real world gun. I'm completely against gun ownership but most of the games I play are shooters

games = escapism

real guns = death and destruction
CptStern said:
ya but if it's only $4 I'm sure that's all the person would be able to afford or else they'd buy something that was better
Well....I guess that persons screwed then.
Recoil said:
No, it's not, you see that the last big wars were fought in desert environments, so reliability is a necessity. That's what makes the G36 better than the M4, for example...

And yet, no American weapon can ever compete with a 50year old Soviet design :dozey:.

The day the American army outfits it's troops with the ak47 or any derivitive of it is the day that Airforce One becomes a Cessna.
Tr0n said:
Well....I guess that persons screwed then.

it doesnt matter how well made your gun is ...9/11 proved that all you need is a little determination
AK knock offs vairy in quality, ranging from better than soviat models to much worse. And the AK is renowned for having a somewhat heavy kick.

and lets not put armed service members in the same boat as armed terrorists.
meh it's all a matter of prespective ..they're both fighting for a cause (right or wrong)
CptStern said:
it doesnt matter how well made your gun is ...9/11 proved that all you need is a little determination
Ok....WTF does that have to do with the AK debate?Now back to GUNS...The xm8 should "hopefully" be better than the m4.I've seen pictures were our troops are using AK's instead of there m4's, because there more powerful.

Edit:Keep with the topic at hand...guns...not whose beliefs are right/wrong.
Tr0n said:
Ok....WTF does that have to do with the AK debate?.


it's not about how good your gun is, it's all about who's behind it
CptStern said:

it's not about how good your gun is, it's all about who's behind it does that relate to what you said about 9/11?Damn you always gotta turn something into a flame war over some bullshit.Anyways...Why did they stop with the OCIW?That might have been better for our troops then the xm8.
Why did they stop with the OCIW?That might have been better for our troops then the xm8.

The weapon is huge, and the kinetic part has a tiny barrel length, making it pritty useless.

Also lets not get into an arguement with someone who confuses people who sign up to serve their country with people who would kill anything they can in the false belief that their god wants them to.