News Building, UN Building up in flames in Gaza


May 5, 2004
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here's a live webcam, it showed the media building in flames after an israeli attack. the building houses Reuters, Sky, Foxnews

Two cameramen were wounded on Thursday when an Israeli strike hit a building in Gaza City housing several international and Arab media outlets, witnesses said.

The two cameramen worked for Abu Dhabi television, officials said.

The Al-Shuruq tower, located in the Rimal neighbourhood in the centre of Gaza City, houses several media outlets including the Reuters news agency and television stations Fox, Sky and Al-Arabiya.

UN sources said the blaze was started by Israeli shells containing white phosphorus, the controversial material used to create a smokescreen for advancing troops.

Eye witnesses said the tank advance led to thousands of civilians fleeing on foot, some seeking shelter in the nearby al-Quds hospital.

Under the rules of war, white phosphorus can only be used in open spaces away from large civilian populations.

There have been repeated allegations in Gaza that civilians have suffered disfiguring burn injuries after being hit by white phosphorus.

The UN compound housed the headquarters and logistical centre of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the group that feeds and supports about a million refugees inside Gaza.

the apologies for continually hitting media, UN relief groups, refugee camps, civilians in general rings hollow
I suppose that why they didn't want international reporter there. But this is inexcusable, all these hits cannot be accidents. The use of illegal weapons on UN building cannot be excused. Israel has already made it hard enough to get aid into the Gaza Strip then setting them a blaze once the UN does cannot be tolerated any more. It's just a shame that the UN is a toothless lion, all talk no action. Unless they make the UN fair, remove Veto rights and make it democratic it's going to continue being a joke and country's like Israel are going to shit all over them.
I suppose that why they didn't want international reporter there.

or to control the flow of information. it's usually the first thing done during an invasion. The US hit al jazeera offices right before the invasion of iraq

But this is inexcusable, all these hits cannot be accidents. The use of illegal weapons on UN building cannot be excused. Israel has already made it hard enough to get aid into the Gaza Strip then setting them a blaze once the UN does cannot be tolerated any more. It's just a shame that the UN is a toothless lion, all talk no action.

unforetunately the UN is only as powerful as it's members ...and when the strongest member of the bunch supports israel well ...

Unless they make the UN fair, remove Veto rights and make it democratic it's going to continue being a joke and country's like Israel are going to shit all over them.

agreed but it's just as reasonable to point an accusatory finger at the member states that are actively undermining their own efforts in the UN
For some strange reason, I haven't seen Stern make a topic on Hamas rocket attacks before this whole thing started. Or do you only get outraged by acts performed by a specific party?
For some strange reason, I haven't seen Stern make a topic on Hamas rocket attacks before this whole thing started. Or do you only get outraged by acts performed by a specific party?

Gee, maybe because 3 people have died from those rocket attacks in this conflict? This is while over a thousand have died from Israeli attacks.

Why don't you start doing that. Any time Hamas blows up a school full of Israeli children, destroys a UN building, or any other crazy shit like that you can come on here and post. Unfortunately you probably won't be making very many posts.
Gee, maybe because 3 people have died from those rocket attacks in this conflict? This is while over a thousand have died from Israeli attacks.

Why don't you start doing that. Any time Hamas blows up a school full of Israeli children, destroys a UN building, or any other crazy shit like that you can come on here and post. Unfortunately you probably won't be making very many posts.

I said BEFORE the current mess. You haven't read my post, young padawan.
White phospherous is an AP weapon when used in built up areas. Nice going.
Why was there incoming weapons fire coming from that UN building and also earlier from UN vehicles? That has a shitload to do with it.

Any time Hamas blows up a school full of Israeli children, destroys a UN building, or any other crazy shit like that you can come on here and post. Unfortunately you probably won't be making very many posts.

DAMN that's straight ****ed up man. "Unfortunately" as in hopefully they blow up more schools and such?
And how many people died in those rocket attacks? I'll give you a hint, since 2000 only about 15 people have died. Now go check out how many people in gaza have died since 2000 as a direct result of Israeli actions.

"The death of one is a tragedy. The death of a thousand is a statistic."

While I do agree that the tragic civilian deaths in Gaza are atrocious, and I absolutely hate reading about them, wouldn't you be fairly pissed and want military action to be taken if rockets and mortars from a neighbor country are firing into your neighborhoods, at a fairly regular rate, despite low amount of casualties?

Note: this is in no way defending or justifying Israel's body count, but that's the context and reasoning that Israel made the offensive in.
"The death of one is a tragedy. The death of a thousand is a statistic."

While I do agree that the tragic civilian deaths in Gaza are atrocious, and I absolutely hate reading about them, wouldn't you be fairly pissed and want military action to be taken if rockets and mortars from a neighbor country are firing into your neighborhoods, at a fairly regular rate, despite low amount of casualties?

Note: this is in no way defending or justifying Israel's body count, but that's the context and reasoning that Israel made the offensive in.
Why are you quoting Stalin???

Are you agreeing with him? Are you a Stalinist?
Quoting Stalin is UnAmerican! Why do you hate America, porkins?
The reason I quoted Stalin is because this is a classic case of absolutes, supported by a number of members in this discussion: Gaza's death toll is the higher statistic over the deaths in Israel. Therefore, the party with the least amount of losses is the culprit. Although a seemingly low number of deaths in Israel has occurred as a result of outside missiles from Gaza, that doesn't justify reasoning to bombard Israel on a regular basis.

Inb4 "but they blewed up a school!" As I stated before, both sides are guilty of something that can be equated to terrorism.

Are you a Stalinist?

I'm no Stalinist

I'm a space station.

Stewarts probably on the money. The Israelis are packing the violence in whilst they can. I suspect if anything they are also intending to test Obama to see if he is indeed a 'friend of Israel' as he claims. However I'm rather hoping he's the kind of friend who when he sees his friends caught in a self destructive pattern does the hard thing and gives them a good slap to knock some sense into them. :dozey: