Next-Gen Game teasers from EA.


May 13, 2004
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:O :O :O :O Unreal 3, Elder scrolls: Oblivion.....pwned?


The first one is from the next-gen madden. The second one is obviously from need for speed next-gen.
#1 looks like a cutscene and the 2nd one looks legit.
Holy ****ing shit.

When I saw the driving game one, I nearly wet myself.

Good grief, that's ****ing awesome.
They're both pics from cutscenes. Am I wrong?
EA? Ha, nothing has good come out of EA. I can bet my life thats bullshit. They're the downfall of the gaming industry.
Harryz said:
EA? Ha, nothing has good come out of EA. I can bet my life thats bullshit. They're the downfall of the gaming industry.

EA may suck and so may also their games, but that doesn't mean that they can't make an engine or good graphics.
They both look great even if I do hate EA.

But i would not buy a game solely on graphics.

We wont see these untill xbox 2 and playstation 3 are released howevor, might see them on pc befor, but not likely, as I think they will all hit shelves at the same time.

With graphics getting this good I would suspect development times will be getting even longer. It is going to cost a lot more develop games to. Personally I dont mind the graphics how they are right now. I would be more then satisfied if graphics stayed like they are now for the next couple years if only the draw distances were increased so that something does not just appear on me screan out of no where.
thats superb if thats next gen PC stuff... i totally can see games accelerating into very realistic imagery with the new rendering technologies and what not.. be prepared to see some totally gob smacking stuff.. in 50 years images in games like that will almost be unidentifiable from their real life counterpart.
They're both cutscene's, those game's most definitely won't look like that when the games are released, unless EA have them slated for 2010.
One day, graphics will be so good, they wont be able to get any better. And we wont have anything to look forward to. Then again we'll probably dead by then :p I don't take any 'next gen' graphics seriously until I see actual in-game shots.
eeeeeee. i just got an incredible urge to play starcraft for some
I can't tell if these are screens or photos! Just wow!
It cant be for the Next- Gen consoles, it would need to be for the Next-Next Gen consoles. Think about it, they run off the same technology if not less than a state of the art computer. Even the 500$ x800XT/6800 ULTRA could not compute graphics that nice at playable rates. Where will Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo get these incredible graphic cards that dont cost the price of an entire modern day computer? It just doesnt make sense. The first shot is quite amazing though.
Jenson kicked off the presentation with a brief tease of what EA might be able to produce with the technology offered by Sony and Microsoft's next consoles

(from the article linked in this thread)
It most likely is next-gen consoles.

Considering GT4 looks as good as this on ps2
if thats real ingame shots I just want to say

seinfeldrules said:
It cant be for the Next- Gen consoles, it would need to be for the Next-Next Gen consoles. Think about it, they run off the same technology if not less than a state of the art computer. Even the 500$ x800XT/6800 ULTRA could not compute graphics that nice at playable rates. Where will Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo get these incredible graphic cards that dont cost the price of an entire modern day computer? It just doesnt make sense. The first shot is quite amazing though.
Thats where you could be wrong, I've been following up on this, they say that the xbox 2 and ps3 will not be compared to the state of the art cpu, I was reading a article that right now we are at a cpu limit almost, and what the ps3 kind of will be like is we i heard rumors off, that well they think that the xbox next will be two 3.4 ghz cpus, and it will split the work task, just like the gforce 6800 sli, now check it out on, and note that i said rumors about leaked information, but i can imagine that they could do that,and if they did, will it will be better then state of the art cpu and also remeber that the ati that will be in the xbox next will be the next gen graphics carrd that is not even out yet, so well, those graphic could be a possibility, especially with microsoft xna engine.
Tinneth said:
One day, graphics will be so good, they wont be able to get any better. And we wont have anything to look forward to. Then again we'll probably dead by then :p I don't take any 'next gen' graphics seriously until I see actual in-game shots.

and that graphics is called "movie graphics". (its the ultimate stage of gaming),
The lower picture isn't from a cutscene. It's completely doable with current technology.
How much will the next-gen consoles cost? Those pics are amazing
lans said:
:O :O :O :O Unreal 3, Elder scrolls: Oblivion.....pwned?

from what i've seen of Unreal 3 way. That engine pwnz those 2 pictures.

and the same can be said from Oblivion, given everything they've shown is running in realtime ^^

those do look ok...if they're NOT realtime then thats some REALLY bad CGI.

WoW CGI, now that crap is the business.

I hate EA so much, I wish they'd fall over and die already.

the Cell Processor is supposed to be made up of 6 individual processors, who in gods name is going to be idiotic enough to develop for that. barely anyone atm bothers to develop for Hyperthreading or the 64-Bit AMD's which are basically just 2 CPU, pushing it upto 6 is just rediculous. They should concentrate on making single processors with more juice, atleast the work load would be less.
Thats where you could be wrong, I've been following up on this, they say that the xbox 2 and ps3 will not be compared to the state of the art cpu, I was reading a article that right now we are at a cpu limit almost, and what the ps3 kind of will be like is we i heard rumors off, that well they think that the xbox next will be two 3.4 ghz cpus, and it will split the work task, just like the gforce 6800 sli, now check it out on, and note that i said rumors about leaked information, but i can imagine that they could do that,and if they did, will it will be better then state of the art cpu and also remeber that the ati that will be in the xbox next will be the next gen graphics carrd that is not even out yet, so well, those graphic could be a possibility, especially with microsoft xna engine.
Its going to be a 1000$ console then. Think of the price for two 3.4 ghz processors and a state of the art video card. Ouch. Not to mention RAM/HD that the new 'consoles' will need. Damn, then I'm forgetting that I heard rumors that they will be wireless and include TiVO type systems. Nobody will be able to afford them :(
If the XBox/PS2 will be in the $1000 mark I think it's getting really out of hand, and kind of defeating the point in a console.
mortiz said:
If the XBox/PS2 will be in the $1000 mark I think it's getting really out of hand, and kind of defeating the point in a console.
Do you mean Xbox next/PS3 or what?
Tinneth said:
One day, graphics will be so good, they wont be able to get any better. And we wont have anything to look forward to. Then again we'll probably dead by then :p I don't take any 'next gen' graphics seriously until I see actual in-game shots.

On the contrary, once graphics reach such a level, developers will be forced to innovate in different areas meaning we wont simply get games that sell based largely on how they look, and instead we will get more ingenious stories and innventive gameplay.
Why do some of you keep saying how much you hate EA without tellign the reason to your hate? What has EA done to you? Have they insulted you in some personal way? Is there really any reason, or are you just jumping on the bandwagon
Well its easy to hate corporate systems. There aren't any faces to hate, and importantly empathise with when you hurt them.

I don't like EA because in their monopolising stance, they are being very short sighted in terms of a rich gaming world. If they carry on buying up developers with no opposition, then they will essentially control the market. That doesn't have to be bad, but companies who are in control get complacent. They don't make an effort, because they don't need to. They can feed the populace pretty much whatever they want by putting a pretty face on it. Innovation begins to fall to the side because they simply use "tired and tested" techniques.

I could go on about this for much longer and in more depth...but frankly I don't have the time :)
The madden football one looks fake, but the need for speed one looks really good. Car games will hit the 'reality' mark before any other genre i think...just look how much GT4 stands above the vast of PS2 games graphics.

Hope they are real though, i'd wanna use a console more often if they was like that :D

Edit/ I don't like EA because they release the same game every year with a few changes for the normal games price (£40) must of seen how infurious people was when they heard of UT2004 straight after UT2003? Its like that, but year in, year out.

I do agree some games that have EA on the box are quite good. I've always liked the NFS series. C&C generals was pretty good.

Alientank said:
Those are cutscenes. And don't even think EA brings anything revolutionary out. They never make engines or anything, just games. If anything, look for innovation from the primary next gen engine makers. id software, valve, and Epic.

They don't make games. They are publishers, i just think they have some sort of control over the development stages because games like C&C generals should'nt degrade as much as it did from the proper C&C games.
Those are cutscenes. And don't even think EA brings anything revolutionary out. They never make engines or anything, just games. If anything, look for innovation from the primary next gen engine makers. id software, valve, and Epic.
EA? Ha, nothing has good come out of EA.

Oh, so the Medal of Honor, Need for Speed, Battlefield, and Command and Conquer series (among many others) must just be figments of my imagination right?