Next gen video cards. Will you upgrade in time?

EVIL said:
dont see why you needed to type that in colour

Ati will offcource have the best image quality.. thay have the best image quality for years.. nvidea is going to base thier card for speed intead of image quality. so it seems so thats is not my type of card.

i dont care about that 12 fps performance.. over Ati

Actually, nvidia is on the same level as ATI's image quality near enough.

i'm glad SOMEONE brought this up. i'm not sure how reputable is but jesus i saw some of the screen shot comparisons, and while nvidia's new card is screaming fast... the image quality was still shitty, most especially in farcry. sorry, but to me the little extra pixelizations = utter shit. ... but then i'm sensitive to that because i'm an artist so ehhhh... i'd take image quality over speed any day(as long as the game is playable with the good image

What screens would they be then? I've read through the entire article and the only screen i can tell any differences in (Baring in mind...they are zoomed to 200%, you dont play games like that) are the FarCry screens and only because of patch 1.1 for FC has nvidia cards gone like that, wait for patch 1.2 and all will be resolved and ATI will no longer look _any_ better in FC.

I'll be buying a new card, not sure which yet, probably nvidia's just because ive got an nvidia now and ATI has poor driver support and poor support for the game i play the most atm and have done for the past 1.5years. :hmph:
asdf said:
i would expect the ATI to be better, having 2 more pipelines, but who knows heh.

umm the 6800 ultra and x800XT both have the same amount of pipelines. 16.
x84D80Yx said:
umm the 6800 ultra and x800XT both have the same amount of pipelines. 16.

Radeon 9800 pro runs HL2 with max details smooth as silk... of course it doesnt ALL depend on the video card.
Wait for the non-partison benchmarks before upgrading. If either of the cards are out before the release of HL2, i can garentee Valve and HL2 will have a comparison.
Will I upgrade in time?

I ask myself that question everyday. I'm broke as hell and can't really afford to upgrade my tired old machine. But I've cleverly worked out a method in which to do this.

My Dad who is pretty much computer illiterate wants a new "good" computer.
"Good" to him, means it's able to play MP3's and surf the internet.

I've convinced him to let me build a computer for him.

I feel kinda guilty, but his "new" computer that I build will be my old computer. And I will be getting a new one for myself. It's kinda sneaky/low but he'd never know the difference anyways.

When all is said and done, He'll be happy, and I'll be happy.
I feel kinda guilty, but his "new" computer that I build will be my old computer. And I will be getting a new one for myself. It's kinda sneaky/low but he'd never know the difference anyways.

LOL you evil cheating on your dad!
Alig said:
Actually, nvidia is on the same level as ATI's image quality near enough.

What screens would they be then? I've read through the entire article and the only screen i can tell any differences in (Baring in mind...they are zoomed to 200%, you dont play games like that) are the FarCry screens and only because of patch 1.1 for FC has nvidia cards gone like that, wait for patch 1.2 and all will be resolved and ATI will no longer look _any_ better in FC.

I'll be buying a new card, not sure which yet, probably nvidia's just because ive got an nvidia now and ATI has poor driver support and poor support for the game i play the most atm and have done for the past 1.5years. :hmph:

You'd think that ATI would improve their image quality with their next gen card. As it stands nvidia and ati are virtually equal imo in terms of image quality.
after checking the new NVidia 6800 runs roughtly 2 x the fps as the ATI 9800 XT.

Of course the games benchmarked are todays games, nothing damanding for my water cooled FX 5900 yet.
It's not worth the upgrade for me, as i know doom3 and stalker will run like fire on my current card.
I won't upgrade my current pc, i will simply build a new pc just after hl2 has been released and benchmarked. Im confident in ATI and NVidia.

It's always tempting to get the latest gfx cards, but you will be fine with the ATI 9800 XT or FX 5950 for at least a year to come, the turning point will
be the Unreal 3 engine sometime in 2005. The poor XT and FX cards only get 5 fps ^____^
tmod said:
Unless the screens were altered, from what I've seen the 6800 has the same image quality as 9800 cards.

Not from what I have seen. Not yet anyway. You guys must be blind.
I upgraded my machine based on a Sept. 30th release date because thats what I kept hearing as the official date. It was about time to upgrade anyway but I got:

Intel P4 2.8GHz "Canterwood" HT, 800MHz FSB
Intel Desktop Board D875PBZ
2x Crucial 512MB PC3500 DDR RAM (1024MB total)
ATI Radeon 9800XT (The day it came out)
Soundblaster Audigy 2
160GB Western Digital HD SE
80GB Western Digital HD SE
52x32x52 CDRW
Antec Black Sonata Case
21" CRT Flat Glass Monitor
Logitec keyboard & MX500 mouse

The system is still pretty good for now. I'm going to wait a year or so for the next gen 64-bit chips to come out, along with at least 2 gen's of graphic cards to come out. Everything about the PC will be faster in two years time, the whole ATX motherboard format is changing, SATA for everything, PCI-Express, 64-Bit, hyper transport, ect. I'm gonna stick with my 9800XT for Half-Life 2, it should be good for pretty high settings, I'm hopping it will be anyway. They demo'd HL2 with a pretty similar setup at E3.
Deadline said:
Radeon 9800 pro runs HL2 with max details smooth as silk... of course it doesnt ALL depend on the video card.

when the hell did i say anything about a 9800pro and it's performance with hl2.
i thank goddd i didnt buy my new comp yet..i have 3,000+ saved up for my new comp and come late summer or whenever the new ATI cards and PCI express come out im going top of the line. cant wait until the end of this summer! :) :)
To be honest ive already upgraded i now have another 80gb harddrive to store all HL2 related mods n what not as well as my new 9800XT Classic with copper cooling and my new chenbro gaming bomb case to keep my 3.2 gigahurtz processor nice and cosy lulled to sleep by my extra fans.

its a monster ladies and gentlemen :bonce: