Nice Headset (w/ mic)


Aug 3, 2004
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Well since X-mas is just around the corner and ive been thinking about what i want i just realized that i dont have a very good headset with mic because its got one of those plastic wrap around your head support thingy, and it irratates my ears. Anyone know of any headsets that are comfortable and maybe around the 40-60 dollar range?

Im thinking about those headsets i see that cover your complete ear.
Sennheiser PC150's!! Best headset on the market!

Amazon sells it for about $48, so thats pretty damn good. Maybe ill get these.
Hmmm now i need to figure out waht else i want for x-mas. I have no clue besides this and WoW.

Any suggestions?
Star Wars dvd box set, LOTR 3 extended edition.. errm, pc wise; x800xt PE ;)
ah, the star wars box set sounds cool. I already got LOTR 3, but whats in the extended version?
B.Calhoun said:
50 minds extra?

He meant minutes.

The extended versions are really worth the extra cash. They include a LOT of extra bonus features, plus the extra scenes in the movie, and finally, the cool box it comes in.
w00t my mom just gave me her credit card, ima go order the Headset now. (and im look for the WoW CE)
wow u guys waste money like shit. i feel guilty for riding my bike 4 miles for a $1.99 tube of thermal paste from Radioshack
WoW CE isnt shit. Plus i have a crappy headset that hurts my ears now.

WHy, whats your good suggestion goldenboi?