Nintendo DS OR PSP?


Apr 16, 2006
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Im looking to get a handheld console for the holidays. Im leaning towards the DS as most of the PSP games come on PS3/360 anyway.

Has anyone got a Nintendo DS? Whats it like? I like challenging games (like Tetris) and the classic Mario ones. Are there games like Street Fighter too?

Advance Wars:Dual Strike! Bleach 1 + Bleach 2! Ouendan! Elite Beat Agents! Pokemon, if you're into that sort of thing! Brain Age (craploads of sudoku...)!, I'll think of more stuff in a second! Oh yes! Electroplankton! And... umm... All Phoenix Wright games!

That's it for now, i'll be back later with more whacky shit. Bleach 1 and 2 are sort of like street fighter, but there's probably better ones out there.
Im looking to get a handheld console for the holidays. Im leaning towards the DS as most of the PSP games come on PS3/360 anyway.

Has anyone got a Nintendo DS? Whats it like? I like challenging games (like Tetris) and the classic Mario ones. Are there games like Street Fighter too?
I'm getting a DS too. Not getting a PSP either, for the same reasons, and more.

What's the DS like? The games I've seen are all very colorful, artistic, interesting, with imaginative themes and controlls. Incredible graphic capability for a portable, with high quality effects.

It has many games you haven't seen anything like before, and has the classic gameplay games as well. It generally has games that you can just pick up and play for a few minutes or for a few hours.

This might be helpful:

Complete Listing of DS games @ Viewing 1-20 of 330

Complete Listing of DS games @ gamers underground net. Viewing Page 1

Complete Listing of DS games @ wikipedia org

Advance Wars:Dual Strike! Bleach 1 + Bleach 2! Ouendan! Elite Beat Agents! Pokemon, if you're into that sort of thing! Brain Age (craploads of sudoku...)!, I'll think of more stuff in a second! Oh yes! Electroplankton! And... umm... All Phoenix Wright games!

That's it for now, i'll be back later with more whacky shit. Bleach 1 and 2 are sort of like street fighter, but there's probably better ones out there.

Bleach 1,2 & 3. DJ max portable 1 & 2, MGS portable ops. Emulation of all Nintendo systems up to the GBA, as many roms as you can cram onto your memory stick. FF7 Crisis core will be out soon too.

It generally has games that you can just pick up and play for a few minutes or for a few hours.

I totally didn't just list some games where you can do just that, I've been playing DJ max portable 2 for 100+ hours now.
If the PSP had a better battery then I would recommend the PSP. But it doesn't, so go for the DS.
Emulation of all Nintendo systems up to the GBA, as many roms as you can cram onto your memory stick.

I totally didn't just list some games where you can do just that, I've been playing DJ max portable 2 for 100+ hours now.

It's not that I am not recommending the PSP, as I know little about it. I can't say either way what is a better system for someone who I know little about. I just said that I am getting a DS, and tried to give my impression of the system.

I do know the PSP can emulate other systems, but don't you need an older PSP to do that? Anyway, the PSP can't play DS games, and never will be able to.

The DS can play game boy advance games too (natively and legally), and it can emulate other systems as well, and you can buy flash carts that can store a great many games on one cartrige. This would be good so you can just carry the system around, and not have to carry with you, and worry about someone stealing all of your games.

You see, you can have a backup of all the games you own on one cartrige. If it is stolen, you don't lose too much, you have to buy another flash cart, but that is roughly the price of two games. So if you had 100 games on it, at least you didn't actually lose 100 games. I don't know any details about the PSP to make a comparison here.
So far Im opting for the DS Lite becasue:

1. Its cheaper than PSP
2. PSP games are availbale on my 360/PS3
3. I love Mario games
4. Some of the games are really intuitive and original


1. The graphics are poorer (i know that doesnt make a great game but it is something i look into)
2. The PSP is more of a gadget adn I liek gadgets :)

So is thre an actual Street Fighter game for the Nintendo DS?
So far Im opting for the DS Lite becasue:

1. Its cheaper than PSP
2. PSP games are availbale on my 360/PS3
3. I love Mario games
4. Some of the games are really intuitive and original


1. The graphics are poorer (i know that doesnt make a great game but it is something i look into)
2. The PSP is more of a gadget adn I liek gadgets :)

So is thre an actual Street Fighter game for the Nintendo DS?

The DS power is pretty much equivalent to a Nintendo 64 says wikipedia. Now, imagine a N64 on a little ass screen, and that is gorgeous. The PSP is similar to the PS2 (although probably not quite as good). But as you said, you can do that at home.

From what I've seen on the DS, expect many of the games to have beautifully drawn, very high color sprites and environments that have something like cell shading. Extra colorful cartoons, and cartoony 3D. Imagine Mario 64 or any other Nintendo 64 game.

I'm being pretty general here, but I expect the PSP to have more realistic 3D graphics, unless the game is intended to be cartoony.

As for street fighter, I know they have a new one called SNK Vs. Capcom Card fighters (USA). Many people were excited for this game. I don't know if you actually fight or what. I haven't seen it yet.

I don't know if there are any Street Fighter type games planned, but with Capcom doing a lot with SNK the past several years, there is a good chance. Keep in mind you won't have the control scheme of the arcade games. I think they have different attacks depending how hard (really how long) you press the attack buttons.

If worse comes to worse, I'm pretty sure there is a Street Fighter game or 2 (or 3) for the Game Boy Advance that you can play on your DS (or PSP in this case, if you know how to do that sort of thing)
Both systems have colorful and non colorful games and hence is a moot point. Your trying to paint the Nintendo = kiddie games ideology and me no like.

I do know the PSP can emulate other systems, but don't you need an older PSP to do that? Anyway, the PSP can't play DS games, and never will be able to.

No downgrading is easier than ever no matter what PSP system you own, from there you upgrade to the custom firmware available.

And the DS can't play PSP games point?

If the PSP had a better battery then I would recommend the PSP. But it doesn't, so go for the DS.

I get 6 hours on average that's plenty, otherwise buy a cheap $10 mobile charger, gives you a few more hours.
Both systems have colorful and non colorful games and hence is a moot point. Your trying to paint the Nintendo = kiddie games ideology and me no like.
No I'm certainly not. Out of all the games on the DS that I tried, their were cartoon anime type stuff. Except with more color. I said beatiful, gorgeous, etc. I never even hinted that these were kiddie games. I'm the one who said I wanted one, and I don't play kiddie games. So there! :p

Also, I didn't say anything as a 'point' I even said I was being general. Generalizing that the PSP has more serious toned, more realistic 3D games, and the DS has more cartoon like 3D (since it's incapable of doing the amount of realistic 3D graphics that the PSP can) I am not going to complile a list of all the different games for each system, but as far as I can tell this is the case.
No downgrading is easier than ever no matter what PSP system you own, from there you upgrade to the custom firmware available.
OK, that sounds better. I may have to read up on this.
And the DS can't play PSP games point?
Well, I didn't think it was necessary to state that the DS can't play PSP games. I simply was trying to say that if you want to play DS games (the kind he said he liked), you need a DS, as you won't be able to emulate that on a PSP, even if you can emulate the GBA (how well it can emulate it is unknown to me though)
I get 6 hours on average that's plenty, otherwise buy a cheap $10 mobile charger, gives you a few more hours.
Thats 4 hours more than what I've heard people say. I guess they upgraded their battery? So is that standard now or is that a premium battery?

Another thing I am curious about is how many GBA games you can fit on a memory stick, or more specifically, how much memory does the PSP RAM stick have?

One good thing about the DS games, is that since they are cartrige based, they use much less memory, so therefore you can fit more of your DS games on a flash cart. I am curious how many PSP games - if any at all - you can put on a Memory stick. I'll just look it up tomorrow, I'm really tired.

It might be cool to have a PSP after all, but I like the DS system so far. If I wanted to play PSP games, it seems I can just boot up my old PS2 console to play similar titles, well... but you can't really play DS on anything else... for a while at least, since emulation of the DS is progressing very slow, and in order to run the games at full speed, it requires such a powerful CPU that isn't even available yet AFAIK.

Advance Wars:Dual Strike! Bleach 1 + Bleach 2! Ouendan! Elite Beat Agents! Pokemon, if you're into that sort of thing! Brain Age (craploads of sudoku...)!, I'll think of more stuff in a second! Oh yes! Electroplankton! And... umm... All Phoenix Wright games!

That's it for now, i'll be back later with more whacky shit. Bleach 1 and 2 are sort of like street fighter, but there's probably better ones out there.

you FOOL, you forgot Pokemon!
Nevermind you have pokemon on there, stupid school computer wont let me edit my post. I was going to ask you what other titles you'd recommend for my DS besides Pokemans.. leaning towards elite beat agents :p
I recomend (in this order) Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Metroid Prime: Hunters and Wario Ware: Touched.
It might be cool to have a PSP after all, but I like the DS system so far. If I wanted to play PSP games, it seems I can just boot up my old PS2 console to play similar titles, well... but you can't really play DS on anything else... for a while at least, since emulation of the DS is progressing very slow, and in order to run the games at full speed, it requires a CPU that isn't invented yet AFAIK.

I can play DS games on my E6600 at full speed on my PC right now, I have a Pearl save game to boot. Don't be fooled it does emulate commercial DS games.

Thats 4 hours more than what I've heard people say. I guess they upgraded their battery? So is that standard now or is that a premium battery?

2 hours your kidding me? 2 hours wouldn't get me through a single Uni break that's a terrible lie. I'm using a stock Sony battery.
It won't get past the title screens.

ORLY? You may need to dump your DS bios.

I've been a long time PSP owner and recently just got a DS. I can honestly say that the battery life difference between the 2 is almost nothing. My DS didn't seem to last very long at all. I already beat Sonic Rush (which is a short game) and I had to charge the DS twice since I got it. Honestly didn't last any longer than my PSP usually does.
Did you remember to charge the DS before turning it on for the first time?
Did you remember to charge the DS before turning it on for the first time?

Yes Sir I did. I didn't have a DS game the first day I bought it so there was nothing to do but charge it, rofl.

And actually, counting that first charge, its been 3 times that I've charged it.
I would say get the DS now because it has already got TONS of awesome games for it and TONS more are on the way. The PSP is great too--I use mine for homebrew--but I wouldn't get one yet because the redesigned model should be hitting the shops later this year. I will get another when that happens.

That said, as an owner of both, the DS gets much more of my time and attention. It is fun in a way a videogame console, portable or not, has never been before...(until I got my Wii recently :E).
For the last time ITS NOT VISTA, it's a Vista theme for windows blinds. As for the PSP there are rumors of a lighter/smaller (screen size not changed) but those have been bashed by Sony and created again by Sony so many times its not worth listening to.

Sony's official stance is there are no plans for a "PSP 2" at the present time.

btw my CPU is overclocked to 3.6ghz which helps the emulation out just a tad.
In terms of software support expect a lot more on the DS than on the PSP. The sales numbers for the DS are absolutely insane, so you're going to see many more games on it than on the PSP.
The PSP is much more of an electronic Swiss knife - decent at everything - while the DS is much more of a dedicated gaming handheld.

I've used both, and I have to say the DS is superior.
Games W L
Multimedia L W (if you want a bunch of stuff you could have and also see better with a laptop and an iPod anyway and go out and by discs of movies you already have)
Battery-life W L
Cost W L
Controls W L
If you buy a DS you should get Metroid Prime 1st, Mario Kart 2nd, Super Mario 64 DS or New Super Mario Bros. (whichever suits you) 3rd, Advance Wars 4th, and Starfox 5th. DS foreveeeeeeer!:bounce:
Edit: I meant to have those in columns, sorry. Just remember DS left, PSP right.
This song really hurts your hands.

DS lite!

It's smaller, in a clamshell, and has better games!

P.S. If you're curious about flash carts, PM me...
Not anymore. :E

And I would bet dollars to doughnuts that it will be out by year's end too. :smoking:

I think that was debunked too. Sony UK boss said too much. 13th of March and I do remember that article popping up on PSP updates and then another story covering how it's BS the very next day.
Question to all those who bought a DS did you buy a DS lite?

Because if you did bam money stolen. You'd think by now Nintendo would get their portable "right" the first time, but no they milk money out of you.
I bought the nintendo DS because the light on the advanced was so shit.I think the DS is better than the Sony PSP cause of the better battery and you don't have to update it to play newer games.But i do prefer the PSP for emulating roms and that kind of stuff.
I bought the nintendo DS because the light on the advanced was so shit.I think the DS is better than the Sony PSP cause of the better battery and you don't have to update it to play newer games.But i do prefer the PSP for emulating roms and that kind of stuff.

The battery life is the same on both consoles stop listening to the lies. I always got a full school day out of my PSP in highschool and that's 6 hours easy with 2 hours transit daily.

Battery life is an issue for both consoles not just the PSP. If your that paranoid I'd be sure to buy and extra battery no matter what portable you own.

Christ, people are still buying the PSP? I don't think there's really anything that justifies its purchase. Already, the DS has plenty of triple-A titles that are worth investing in, the newest one being Pok?mon Diamond & Pearl. Hell, if you're a fan they pretty much sell the DS on their own... but they don't have to, either.

To be fair Pokemon is shit. Ignoring that I listed a few games earlier look them up.

Lumines, Metal Gear Acid (AC!D), Archer Maclean's Mercury, Kill zone Liberation, SOCOM Fireteam Bravo, Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories, Wipeout Pure, Burnout Legends, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, Daxter, Me and My Katamari, Tokobot, Exit 1 & 2, Coded Arms, shall I keep going? Tekken: Dark Ressurection, Burnout Dominator, Need for Speed Underground: Rivals, Sega Mega Drive Collection, Silent Hill Origins, etc

PSP has no good games huh? You'd think that if you don't look for them? Just like I don't know about any good DS games because I don't care about it.

I can list just as many awesome games as you can.

I think that was debunked too. Sony UK boss said too much. 13th of March and I do remember that article popping up on PSP updates and then another story covering how it's BS the very next day.
They have to say its BS because they only just lowered the cost of the original PSP so they don't want everyone to wait for a better version (me), they want people to bite now. Fact is, he said it, and it is going to happen. You would have to be crazy to think it wouldn't, esp. with the successful model Nintendo has rolled out like gangbusters. Sony may not be as popular as they were, but they are starting to make smarter business decisions of late (please no one mention the goat :eek:).
DS for sure. Many more games, plus its a blast to play with friends or alone.
Hey the goat was an excellent business strategy you can't go wrong with goats.
Pokemon? Shit? It's an incredibly deep game if you actually start to mess around with Pokemon breeding, competitive battling, etc..

As for the PSP, while I realise that it does have some good games, it's not enough for me to pick it over the DS. I can't dispute that any of those games are worth getting (except perhaps Need for Speed Underground), but they also just hold no interest with me.

I love when people do the arguing for me.
Choosing a system based on its ability to pirate games from other systems, while economical, isn't exactly admirable, or even respectable.
Choosing a system based on its ability to pirate games from other systems, while economical, isn't exactly admirable, or even respectable.

Whos doing that? I'm not if you mean about PS1 game I mean ones you legally own and can rip. Nintendo games? cartridge dump, etc I do not advocate piracy.

btw I took a screen shot of my battery status.


2 hours huh? Ignore date/time I had to change it to unlock something in DJ max.
Whos doing that? I'm not if you mean about PS1 game I mean ones you legally own and can rip. Nintendo games? cartridge dump, etc I do not advocate piracy.

btw I took a screen shot of my battery status.


2 hours huh? Ignore date/time I had to change it to unlock something in DJ max.
The comment wasn't directed at you. It's just that whenever I get into a debate against a PSP fanboy of any notable hardcore-ness, one of their "pro" points is that the PSP can pirate and emulate all sorts of games from a number of systems. This statement is usually followed by an ignorant jab at the "kiddie" titles that are often found on Nintendo systems, or something about the touch-screen being a gimmick.

And nobody really does legal cartridge dumps and game rips anyway :p