Nintendo DS OR PSP?

The reason the PSP is so good, is that it console quality games - in a handheld! Like GTA and MGS.. The DS just has little play-for-5-minutes-and-get-bored games.

Generalisations bad. :D

I admit it doesn't have any EPIC RPGs yet. A pity. But, honestly... if you pick up, say, Phoenix Wright and get bored of it after 5 minutes YOU'RE NOT A REAL LAWYER!11!1!!(oneone).

Lighthearted, whacky, but always, always fun. That covers the better DS games. Like both console's there's a crockload of shit games down the bottom, too.

TBH the only reason i'd get a PSP is probably the GTA stuff. Man, i want to revisit Vice City...
Yea, the only reason I'd get a PSP over a DS (and I have a DS) is because of the GTA.
I'd get a PSP if it was cheaper, and the bigger storage wasn't so expensive. Otherwise, a PSP seems ****ing awesome to get.
For multiplayer the DS is the easy choice - the psp really can't compete. I'd say the DS also has a far better selection of original games, but i'm a little biased.

If you want a handheld for emulators and your more traditional games (GTA etc) then the PSP is a fine choice. Personally, there's enough new games around to keep me happy and something like GTA i'd rather play on a big screen with decent sound.

*hugs DS*
For multiplayer the DS is the easy choice - the psp really can't compete.

Does not compute. I've only ever experienced MP problems with my DS, the PSP has never complained when it comes to syncing up and playing.

Monster hunter portable is probably one of the better multi player experiences I've had.
This is a nice summary of the two:

DS owners = go to see TMNT at midnight showing the day of opening. trade pokemon on college campus. collect naruto cards.

PSP owners = get laid much more frequently but much hotter chicks. are socially acceptable. watch porn on a daily basis.

Pick what kind of person you are and go with that handheld.
Oh and the "PSP has games I could play on my xbox360/ps3 console" argument is just about the dumbest piece of garbage I've ever heard on this forum.
Oh and the "PSP has games I could play on my xbox360/ps3 console" argument is just about the dumbest piece of garbage I've ever heard on this forum.

You bestowed that honor upon yourself with your previous post.
PSP owners = get laid much more frequently but much hotter chicks. are socially acceptable. watch porn on a daily basis.

What a crock :thumbs:

What problems have you had playing DS games in multiplayer, Kyo? Online works without hassle and there's loads of games that are great fun over a wlan. The PSP just has too few multilayer games worth buying.
LOL, so where do I fit? I'm a 30 year old DS owner, don't know what TMNT is, I've been done with college for over 8 years, I know pokemon is a cartoon but I don't know what naruto is. I'd wager I get laid more than 90% of the PSP owners in this thread. I don't watch porn like the PSP owners though. Other than that, spot on stereotype.

FFS, the DS is the only gaming machine I use anymore. My poor PC sits around doing nothing with jealousy in it's eyes.
My poor PC sits around doing nothing with jealousy in it's eyes.

My poor rig is in a similar state. A few years ago it was upgraded and shiny, chest beaming with pride at its superior power over consoles. Unfortunately the months drifted by without a decent game in sight. Months became a year, and then another. Now it sits on my floor, covered in dust and full of hair, crumbs and bits of crisps. Tis a sorry sight - a 1000 pounds worth of gaming potential completely unrealised.

The only wear on my DS is the letters on the face buttons being slightly worn off due to too much use.
I have some random problems with the DS connecting to my wireless. One minute it will work, next it wont, next day, it will work, next it won't.

Confuses the **** out of me.
LOL, so where do I fit? I'm a 30 year old DS owner, don't know what TMNT is, I've been done with college for over 8 years, I know pokemon is a cartoon but I don't know what naruto is. I'd wager I get laid more than 90% of the PSP owners in this thread. I don't watch porn like the PSP owners though. Other than that, spot on stereotype.

FFS, the DS is the only gaming machine I use anymore. My poor PC sits around doing nothing with jealousy in it's eyes.

Hello my name is Sean I'm currently finishing my honors in computer science, work part time as a .net developer and apon finishing my honors I will be earning a six figure salary.

TMNT pisses me off to no end, Pokemon is pokemon everyone grew out of that one at some stage, Naruto I only started watching as Shippuuden began airing.

I have a steady girlfriend who is 1 year older than myself and finishing her current University course. How many times I get laid is nobodies business, I have porn I watch porn etc. I am a PSP/DS owner.

My PC is the main gaming platform I use but is about average high end, paying Uni fees up front is a bitch but pays off in the long term.

This thread is getting old.If you like the the nintendo DS better that is your choice.If you like the PSP better then that's your's.Everyone has their own opinion about games and consoles.The only let down really for the PSP is the FPS games on it.The control system for those games are hard to set up for the PSP.

But i did enjoy the handheld arguments they were fun to watch.
Oh and the "PSP has games I could play on my xbox360/ps3 console" argument is just about the dumbest piece of garbage I've ever heard on this forum.

Can u justify that?
I can play Medal of Honor on my Xbox when I get home.

I cannot play Elite Beat Agents on my Xbox when I get home.
This is a nice summary of the two:

DS owners = go to see TMNT at midnight showing the day of opening. trade pokemon on college campus. collect naruto cards.

PSP owners = get laid much more frequently but much hotter chicks. are socially acceptable. watch porn on a daily basis.

Pick what kind of person you are and go with that handheld.

As much as I respect you, your name, and your postcount (:P), a big **** you is in hand for generalising me, you bastard.

I don't even go to college! o_O
If you're basing how succesful your social and/or sex life is based on which handheld gaming console you own, you don't need to worry about being a loser. You're already there.
I can play Medal of Honor on my Xbox when I get home.

I cannot play Elite Beat Agents on my Xbox when I get home.

Way to brand all games under the same banner. The PSP has games you cannot find on a normal console just like the DS. DJ Max is probably the closest thing to EBA for example.
screw it, if I were you, I'd just get an ultraportable PC. It's like the size of a PSP but it's a PC with a hard drive, windows, etc. Then you can play DS and PSP, and every other older console on it.
gl playing DS games on your pc ;)

Come on - who wants to lug around a laptop for gaming when you can put a DS in your coat pocket. Gaming doesn't get more portable, quick and easy than this.
gl playing DS games on your pc ;)

Come on - who wants to lug around a laptop for gaming when you can put a DS in your coat pocket. Gaming doesn't get more portable, quick and easy than this.
I made a mistake. I was just using a terribly shitty emulator. It runs 100% with an alternate. Use a mouse instead of the touch screen.

micro PC's or whatever they are called. They are like the size of the PSP, but feature Windows XP and hard drives and use a pen like a DS (tablet micro PC's), and/or slide-out micro thumbads like the new keypad for the 360.

ultraportable notebook PCs. These are systems that are generally under 5 pounds in weight and are less than 1.5" thick. They can be as thin as a spiral bound notebook or a paperback book. They sometimes sacrifice features for portability.

They are pretty much fully featured PC's, just very tiny. They also have USB ports for whatever you want.

Here is what they look like:

They have Wi-Fi and/or wireless internet.

An expensive one:
Flip through the pictures by hovering over the thumbnails to see the different views.

But I digress. I don't think I would pull out one of these bad boys in front of random crowds of strangers and start playing away. LOL.

Someone will steal it - but the same goes for a PSP too. I think the least likely to be stolen or broken category goes to the DS. So therefore I go right back to my first post. Get a DS.
Why's it least likely to be stolen/broken? :P

I really need to clean mine...
Why's it least likely to be stolen/broken? :P

I really need to clean mine...

Well, what would you steal first if you knew you could and had that kind of mind set?

The most expensive thing?

What would break first if it got banged up or dropped repeatedly?

The DS uses cartridges and has a cover over the screen, and is the lightest weight (doesn't hit the ground as hard if dropped - see: bugs falling from great distances)

The PSP has no cover for the screen, is heavier, and uses a precisely calibrated boomstick ...wait I mean optical laser.

The micro PC? I don't think they are generally designed to get banged up.

Now go clean your DS, and after that you can do your homework. You can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat.
The DS uses cartridges and has a cover over the screen, and is the lightest weight (doesn't hit the ground as hard if dropped - see: bugs falling from great distances)

The PSP has no cover for the screen, is heavier, and uses a precisely calibrated boomstick ...wait I mean optical laser.

The weight/shape/size/whatever would merely change it's terminal velocity and it won't get close to that before hitting the ground. You'll bang a DS up just as much as a PSP, also what if you drop it whilst it's open? the most likely scenario. The PSP is heavier so your are more likely to be aware of it's presence and hence less likely to drop it. This is the case for me I know it's in my pocket and if it starts to slide out of said pocket I notice it happening.

Nevermind the fact that dropping such an item would be incredibly stupid on your own part. I've dropped my PSP once from bed height and it's fine. My brother dropped his once from about 2/3 oh his height around 1.6/7 meters. Yes he did knock the laser out of whack but he got it repaired for free by Sony. You can also repair it yourself for $0 if your warranty has run out.

gl playing DS games on your pc ;)

Come on - who wants to lug around a laptop for gaming when you can put a DS in your coat pocket. Gaming doesn't get more portable, quick and easy than this.

Sorry I already proved you can run DS games at full speed on a PC.
I can't imagine for a second that the experience of playing a DS game on the pc even begins to match playing on a DS. What do you use instead of the stylus, a mouse? Would be awful.
I just learned R6: Vegas is coming out for PSP, looks exactly the same as consoles but with worse graphics (obviously).. oh yea!

Plus, there is a game like Elite Beat Agents on PSP, it's called Gitaroo Man or something, it's not like the stylus makes things that much more fun anyways.. If the DS is anything like the Wii, it's just a gimmick.. I don't even really like my Wii..
Plus, there is a game like Elite Beat Agents on PSP, it's called Gitaroo Man or something, it's not like the stylus makes things that much more fun anyways.. If the DS is anything like the Wii, it's just a gimmick.. I don't even really like my Wii..
I've played Gitaroo Man on my friend's PSP, and it honestly doesn't hold a candle to EBA. It's got the rhythm component, sure, but it completely misses the visceral experience that comes with actually moving your fingers or body. It's like playing DDR with the arrow keys on your keyboard.
I can't imagine for a second that the experience of playing a DS game on the pc even begins to match playing on a DS. What do you use instead of the stylus, a mouse? Would be awful.

I don't think you quite grasp the idea that PCs had touch screens years before the DS came out. I get ritzy hand made ones via work, heck the box the monitor comes in is hand made they are that costly.

That or I can have my PDA act as a second display and take over all my rigs input/output.

I've played Gitaroo Man on my friend's PSP, and it honestly doesn't hold a candle to EBA. It's got the rhythm component, sure, but it completely misses the visceral experience that comes with actually moving your fingers or body. It's like playing DDR with the arrow keys on your keyboard.

Pfft you get to move your hand yay!


Try this.
Sure - I had a touch screen years ago. There were no decent games for it though. Can you play DS games on a pc with touch screen?
Sure - I had a touch screen years ago. There were no decent games for it though. Can you play DS games on a pc with touch screen?

That's the point I tried to make. Normally for that DS emu you'd use your mouse. Touchscreen emulate the mouse and some do a poor job. Mine is great though and can be configured to click on/off push/release and all matter of hacky adaptions. So yes I can use my 20inch touchscreen for the DS emu, or I could use my PDA.

The DS touch screen doesn't wow me to be honest it's good but not great.
Gitaroo Man ftmfw tbh. Still gotta track that down for PS2...
Is Gitaroo Man any good? I just seen a review of it on X-Play, and thought "that game looks like Elite Beat Agents..", so I just randomly said it here..
As I said, it's a good game, but it's comparable to playing DDR with the arrow keys on a keyboard. It's just not as fun.