No instruction manual? What a load of crap.

WHO the hell needs a instruction manual anyway??
What a waste of paper to print..

"press the left mouse button to fire"

The system is like the one we´ve been seing since HL1.. go to menues and make settings.. what else is there to know??
Look at it this way: the game is so intuitive that no instruction manual is necessary.
Yeah, the game will open the box itself, install itself, activate itself. It will even make coffee and wipe your ass.
Seppo said:
Well anyone who needs an instructional manual to be able to play a first person shooter surely isn't the brightest person on earth. Although it's always nice to have something to read while the game installs

Only thing people read are the weapons section. lol
Mountain Man said:
He didn't call you a fanboy asshole. He called you a fanboy.

I think he meant "Don't call me a fanboy, asshole."

Those commas are tricky. ;(
Mountain Man said:
He didn't call you a fanboy asshole. He called you a fanboy.

I do believe 'imanelephant' was calling seppo an asshole because he called him a fanboy.

What offence he takes from being called a fanboy i dno but n/m
Ownzed said:
Almost every game comes with some sort of online instruction manual, ususally in the form of a readme text file ,(sometimes which can be viewed in the game from the menu like in half-life 1) :D

The person who wrote the email never asked his question properly. Lombardi probably interpreted his question as meaning a physical booklet. He never said Half-Life2 would not have some sort of instruction manual
SoSorry said:
Almost every game comes with some sort of online instruction manual, ususally in the form of a readme text file ,(sometimes which can be viewed in the game from the menu like in half-life 1) :D

The person who wrote the email never asked his question properly. Lombardi probably interpreted his question as meaning a physical booklet. He never said Half-Life2 would not have some sort of instruction manual

He specifically asked about a .pdf document, the question couldn't have been more clear. Doug was just doing his usual bullshit, dance around the question, ambiguous crap.
lans said:
That's exactly what the pc games guy was saying. How the **** do people who don't visit these fansites know about the steam activation crap?

actually, that's a really good point. most people will sit there and think:*???*

but no instruction manual. that's unusual and kinda disappointing. especially, because it's such a huge project. i don't look into it to be able to play the game, but it's something you'd expect and like.
No instruction manual?
iamaelephant said:
He specifically asked about a .pdf document, the question couldn't have been more clear. Doug was just doing his usual bullshit, dance around the question, ambiguous crap.

:laugh: Why would he be dance around the question, about a bloody instruction booklet? :laugh: It was clear enough, I'm sure clarity isn't needed.
Why does Doug Lombardi do the things he does? No one knows. I think it's because he's a wanker. Of course he didn't forget to do the obligatory Prima Strategy Guide whoring.
I didnt read every post so please tell me if this has already been said.

If it's on steam I guess they could give you a manual in notepad or something. Most people would expect the retail to come with one.
I dont remember 100% but did HL come with a manual?

And of course the in-game training.
iamaelephant said:
Why does Doug Lombardi do the things he does? No one knows. I think it's because he's a wanker. Of course he didn't forget to do the obligatory Prima Strategy Guide whoring.

:laugh: :laugh: You're acting like he did it on purpose, to create some sort of mystique around an instruction booklet. Or to piss people off and be a wanker just to make your day that little less enjoyable! :laugh: God, you're over-reacting so much on this.
Narcolepsy said:
No instruction manual?

How long is your ride home? I could just look at the pics and read the back of the box for at least 30mins, Good for me my ride home is only around 10mins.
Narcolepsy said:
No instruction manual?

Porn!!![SARCASM] ooh im so witty and phunny[/SARCASM]

No big deal tbh. there will probly be a readme file of some sort

EDIT: Kage do u support Manchester Utd? If so hahah u lost to Portsmourth (sp?) 2-0.
iamaelephant said:
He specifically asked about a .pdf document, the question couldn't have been more clear. Doug was just doing his usual bullshit, dance around the question, ambiguous crap.

It could be that Doug Lomabardi interpreted the part about the pdf booklet as being a substitute for a physical Booklet which the emailer thought would ship with the retail. In which case Lombardi would say no.

It's doubtful he meant that there would be no instruction manual. In all probability there will be instructions included in a text file.
Wow you people find something to flame valve about everytime they open there mouths. N1!
Raziel-Jcd said:
Wow you people find something to flame valve about everytime they open there mouths. N1!

They yawn... OMFG WTF why didnt they say anything?! Does this mean HL2 is delayed?!!! This is BS when will it be released now?!

Sorry I just had to say that.
I think this is great for the simple fact that all the Steam buyers won't feel like they're getting gyped. I would bet that is the primary reason they decided not to include one. Now there is very little difference between retail and Steam versions. A box and discs - who cares. The only thing I regretted not having was the manual. And now I don't have to worry about that. Good.
is this hazardcourse or is this explanations before you start you "real mission" in game?
I wanted a manual, it would have provided some toilet reading material....cmon guys is it not just me who reads them then?
It's a booklet telling you how to play the game. Like clicking the left mouse button to shoot. :|
W= forward
A= Left
D= Right
S= Backward
Mouse1= Fire
Mouse2= Secondary Fire

That's all i need to know!
Mr-Fusion said:
W= forward
A= Left
D= Right
S= Backward
Mouse1= Fire
Mouse2= Secondary Fire

That's all i need to know!

guess you wont be jumping alot then.. ;)
Still, I like to flip throught them, almost always have some kind of tip/trick/info I didnt know before.
manuals are cool, but i never look at them not one word

f|uke said:
Whens the last time you've actually needed an instruction manual? The controls are listed in the menu, and we all should already know how to play from HL1. There is a hazard course, anyways.

Manuals are pointless. IMO, VALVe is saving trees. :thumbs:

There are a lot of people that are new to gaming.
Well that is a tad disappointing not to have a nice spiffy pdf file. Not that it is needed but it seems very odd.
I more think it ll be a manual but not paper like a pdf in the cd in docs directory ;)
I like the idea of no insturction manual. I dunno it just gives the game more to be discovered I mean you should have played HL1 so you know the story there and also you are meant to discover who people like the combine are instead of reading a history on them in the instruction manual.
If you are installing from cd's/dvd : read the 'prima guide'

If you are downloading off steam : read 'raising the bar', the 'prima guide' and 'war and peace'.

Another reason for me to buy off steam but a glossy manual would be nice, with some art and background story in, like the hl one.:|