No instruction manual? What a load of crap.

Powerload said:
When is the last time you needed an instruction (not stradegy) manual?

Here's one:

1. Put disk in drive.

2. Follow the auto-run.

3. Grab a beer and relax as the game installs.
But I need the phone number to the support line incase something doesn't work and/or I feel the need to hear some easy listenin' music as they connect me around all of VU Games franchise
I just went through a couple of the DVD case games on my shelf randomly, all of them include a booklet a lot more substantial than some 3-page instruction manual.
It's just nice to have something to read that provides a bit of backgound information and/or ambiance for the game that I'm about to play.

My main gripe is perhaps not the booklet itself, but rather that this seems like another example of Valve skimping on content on a full-price game.
Lombardi's unsollicited Prima Guide plug is damn annoying as well, I'm not interested in an advertorial for a book that's an advertorial in itself (this applies to "Raising the Bar" too).
Who needs a manual? Less shit to have to worry about keeping IMO. I just need the game thanks, not a pretty box to sit in a drawer with a manual I'll never read.
If there isn't a manual, that's up to VU more than anything. They're responsible for printing manuals, making the boxes, pressing the CDs, that kinda thing.
Hmmm... no fun little thingy in the manual like the BMRF recruitment poster or employment letter in Half-life 2's manual then? Shame...
How much will you guys be thinking about the manual while you are throwing tin cans at the crotches of the Combine?
soul said:
I like that Valve is cutting costs... but how about passing the savings onto the people that are going to be paying their wages?


That WOULD be nice...
its retarded not to have a manual...only zombie fanbois would actually defend not having one. who really cares if u personally don't need or like manuals...when u buy a game, u get a manual...
Hm..... but what if you're blind can you order in a manual in brail or something???
Now...I don't know many people who need a manual if the just do the hazard course...
Neo_Kuja said:
Oh for goodness sake, I'll write you the damn instruction manual !

Half-Life 2 Unoffical Instruction Manual

Installation :

1) Insert CD/DVD into CD/DVD drive.
2) Follow the instructions that pop up to install Half-Life 2.


"W" - Move Foward
"S" - Move Backward
"A" - Strafe Left
"D - Strafe Right
"1-6" - Weapon Select

Use the mouse to aim. Use mouse button *1* to fire currently selected weapon. Use mouse button *2* to use secondary mode of currently selected weapon.

Thanks !
Valve Software.

Just print that out, and there you are, there's your instruction manual/card ... ! :P :bounce:

lmao!!! that'd do!!!

It's not that a manual isn't included, it's there just being skanks and skimping on the costs, and what annoys me is that it appears WE the people who pay there wages dont benefit from it at all.

That's why IM pissed off at valve for doing this, drop the price by an insignificant amount (just to show they aint skanking us, which i do NOT like) to show there being loyal to there customers (and there pay cheque)

I kind of hoped they would have it in pdf format... oh well. I really liked how the OpFor manual was... it revealed some info and got you into the HL mood. I'm really dissapointed. :(
Yogibbear said:
Hm..... but what if you're blind can you order in a manual in brail or something???

Yep...blind people playing Half-Life 2. :laugh:

Indeed. :cheers:

Plus Some_God...

The Thing said:
Anyhoo, it fits in with the Half-Life style of immersion...

Where are you going to find an instruction manual right after Half-Life and just before HL2?

I don't think the G-man will hand you an manual telling you the backstory to it.....


To get into the mood, just play HL:S. ;)
That's not what I meant... I mean like it was pretty cool reading the stuff in the OpFor manual... it gave you extra information about the HL universe. :|
Originally Posted by Neo_Kuja
Oh for goodness sake, I'll write you the damn instruction manual !

Half-Life 2 Unoffical Instruction Manual

Installation :

1) Insert CD/DVD into CD/DVD drive.
2) Follow the instructions that pop up to install Half-Life 2.


"W" - Move Foward
"S" - Move Backward
"A" - Strafe Left
"D - Strafe Right
"1-6" - Weapon Select

Use the mouse to aim. Use mouse button *1* to fire currently selected weapon. Use mouse button *2* to use secondary mode of currently selected weapon.

Thanks !
Valve Software.

Just print that out, and there you are, there's your instruction manual/card ... !
Or it could be f, or return, or middle mouse button or even r.

Who knows without a manual?
Owen said:
Or it could be f, or return, or middle mouse button or even r.

Who knows without a manual?
Somebody please; Think of the children!
Owen said:
Or it could be f, or return, or middle mouse button or even r.

Who knows without a manual?
I doubt it will be that much different from the first one.
R: Reload
E: Use item
F: Flashlight
I wonder what key that AUX power thing will be. You know, like the sprinting thing...

I hope it's easy to reach... I can't feel anywhere with my thumb.. But I need my fingers on the movement to sprint sideways and stuff...

KBharvester said:
u fanbois are pathetic...

there are a lot of new gamers and younger gamers.
(and don't start with the-IF THEY'RE YOUNGER THEY SHOULDN'T BE PLAYING THE GAME) there content control in hl2 ?

Naveed said:
That would be Q.

Q is for the Last used weapon, I think it is going to be z or x.
the manual (to me) was only worth reading through on the drive home from the store / waiting for install to finish.

but with purchasing the game on steam... it is already installed.. and there is no drive to the store.

besides the game has a built in training mode (ala hl1) that teaches you everything a newb would need to know... and the story unfolds as you play it... if you need a reminder of the premise of HL2 then you could always play through HL1/HL:source.

its weird however that they didn't include a manual in the boxed version.
i have faith in the VALVe team. i know for a fact that they won't have thousands of gamers left cluless on how to play HL2. they might even have a manuel on the CD. but as someone posted before there should be a hazard course
real gamers don't read instruction booklets :P

edit: dont be a nazi :dork:
hes got you there.

Steam is not revolutionizing the way people buy games.
I WANT MY HALF LIFE 2 FROM A STORE WITH A GAME MANUAL GOD DAMN IT, i dont want to buy a box with a serial number inside of it.
Hmm I think this would work:

AUX: Shift
Walk: Alt
Crouch: Ctrl
Jump: Space
Last Weapon: Q
Flashlight: F
Use: E
Reload: R

Anything else?
The Thing said:
You forgot the mouse buttons...;)
What, to use for those commands?

Well, not all people have mouses that have alot of buttons and stuff... You've got to think of everyone!
I totally and utterly agree with the name of this topic.IMO the instruction manual isn't there nessercarily for actual game-help. It's the finishing touch, like a proper box to have your game in, and a nice cd/dvd case. It just finishes it off.

My friend buys alot of games from bali/singapore and they are just a burnt cd/dvds in a paper sleeve. I can't stand them, it makes it look like there has been no effort into making the game and it's cheap & tacky.

The Instruction Manual doesn't have to help in the gameplay or add any special fluff (though thats always nice), it just adds "a touch of class", if you can judge computer games to have any form of class.

There's more to a game than just what's on the dvd (this is not flamebait, this is my opinion and if people want to flame me, fine).