No Mom, just one more turn... (Civ V)

How have you gotten to a couple hundred turns? I have only barely made it past 200 and i've been playing a couple hours each day for the past few days.

Well you can change the 'speed' of the ruleset up and down from the default, or one of you may be automating units (workers, scouts especially) whilst the other isn't.
****in shit.

I played the "learn as you go" tutorial mission. Started around 8 last night, got to bed just after 5 this morning.

What? That tutorial should only take you like an hour and a half at most.
I don't play on anything but standard. I could go for longer but considering how quick people get wiped out just in standard... I figure by the end of the game it would be 1v1 with massive empires.
I find the achievements to win with civilizations preferred methods give me challenges and keep it interesting. I just did the 3 city cultural victory with India.
What? That tutorial should only take you like an hour and a half at most.
Yeah but I'm dumb and went for a cultural victory. Could've squashed him with military in about one fifth as many turns, but uhh... yeah I don't know.
I can't seem to win a cultural victory no matter what I do. With only a couple cities I lack the luxury resources I need for trade, money, and happiness. I lack the strategic resources I need to build a formidable defensive army. I don't generate enough research points or production points to keep up with anyone... and the later in the game it gets, my gold income ends up in the negatives. Not to mention no matter what happens or how much I appease them, the biggest empire decides I'm in the way with my two cities. I have no idea how to pull it off. Culturally I seem to be ahead of everyone by a long ways, but I just can't get anywhere near success.
Anyone coming up completely blank in the server browser? I've seen a total of one game so far. I'm guessing it's mostly because they take so long and (for obvious reasons) you can't join once it's started, but damn, I figured there'd at least be a few going at any given time.
I haven't played since Friday, but I think I'm on track for my cultural victory, unless China decides to go for it... they're 4 policies ahead, have been in "Future Era" since the 1930s and have twice the score of the civ in second place as well as twice the wonders and army. Superpower status? :p
I can't seem to win a cultural victory no matter what I do. With only a couple cities I lack the luxury resources I need for trade, money, and happiness. I lack the strategic resources I need to build a formidable defensive army. I don't generate enough research points or production points to keep up with anyone... and the later in the game it gets, my gold income ends up in the negatives. Not to mention no matter what happens or how much I appease them, the biggest empire decides I'm in the way with my two cities. I have no idea how to pull it off. Culturally I seem to be ahead of everyone by a long ways, but I just can't get anywhere near success.

A few hints:

Have each city specialize. In my 3 city cultural victory I had one city pumping out 150 some research per turn because I used all my great scientists to build academies around it. This works well with the research improving buildings that give % bonuses. Similarly, my capital was a cultural powerhouse. By getting some key wonders early and then using the same trick with great artists to improve the lands around the city I was making 290 culture per turn in just that one city. Look for the wonders in the tech tree that give either percentage bonuses to culture or decrease the amount of culture you need for new policies.

To make your life a bit easier when dealing with invasion, set the map to archipelago. You can still find good land but it's easier to defend since there are fewer land passages.

With only 3 cities, I was having trouble with my economy starting around 1900 as well. I ended up having one city focus on just making gold which helped a bit. To make up the difference I sold my resources to the AI. You can make 1 gold/turn/strategic resource you sell to them and 5 gold/turn/luxury resource you sell to them.

Some of it comes down to luck with your starting position. You want it to have lots of resources nearby of course but also a fair amount of hills for the production bonuses.

Playing a weird game as the Arabs at the moment (large world with continents btw). I started off by having a medium sized continent all to my own. There were two city states and some barbarians of course, but that was it. Around the 1400s I discovered another continent that was also just inhabited by one civ, the English. I managed to annihilate them around 1800 and now I have 8 civs to go, all crammed together on the third continent. Which shouldn't be too hard, at least for cities situated at sea. I have a flotilla of three frigates and a few caravels that can wreak havoc on anything coastal. Just walk in with one land unit when they're done, and presto. I might even win this game.
Shaker, I want screens, how big is the third continent compared to the first and second?
I was so totally confused by map-size until I realised that the minimap expands as you explore. What a dumbass.

Further evidence of unworthiness: I'm sincerely enjoying playing for Achievements. Actually, It's not a bad idea for working through the options to see which play-styles / game-start options I like best. I'll have to force myself to play culturally though. Expansion is more fun, whether you go to war or not.
I found a pretty annoying bug. For some reason my peace treaty just does not end with Russia. It started over a hundred turns ago. She's trying to take this city state but I parked units all the way around it so she can only bombarb it. It's getting kind of old quickly.
Ouch, that's quite the continent your final adversaries inhabit!
EDIT Lots of unhappiness btw because I incorporated the whole of England within ten or so turns. I'll probably raze every city I conquer next.
Have you been "puppet-ing" them or annexing?

I find the achievements to win with civilizations preferred methods give me challenges and keep it interesting. I just did the 3 city cultural victory with India.

Yeah me too. Was a mistake doing it on Epic speed though. Far too many turns near the end with nothing to do but press enter and wait for AI moves.
Have you been "puppet-ing" them or annexing?

Annexing them, stupid move. Plus I did it in one big bang, because I tricked England into giving me about 4 cities through diplomacy. AAfter that I just waited out the peace treaty. When that finished after ten turns I took London and one other remaining city. Also annexed those. :-( Next time around I will just make them into puppet cities and annex them later on.
Anyone else immature enough to laugh at the '[City State] desires Big Ben' status alert? No? Just me then.
I only annex when I know I have plenty of excess gold revenue and happiness.. which is usually most of the time.
This game is so much fun. I don't understand all the bitching on the official forums. I haven't run into any of the supposed bugs and I don't mind the streamlining at all. It makes for a better game even. I don't think I enjoyed any other Civ game more than this one and I have played the series since part one.
I'm becoming increasingly annoyed at a gameplay annoyance that's been in the series as long as I can remember. The game is over zealous about moving to the next unit to control. All too often I'll be trying to do several things at once in an area but the camera keeps panning across the map to something completely unrelated. Example:

I'll be trying to control an invasion.
Set up catapult to fire, camera zooms to worker on other side of continent. Arrrgh.
Go back to catapult and fire on an enemy. Camera zooms to exploring boat in the middle of the sea. Clench fist in frustration.
Go back to battle scene and tell someone to attack. Camera goes to another worker. FFFFFUUUUUUUUU
That is annoying, especially when you're invading. Is there any way to turn the automatic switching off, and just cycle between units manually?
One of the first things I did was try and find a way to turn that off. So annoying, but I couldn't see any option anywhere.
Hmm... Only playing on the third difficulty setting for my third game (so err, 'Easy'), but it's comical how clueless Washington was. He's the first guy I meet and I just do a bunch of easy trades / research policies with him for the 2000 years it takes to annihilate every other civ... then it's just me and him, and he still apparently doesn't know what's coming.

I dropped a Nuke on him to get the achievement, but I think I'll probably go back on that. It made me very sad :_(
I'm just doing a random little thing with Ceaser on my own little island while Bismark is tearing up everyone else. I finally realized what was slowing me down so much in my small empire cultural victory. I had waaaaaaay too many turns unhappy. I didn't realize it took you down to a FOURTH of your growth in all your cities. I think I'll be able to pull it off next time around.

Not sure how I'll try to win this one though. I'm way behind in culture and not far enough ahead in research so I might try to pump out a bunch of units and take over.
I just abandoned my huge-map game. The latter turns take FOREEEEEEEEEVER to calculate. It got to be more than 3 minutes of waiting every turn. Since I was mostly trying to be diplomatic, i didn't have much of an army, and that made my turn last like 20 seconds. So 20 seconds of playing then 3+ mins of waiting, every turn. Naw. So I started a game on the next smallest, and its going much quicker at the same turn number. I'll have to upgrade my processor before playing another huge map game.

Also, I just repelled an attack by the Ottomans who were the second strongest military in the game, with a much smaller force. I was able to use the jungles around my cities to my advantage, as well as some rivers, to pummel them. I had destroyed almost their entire military and razed three of their nearest cities when they surrendered. Then I made a research agreement with them, and convinced France, with their largest military in the game, to go to war with the Ottomans and ensure they don't come back from their mistake. All it took for France to betray the Ottomans, whom they'd been friendly with for most of the game, was 30 bucks and dye for 30 turns. Suckas.
I just abandoned my huge-map game. The latter turns take FOREEEEEEEEEVER to calculate. It got to be more than 3 minutes of waiting every turn. Since I was mostly trying to be diplomatic, i didn't have much of an army, and that made my turn last like 20 seconds. So 20 seconds of playing then 3+ mins of waiting, every turn. Naw. So I started a game on the next smallest, and its going much quicker at the same turn number. I'll have to upgrade my processor before playing another huge map game.

Epic huge 3-city cultural. On a laptop. I feel ya. I ended up finishing while reading a book ;)
I had the same problem. Large maps are a bit faster, but turns late in the game still take about 30 to 40 seconds to calculate. I need a new cpu ...
What kind of processors do you guys have? Haven't tried a huge game yet. Wondering if I'd bother.
Well I know what to expect then :p

Q6600, though at 3GHZ. 4GB Ram as well.
At the end of my 3 city cultural which was on a large map I just started doing my workout while waiting for turns. My 6000+ X2 has lasted me awhile but I'm ready for something faster.
I keep starting over because I can't shake the feeling that I'm doing something wrong, or that I could have done better.

Any tips? I was told not to bother with most of the non-Wonder buildings because the maintenance on most of them negated any of their benefits.
Only get happiness buildings if you're getting low on happiness. Other than that, wonders help a whole lot more than some of the simpler ones.
I try to go for the techs that let you pour production into research or wealth as quickly as possible if I'm running out of stuff to build. I always specialise and only build the things my Civ will benefit from, unless it's late game and I have loads of cash or something. Could be different on higher difficulties mind you, I'm still working my way up.