No Mom, just one more turn... (Civ V)

Sendiego? It's the 14th now. It says the preorder bonus is Civ 3 and the first DLC. Maybe I'll wait a bit and see if anything shows up on Steam or Amazon or someone offers a nice pre order deal.

Watching that video, doesn't it remind you a little of Sim City 4? The clouds and the rounded interface... and I think the text too...
The most important question nobody has asked yet (or perhaps somebody has, but I missed seeing), does Leonard Nimoy voice the techs again? Frankly this could be a deal breaker. The most important question nobody has asked yet (or perhaps somebody has, but I missed seeing), does Leonard Nimoy voice the techs again? Frankly, this could be a deal breaker for me.

Ok not really, but if he doesn't it just won't be the same.
I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the Civ series, but I just might check this out due to the Hex-system, non-stacking units etc.

It seems a lot closer to a wargame than it used to be, which is good in my eyes.
The most important question nobody has asked yet (or perhaps somebody has, but I missed seeing),
No point in asking questions that were asked some time ago :p The answer is no. And you can check everything out in the gameplay videos above.

Started a game of Alpha Centauri an hour before dinner last night. Predictably, I didn't eat until midnight. Why the heck have I preordered this game?
I never played a Civ game, but the gameplay videos made it seem really cool. So, I pre-ordered.
I never played a Civ game, but the gameplay videos made it seem really cool. So, I pre-ordered.

Well you're in for a treat.

I didn't really like turn based strategies because some that I played early on were just terrible, but then I got Alpha Centauri and I was blown away. I never really though about the Civ series, but when the Civ 4 pack was on sale I grabbed it. I still play it from time to time... taking up hours of my life without ever noticing. Now I'm going to spend the last of my extra cash for the next two weeks on this game even though I have like 15 others I haven't even launched...

I read in PC Gamer that, although the narrator is no Nimoy (he's starting to sound really... old-man-like though) he is a capable narrator. Anything's better than the random stand in guy they had for the expansions. The trailiers had a bunch of different narrators so maybe they're going to do that. From what I can tell they've also made some changes in the gameplay aspects. Making it much more stream lined and eliminating some of the fluff, but I've also heard the intro song is not as good as Baba Yetu from Civ 4.
Come out faster damn you!

Anyone up for a multiplayer game when it comes out?
I didn't really like turn based strategies because some that I played early on were just terrible, but then I got Alpha Centauri and I was blown away. I never really though about the Civ series, but when the Civ 4 pack was on sale I grabbed it. I still play it from time to time... taking up hours of my life without ever noticing.

I never really got into hex games because the combat always seemed really unappealing. The Total War series resonates best with be because its got meta-strategy with their quasi-hex based gameplay, and RTS combat. I like how I can employ battlefield tactics when fighting, as well as some limited grand-scheme maneuvering. I guess my taste has broadened a bit though, because I'm fairly excited to play situations like in the second half of that gameplay demo with lots of fleshed out grand-scheme tactics, even though I would like a game that could do both well.
Well hex is new for this. It was square with stacking units and now it's hex with one unit per square. It should make for a new dynamic in combat. It was always kind of annoying to think you were gonna fight one or two units and it turns in to like 400 stacked on top of each other. I like that the hex isn't so... prominent... as it is in other hex games. I'm really looking forward to this. Only a week more.
Stacks really ruined warfare in civ4 for me. It just felt like it came down to death stack vs. death stack with no real strategy aside from which units are in the death stack.

It should make for better war.
That was Sid himself. While he wasnt great hes certainly not random.

If I had paid attention I'd have known that since I actually did the tutorial... I guess you really don't hear it a lot outside of that. Still, he's no Morgan Freeman.

On that note, if that had Morgan Freeman the game would truly be the best thing around. Morgan Freeman could narrate ****ing Dr. Seuss and make it sound like Shakespeare. Probably Patrick Stewart too...
Or, Jeremy Irons, Liam Neeson, Christopher Lee, James Earl Jones etc. etc. ;)

But best would be BRIAN BLESSED

Anyone up for a multiplayer game when it comes out?
The idea intrigues me, but I'd really need to play against someone my own skill-level. So has anyone played Civ I to III and Alpha Centauri a thousand times and learned nothing? I'm absolute bullshit at this game.
Yeah Im familiar with it all but far from being an expert. The other option when trying multiplayer for the first times is alliance while cranking up the AI a bit to compensate.
I'm your man. I still get ass****ed by barbarians on anything above like the third difficulty.
People who play higher than that are usually tweakers or power gamers. I'm mostly familiar, but find that I can get randomly ****ed for no reason.
I like to play these games on the highest difficulty because it reinforces my quasi-ideological belief that the history of mankind is of unending war, and that a people's fate is decided by their willingness to continue the struggle for survival and to overcome all hardships and foreign invaders.
I like to play these games on the highest difficulty because it reinforces my quasi-ideological belief that the history of mankind is of unending war, and that a people's fate is decided by their willingness to continue the struggle for survival and to overcome all hardships and foreign invaders.

A medium difficulty on a civ game exceeds the highest difficulty on most games. At the top end you start to wonder how it's even feasible for people to have created so many units and become so angry at you in such when it's still 2000 BC.
StarBob, isn't that because at the higher difficulties the AI gets bonus modifiers(i.e. cheats)?
I dunno. I just know that I can barely even get above Warlord in single player without terrible things happening. I put it up really high once and I was pretty much wiped out before I could even get started. It was sad. Even on regular difficulties though it seems the AI really focuses on pumping out units, especially the more militant types.
Yeah Civ on high difficulties is scary to go up against. I've been utterly annihilated before getting out of the bronze age.
Searching the official forums reveals that the AI does indeed cheat.

Best AI I myself have ever seen in a 4X game like Civ has to be Galactic Civilizations 2, and it doesn't need cheats to be difficult.
StarBob, isn't that because at the higher difficulties the AI gets bonus modifiers(i.e. cheats)?

Cheats is the correct word. I think on Prince, the tables are completely equal. Then they starting quite drastically against you. The computer builds and researches faster than you, starts with more units than you, suffers a lot less corruption than you, a lot less unit cost than you and so on. I'm on Monarch I think, and a computer civ starts with one Settler, an explorer/warrior and two archers. Yeah, two archers. Before you've settled your first city, much less researched any of the techs that lead to Archery.
Yeah I usually play on Prince difficulty, no modifiers for or against me.
Nice, didn't realize release was so close! Warfare looks like it could be quite a bit better... I never much enjoyed it in Civ 4 and always went for the cultural win, which got retarded a lot of times with all the AI's so hell-bent on making it a war game.
I've never won a war game. I've won by science mostly and by culture and conquering. It's fun to conquer by just making people want to join you, but it was harder after they put in espionage and everyone would mess me up covertly.
Oh god.

It looks so good. They fixed like everything that pissed me off about 4. Gonna play this shit so hard.

Make sure you lube it up first.

But really, this looks better everytime I hear more about it. I think the combat is really going to be fun. Instead of getting the best units around stacking them up and running them at someone else's group and bombarding from one square away, you can actually do some decent combat maneuvers. The whole city state thing seems a little strange to me though. It's kind of like a barbarian city that's fully functional. However, I'm getting more excited about it as time goes on. I feel like I should take a day work next week to devote to enjoying this game.
I really want to get this, but I don't think it will run too well on my rig.
There was a stream yesterday with two devs playing the game. You can watch that here amongst other places. RPS also gives a link to a shorter recap of what was seen in the stream.
I think he just stands in sometimes, I'm sure I've heard him before. Idunno, I don't mind the usual guy, even if he has a tendency to misinterpret certain lines sometimes and read them with completely the wrong inflection.
Thoroughly looking forward to this game, always been a massive fan of the civ series but this just looks immense :)

Off on launch day \o/

I'm sure the basic game will be great , I'd also love to see some of the great mods ported over or ones as good made as well! ( FFH2 etc )
Civ marketing has gotten insanely savvy with the parodies of game addiction. It's a great angle, not too tired and occasionally funny.
I haven't seen any Civilization advertising/marketing over here, got any links for me BHC?
So I'm really thinking of getting this.

Worried that the reviews right now may be intentionally biased as have been with some games in the past before release.