No news > good news

Well, like we said it'd be stupid, but we humans are pretty stupid so it wouldn't surprise me.
Originally posted by el Chi
If it's still supposed to be out on the 30th, then Valve HAVE NOTHING TO ANNOUNCE.
They really don't have to make an official statement every time some clueless retailer changes its release date. Why should THEY be punished for other peoples' idiocy?

I don't completely agree. The "no comment" and "we'll see" responses given having to do with the release date are irresponsible in my opinion. It would take just as much effort to say "We're still on" and not be vague. If it's delayed then the responisble thing to do (at this point) would be to say,"Okay, we're not going to make it but it will be out before the end of the year (or whenever)." This whould give them a chance to have a good window of time to complete the game. Either way I think a statement should have been made by now. I understand that at the ETCS there were statements made, but since then it's been the "no comment" stuff that only leads to speculation and Gabe knows this (he is a very smart man). The only saving grace would be if this is all a big "buzz builder", and even that would be cheap. This game is going to sell no matter what they don't really need anymore buzz. People i know that don't even know play PC games know about this game and look at how little press it's had. I think that this point in the game it is ridiculous not to have a statement put out either confirming or denying the 9/30 release date.
Concerning retailers' dates: it makes no sense for them to make up dates. Why would they do that ? Because they don't know shit ? Think again, they sure know more than 99,9% of the people in this community. It's their job to know when a product may be on sale, right ?

And why in the hell would they make up delayed dates ? It doesn't make sense either. There is more sense for people to preorder the game if the date is earlier, right? Even if they know the game is delayed, they better keep it secret... So why do they all don't have the 9/30 ?

And concerning Valve, well it's just a developper. They can't control everything. They might want to try with Steam (doesn't seem very likely at the moment) but they can't possibly control anything whatsoever concerning the retail of the game. That's what publishers are for.

Everything right now points that the game will be delay. "But Gabe tolds us all along that the game will make the 9/30 !!"

Duh !
Guys, you will see when it's gonna be released and I'm pretty sure you will be happy with it.

Trust me, I know when it's gonna come out.
Originally posted by quik
Guys, you will see when it's gonna be released and I'm pretty sure you will be happy with it.

Trust me, I know when it's gonna come out.

Yes, of course, thanks for the info Gabe, or Erik, or whomever you think you are.
Originally posted by quik
Guys, you will see when it's gonna be released and I'm pretty sure you will be happy with it.

Trust me, I know when it's gonna come out.

I feel much better now !
Quik: If you can't back up a claim like that then you just sound like the biggest moron.

N0N1337H41: Perhaps it is somewhat "irresponsible" but I have to say, cruel as it sounds, if I was one of the Valve team and I had been asked the same question about the release date after confirming the same answer about 7million times, I'd get serevely tempted to f*ck with the community. Which is of course in itself, extremely irresponsible. I'm not saying that's what Valve are doing though...
Perhaps they know they'll make around that date, but that it'll be tight. Therefore, if it's a few weeks off then no biggy.

lhauert: The problem with retailers' dates is that they've varied them so wildly so many times - even within themselves(and I don't mean like EB vs Gamestop, I mean like EB vs EB) - from shorter waits (someone gave August...) to huge delays (March/April from EB at one point? It's hard to keep track) It's practically farcical, and so the conclusion most people have drawn is that they have no idea what's going on and to just ignore them.

Although I must confess that my gut instinct at the moment is that 30th Sept. seems a bit too good to be true...
I can't say a lot of things about it. But I can say that I'm a content host for Steam files (Future HL2 patches, mods etc). I'm currently looking to host a HL2 server right now. As I said, right now.

I can't say much, sorry.
are you the same quik from #eg in i remember talking toa quik that had a really phat connection
Originally posted by Dougy
it would be so hilariously sweet if gabe just started a new thread with a pic atatchment and it was the valve team underneath a HL2 GOLD banner.

i realy need to find something to do.......

jesus ****ing christ that would be nice wouldn't it
Really? I only have 12. But I've been real good this year and I'm only going to ask Santa for two things, so he HAS to give me them!
1. 11 testicles.
2. To be a content host for Steam files

Oh PLEASE!!! <el Chi crosses fingers in fitful desire>
Originally posted by quik
I can't say a lot of things about it. But I can say that I'm a content host for Steam files (Future HL2 patches, mods etc). I'm currently looking to host a HL2 server right now. As I said, right now.

I can't say much, sorry.

Here, let me put it this way. NO one will believe you, real people in your position don't say anything. You, are making these claims with nothing to back them up except "I cannot say much"

Why did you open you're mouth in the first place if you cannot talk?
I really can't see them delaying it's getting harder and harder to believe they'll delay it...
Originally posted by Baal
I really can't see them delaying it's getting harder and harder to believe they'll delay it...

It has had quite the opposite effect on me ;(
Meh, i don't believe quik, but hey it don't hurt to put a little "hope" ( i am loosly using this word )
Well in fact I don't use them all. They'e not all in a practical place. Just picture this: try to touch your right elbow with your right hand...
When you'll see UltimeWeb while playing HL2, you will know who to think about: me.
@ quik: come on ! Spit it up ! Won't hurt you (physically, at least) !!
ok just wondering. i knew a quik that types like you do and works for microsoft.
Aller un petit effort. Juste pour un compatriote francophone... C'est quoi cette bonne nouvelle ??
To go a small effort. Just for a French-speaking compatriot... It is what this good news??
Looks to me like a CS sound effect... cs_italy, anyone?
Originally posted by el Chi
Looks to me like a CS sound effect... cs_italy, anyone?

You probably nailed it my friend...I was just thinking there was a map with chickens in it
Originally posted by spitcodfry
chicken0.wav? Who says this has anything to do with Half-Life 2? It could be a sound file for one of the mods.

It has nothing to do with HL2, he was showing that he is a content server.
interesting, either way what acually would make me happy is the game coming out the 29th so we would all be like: "Holy shit Gabe, and all of Valve you are seriously freaking angels" but that i highly doubt :D

either way i am worried but 1% of me says "I trust Gabe" still i think they should leave us out of the dark, it would save alot of heart break

Half Life 2 to me is like my high school sweetheart, i love her to death but if she delayed anything i had to lose faith in her
I never said it has something to do with HL2, it's not.

Think what you think.