Nonsensical Quotes (A Game)


Here is a HARD one.

"It's not a technical limitation, it's a design decision."
Or is it that Chris dude who helps answers gabes e-mails

Alright here is one:

"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love."
No Clue. Not even gonna guess..

OK. I'll guess...

Jenna Jameson!

Dr. Ruth!

Edit: Wouldn't it be Gravity, and not gravitation?
All wrong....It should be gravity I guess....but it's not.
It's Einstein. I cheated, but you are holding out too long :)

Go again, pr0n.
HAHAHAHA....pr0n I like that name....ok heres a easy one:

"Life is like a box of chocolates, your never know what your going to get"
Ah, easy one. Forest, Forest Gump.

Here is one I know you will know.

"I've got mail, I've got mail, I've got mail, I've got mail, I've got mail, I've got mail. Do you have mail? I've got mail, I've got mail, I've got mail. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!"

ok, my quote:
"badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers MUSHROOM MUSHROOM"
Oh, look it's a snake. A snake, a SNAAAAAAAAAAAKE. MUSHROOM MUSHROOM. Badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger.

I have no idea who said that. Mr.Badger the moderator?
I just saw that in a thread......hmmmmmm.......
Okey dokey....let me think of one.Alrighty this should be easy.

"Doom 3 is basically the scary version of Toy Story"

"I'mve was to make football often times. Play? Know! Best football results twice again."
Me too. If this thread is dead by tomorrow, I will bump it up again with a new quote.

Laters guys. Been fun.
I've got a nonsence quote.

" A shark on wiskey, is mighty risky...but a shark on beer, is a beer enginer."
Ha Steve Wright rules ^^

"If I melt dry ice could I swim without getting wet?" :D