Nonsensical Quotes (A Game)

Shakespeare* and this reminds me of TO Kill A Mockingbird. In fact the quote was done while we were reading that. And for a reason obviously. Was it from TKAM? ergh. brain hurting...
OK, it was Edmund Burke.

here is a easier(maybe) one from a British guy(I know a lot of you are):

"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
Crap I was close.Well I don't know that quote ether.
that world war two ghandi dude who was all famous? i can't believe I forget his name.
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
OK, it was Edmund Burke.

here is a easier(maybe) one from a British guy(I know a lot of you are):

"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

Winston Churchill?
Damn...Should have known.He said that during the Battle of Britian.
Hehe Cybersh33p, you can't say "that old dude" or that "british dude" for every one can you?!?!

Hehe, just kidding.
heh, some CS player?

edit: but I want to, knoby :P

I did know it was him though. hehe. oh well. stupid memory. Must watch more history stuff. or somehting.
I bet it was Jamie Lee Curtis in True Lies.

Where is it from? Movies? Books?

Oh, Gabe Newell?
I forgot who said this, but I believe it deserves to be heard.
It is the older men who declare war, but the younger men who must suffer.
If you guys want great war quotes, play the game Call of Duty demo and kill yourself repeatidly, I killed myself so much, my keyboard stopped working.
tell me what book this is from

"Ford'', he said, "you're turning into a penguin. Stop it.''
only one book I can think of with a character named ford. shouldn't that be clue enough?

books technically. many in the series.
Well damn...I haven't read a book in a couple of years so I don't know!!!Is it holes?Hachet?

Adams was an amazingly funny and intelligent writer.