Nonsensical Quotes (A Game)

Originally posted by Tredoslop
"I'm Mathew Perry, can I be anymore of a dick?"

Tred whoever guesses the last quote right gets to pick the quote

Edit - And Mathew Perry is cool
Ok here is an idea - before you post the quote search for it on Google and you'll see it quite popular actually. They even had nw909's quote.
Sh33p its your turn again (oh and my next quote will be a real one)
lol, anyhow, my next quote:

(easy one)
"I'm not normally a prayin man, but if you're up there, please save me superman!"
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Ok here is an idea - before you post the quote search for it on Google and you'll see it quite popular actually. They even had nw909's quote.

We're trying to not google
sh33p, where's da quote?
Oh, btw, easy quotes, I don't want quotes from 70's movies.
I editted my last poswt here it is again.

lol, anyhow, my next quote:

(easy one)
"I'm not normally a prayin man, but if you're up there, please save me superman!"
Jimmy in superman? Yeah, thats it.

Edit: Who won? Please specify who is next people.
Hehe, ok. Here is a good one.

"Everything is Norbal."

Very rare quote. I will give a clue if no one gets it quick.
Well I give up, I'm turning in for the night,

I dont wanna see this thread die, it's fun.
Actually, it's too rare for anyone to get it. It was Dick Debartolo in his book "Good Days and MAD". He is a writer for MAD.

here is a better one:

"The only thing that evil needs to succeed is for good men to stand by and do nothing."
arrrgh! I f***ing know that one! who said it, who said it?! auuugh!
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
Actually, it's too rare for anyone to get it. It was Dick Debartolo in his book "Good Days and MAD". He is a writer for MAD.

here is a better one:

"The only thing that evil needs to succeed is for good men to stand by and do nothing."
Einstein?I also saw that quote on the Street Fighter movie.
its some old dude mehtinks. general perhaps. I know it. It was a "daily jouirnal" thing last year. augh.
It was attributed to Robert E. Lee in the movie Gods and Generals, but he is not the ORIGIONAL person who said this...

Keep thinking..
Originally posted by CyberSh33p
its some old dude mehtinks. general perhaps. I know it. It was a "daily jouirnal" thing last year. augh.

"some old dude" You are correct!


gonna give you another minute then I will reveal...
argh. so tempted to cheat. I'm never gonna get it, unless I like dig up my old journal from last year, if I didn't throw it away. And I think I did.