North korea pictures

NK dictatorship mixed with Combine oppression
spookymooky said:
Numbers, is this one reason you originally came to The orwellian aspect of the game?
err dude, such thing exists as north, and south korea, and he is from south.
Haha, I love as the image keeps progressing in detail. Now all you need are civilians kneeling as the combine beat them over the head.
Raziaar said:
Haha, I love as the image keeps progressing in detail. Now all you need are civilians kneeling as the combine beat them over the head.

Something like this?

I played BF2 with a guy from South Korea the other day and he wouldn't stop apologizing.
bbson_john said:
Something like this?

The apc ruins it. The lighting is all wrong.

Also, the guy on the building next to the citadel must be 20 feet tall.

Nice work though!
SixThree said:
I played BF2 with a guy from South Korea the other day and he wouldn't stop apologizing.
I'm so sorry to hear that!
You have my deepest apologies!!
Geogaddi said:
The apc ruins it. The lighting is all wrong.

Also, the guy on the building next to the citadel must be 20 feet tall.

Nice work though!

Not my APC ruins the picture, but it is your comment which ruined the picture.:(
Though what you said is true, and the Strider is too big, anyway.

bbson_john said:
Not my APC ruins the picture, but it is your comment which ruined the picture.:(


MUCH better :D

Constructive criticism goes a long way.
Geogaddi said:
MUCH better :D

Constructive criticism goes a long way.
I still think the APC and the Strider are too big. Anyway, I am too lazy to do anything more.
bbson_john said:
I still think the APC and the Strider are too big. Anyway, I am too lazy to do anything more.

I was going to mention that, but I was too lazy to edit my post.

Still, nice job.
SixThree said:
I played BF2 with a guy from South Korea the other day and he wouldn't stop apologizing.

Yeah, because we're polite. Not like you uncivilized western savages. :p
RakuraiTenjin said:
Train ettiquete throughout Asia generally sucks.

What, so giving up your seat for the elderly is impolite?
Lol...there was this korean kid who came to our school (in the US)...he sat 100% upright perfect posture and dressed with tucked in shirt and non-baggy dress pants. We were like wtf
15357 said:
Yeah, because we're polite. Not like you uncivilized western savages. :p

You call it polite. We call it apologetic and annoying ;)

It's a culture thing. To each his own. Many people will tell you that the Americans are annoyingly over-friendly and obsequious (sic) (an Australian friend of mine recently moved to the states, and he always says that we, as a culture, are like that irritating waitress at the restaurant whoalways shows up in mid-bite to make sure your meal's going okay), while I would say that the British are kind of stuck up in their own special way, Australians are like Americans but to the extreme etc. etc. The stereotypes go on and on.

I don't know where the politeness thing comes from, but from what I've seen Eastern cultures generally put higher value on formality and politness than western nations do. And it seems to work for the Eastern countries, and it seems to work for the Western countries, so I don't think anyone should be complaining.
Zeus said:
Lol...there was this korean kid who came to our school (in the US)...he sat 100% upright perfect posture and dressed with tucked in shirt and non-baggy dress pants. We were like wtf
mm orderly korean ftw
ktimekiller said:
err dude, such thing exists as north, and south korea, and he is from south.
I know, but a ton of his postings have been about North Korea. He seems to resent it. In many ways, this could probably lead to an interest in Half Life 2, and thus this site.
I've been told North Korea has the most elaborate subway systems in the world.

Like made of gold and such.

Just a random fact that I thought is interesting :p


'slike Russia...are you sure you arn't thinking of Russia? :p
sullview said:
People from the rural areas are basically living in the middle ages, and its been postulated that they actually don't know that there's a world outside of North Korea. They think NK IS the world. That's pretty freaky.
Thats a scary thought.
How does a country like this develop nuclear weapons....
Reaktor4 said:
Thats a scary thought.
How does a country like this develop nuclear weapons....
You are aware that NK had very close relations to both the Soviet Union and China during the Cold War, right?
Well, I don't doubt in any way that either if not both of'em supplied the NKs with just what they needed..
I mean, after the Sino-Soviet split NK was probably the most 'useful' country for the USSR in eastern Asia
Gargantou said:
You are aware that NK had very close relations to both the Soviet Union and China during the Cold War, right?
Well, I don't doubt in any way that either if not both of'em supplied the NKs with just what they needed..
I mean, after the Sino-Soviet split NK was probably the most 'useful' country for the USSR in eastern Asia
well that explains it.
Indeed it does.. Those lousy russians.. But then again, the US are supplying Western Europe with nukes too, I mean it's given the Netherlands nukes..
Gargantou said:
Indeed it does.. Those lousy russians.. But then again, the US are supplying Western Europe with nukes too, I mean it's given the Netherlands nukes..

But...the Netherlands haven't tried to kill any of their neighboring countries lately.
just looks like china when i was there. (foshan, guangdong.... and some of the villages i went to near there)

culture shock? get used to it. heaps of asia is like this (and russia). maybe you can appreciate your own lives that little bit more now, and realise that you dont even need all this useless crap you have, for example, the internet and computers.

people can do just fine under lots of circumstances, and these people in NK are doing fine.

anything else you say they need is just a luxury as far as im concerned.

edit: just thought i'd add a bit more to this as someone who has travelled a fair bit of asia: asia for the most part is very backwards when you leave the major cities. even japan, which people assume to be the epitome of modern technology, has some very very backward people and areas.
they make USA's so-called hillbillies look like intellectuals.

my main point is that these people aren't suffering. people want to be led.
NK's people are doing fine?

Yeah, mass starvation and concentration camps sure do fit into my definition of "fine". The areas you see in most tourist photojournals of NK are like the Beverly Hills or Orange Counties of the country.
edit: just thought i'd add a bit more to this as someone who has travelled a fair bit of asia: asia for the most part is very backwards when you leave the major cities. even japan, which people assume to be the epitome of modern technology, has some very very backward people and areas.
they make USA's so-called hillbillies look like intellectuals.

Ugh... I hate foreigner's usage of the word hillbillies and the other terms that are interchangable. It's like they think there is some sort of phenomenon in america, where we have these people that noone else have.

Well... sorry to break it to you, but EVERY country out there has their own version of America's 'hillbillies'.
Zeus said:
Lol...there was this korean kid who came to our school (in the US)...he sat 100% upright perfect posture and dressed with tucked in shirt and non-baggy dress pants. We were like wtf

He must have been Pre-mil/ Pre-ROTC or something. We're like that.
Our Korean exchange student from Seoul named Sung Yoon Kim wasn't very well behaved LOL

Pics of him also I think he was a Nazi. Also daily he never failed to let us know about his hatred for the Japanese, in front of Japanese kids. LOL


(taken from some girl's myspace I didn't add the gay caption)
