SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- North Korea said Tuesday that it will conduct a nuclear test as part of measures to bolster its self-defense amid what it calls increasing U.S. hostility toward the communist regime.

"The DPRK will in the future conduct a nuclear test under the condition where safety is firmly guaranteed," the North's Foreign Ministry said in a statement, using the country's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The statement gave no precise date of when a test might occur.

Pyongyang has said it has nuclear weapons, but is not known to have conducted any test to prove its claim. It has not mentioned a nuclear test in previous public statements.

"The U.S. extreme threat of a nuclear war and sanctions and pressure compel the DPRK to conduct a nuclear test, an essential process for bolstering nuclear deterrent, as a corresponding measure for defense," said the statement, carried by the North's official Korean Central News Agency.

The North's "nuclear weapons will serve as reliable war deterrent for protecting the supreme interests of the state and the security of the Korean nation from the U.S. threat of aggression and averting a new war and firmly safeguarding peace and stability on the Korean peninsula under any circumstances," the official English translation of the statement said.

Somewhat ironic.
No matter Korea has or hasn't tested for her nuke, it doesn't make a different.
-China surpasses Korea!!!
**** **** **** **** ****

KILL THEM ALL! KILL THEM ALL KILL THEM ALL! I hate those damn ****ed up bastard northereners.

Do you perhaps think that having such an attitude is why they're testing nukes?
Do you perhaps think that having such an attitude is why they're testing nukes?

Yeah.... I wouldn't really hate them so much if they didn't stab people in the face.

I started to really hate commies (before then, I just thought them crazy) when watching the world cup reruns and suddenly: BREAKING NEWS! Warships clash! Dozens dead and wounded! And a story on how some officer kept firing 'till both of his arms were cut off by autocannon fire.

meh if they dont test them how are they supposed to know they work? you cant make a radioactive crater filled with charred little koreans if the nuke doesnt work

And thats not a really good thing, isn't it?
not for north koreans no ..I'm assuming they'd very much like their nukes to work as advertised
"Oh goddamnit, they don't work, and I already threw away the receipt!!"
Didn't North Korea get all pissy a while ago because the US was testing nukes or am i remembering something wrong?
I expect their nukes to work as well as their Taepodong-2.

So, there'll probably be a very small explosion, perhaps on par with an M-80.
The news has been condemned by the US, Japan, South Korea and Russia - all members of the six-nation talks.

Doesn't it strike you as odd that China hasn't condemned it yet? Given how they're right in the firing line for any potential future conflicts.
Doesn't it strike you as odd that China hasn't condemned it yet? Given how they're right in the firing line for any potential future conflicts.

China is North Korea's biggest trading partner. It would be bad for business.
Could the USA not like... get a team of elite seals or something and just assasinate senior officials and arm rebels in the north ect.

Make it implode into civil war, would be best thing really.
What rebels in the north?
Assuming these "rebels" actually exist, how the hell would you expect them to accomplish anything against a fanatically loyal million-strong military force in a country that is, for the most part, fanatically loyal to its government?
In a country where there is no freedom of movement and there are checkpoints everywhere?
Think before you speak.
Oh snap!

* Angry Lawyer resigns from teaching English at Numbers' school

-Angry Lawyer
What rebels in the north?
Assuming these "rebels" actually exist, how the hell would you expect them to accomplish anything against a fanatically loyal million-strong military force in a country that is, for the most part, fanatically loyal to its government?
In a country where there is no freedom of movement and there are checkpoints everywhere?
Think before you speak.
Military assasination. Kill as many senior officials as possible. Disperse propaganda, arm the populace encourage rebellion.

It's the best way.
Military assasination. Kill as many senior officials as possible. Disperse propaganda, arm the populace encourage rebellion.

It's the best way.

Assassinate as many senior officials as possible - in a country with no freedom of movement where foreigners are required to be accompanied by state tour guides at all times? I think we can safely say that's a stupid idea.
Disperse propaganda? North Korea is the world's biggest cult. They have a different version of history from the rest of the world, and in some of the more rural parts of the country, people aren't even aware there is a world outside of North Korea. Good luck with that one.
Arm the populace? What, by throwing AK-47s out of planes?
Encourage rebellion in people who have been fed state propaganda their ENTIRE LIVES, against a military force that the most powerful nation on the planet would have trouble defeating?
Like I said before, think before you speak.
Military assasination. Kill as many senior officials as possible. Disperse propaganda, arm the populace encourage rebellion.

It's the best way.

In theory, but the NK have tight control over their population. Also, from what I hear, most of the citizens and all of the military are very loyal. They wouldn't want to fight back. Even if they did, a rebellion would be crushed within hours, the commies are very efficient.

This isn't Panama.
Doesn't it strike you as odd that China hasn't condemned it yet? Given how they're right in the firing line for any potential future conflicts.

China condemned them when their fired balistic missiles into the sea of Japan, I'm sure they will condemn this too. Just give them some time.
The story on BBC. (I've always like that better than CNN)
Just as long N. Koreans don't trigger Nuclear Wolrd War 3. Hope that goes for Iran too.
Hmm, the whole NK situation seems like quite a pickle.
Encourage rebellion in people who have been fed state propaganda their ENTIRE LIVES, against a military force that the most powerful nation on the planet would have trouble defeating?
They may have a shitload of soldiers, but they're poorly armed. Human wave attacks only work so long against carpet bombings and thousand-ton bombs.
They may have a shitload of soldiers, but they're poorly armed. Human wave attacks only work so long against carpet bombings and thousand-ton bombs.

If North Korea was so easy to defeat, it would have been invaded a long time ago. Check your Korean War history.

As we were recently on the subject of Korea's apparent superiority over the rest of the world, I think this page quite comfortably demonstrates that it is not:
The ONLY reason South Korea is not also a totalitarian hellhole is because of Western influence. Think about it, numbers.
If North Korea was so easy to defeat, it would have been invaded a long time ago. Check your Korean War history.
Check your Korean War history.

It was invaded. US forces crossed the 38th Parallel. Only the Chinese stopped the US from winning that war. If the Chinese hadn't entered and brought in their forces North Korea would have been easily crushed. Besides, it only took the US forces a few months to basically retake South Korea and almost all of the North.

Here's an easy source for reference. Read. Learn. Come back after.
Check your Korean War history.

It was invaded. US forces crossed the 38th Parallel. Only the Chinese stopped the US from winning that war. If the Chinese hadn't entered and brought in their forces North Korea would have been easily crushed. Besides, it only took the US forces a few months to basically retake South Korea and almost all of the North.

"Easily" is pushing it a bit. In any event, the North has military superiority over the South - which is far more technologically advanced. The suggestion of inciting a rebellion in North Korea is utterly absurd.
"Easily" is pushing it a bit. In any event, the North has military superiority over the South - which is far more technologically advanced. The suggestion of inciting a rebellion in North Korea is utterly absurd.
Who is sitting on the border besides South Korean troops? US troops. If the North Koreans decide to invade there will be US casualties, which will get us involved very quickly. While the North might be able to beat the South, it can;t beat the South when paired with the US.
Who is sitting on the border besides South Korean troops? US troops. If the North Koreans decide to invade there will be US casualties, which will get us involved very quickly. While the North might be able to beat the South, it can;t beat the South when paired with the US.

No, it can't. But it would be an extremely bloody war. The point is that South Korea is a relatively powerful first world nation, and without US support, it would be under grave danger from the North. Which means that any kind of rebellion (which is an absurd concept in North Korea to begin with) would have no chance whatsoever.
No, it can't. But it would be an extremely bloody war. The point is that South Korea is a relatively powerful first world nation, and without US support, it would be under grave danger from the North. Which means that any kind of rebellion (which is an absurd concept in North Korea to begin with) would have no chance whatsoever.
True, rebellion is a horrible idea, mostly because there would be no support for it in the North. I see no reason to bother with the North at all, sooner or later everyone there will starve to death because of their militaristic policies and then they won't be a problem anymore.
I used to care, and I used to think that we should be over there liberating the North instead of pissing around in Iraq. I would have begged them to let me join the Army/Marines and help.
But now...what's the point of risking/giving your life to help people who are so brainwashed they would see you as your sworn enemy and try and kill you? Who actually believe in their oppression?
It's a lost cause. Although you should read about the Seoul Train, these guys that help smuggle would-be defectors out of North Korea. They are heroes in the truest sense of the word. We should be doing something like that covertly.
I used to care, and I used to think that we should be over there liberating the North instead of pissing around in Iraq. I would have begged them to let me join the Army/Marines and help.
But now...what's the point of risking/giving your life to help people who are so brainwashed they would see you as your sworn enemy and try and kill you? Who actually believe in their oppression?
It's a lost cause. Although you should read about the Seoul Train, these guys that help smuggle would-be defectors out of North Korea. They are heroes in the truest sense of the word. We should be doing something like that covertly.
Interestingly. How do you know the North has so much support amongst its populace? I would imagine your average Joe is to damn busy trying to grow enough crops to support his familly than to worry about mr. jim kong or whatever his name is.
Read that ideology article I posted. It's a fairly deep insight.
They are brainwashed practically from birth, the education system is more concerned with telling them about how great North Korea is than about teaching them anything, and they have no real idea what the outside world is like. According to the history they are taught, NK is the greatest country on earth and they also won the Korean War. They have absolutely no contact with and barely any knowledge of the outside world. The country is really like one giant cult.