First of all, you're a lot more annoying than I am. Nobody cares about stupid Dokdo islands. Or the latest anti-Communist laws. Or Chancelllor Kim Sung-Toonjutu's extra-marital affairs.
And they certainly don't care for Confucian philosophy, which belongs in a landfill site.

75.87 million people (of 2006) seem to care about the Dokdo islands,and thats only in the Korean peninsula.

And I haven't said anythoing about the 'latest anti-communists laws', thank you very much.

I haven't said anything about extra-marital affairs, as well.

On the contrary, sir, it is you, who belong in a landfill site.

In any case, since when was it anybody's responsibility to make amends for the actions of others years before they were even born?

Oh, just about hundreds of millions of people in asia.

What you do not realize, is that YOU are making amends for somebodys actions right now. You're here, your parents brought you into this world, your ancestors made your country, your ancestors made sure it kept existing. You're making amends for that, right now. Besides, Abe was alive in WW2.

No, I'd say it's far more likely they don't give a shit because it's completely unimportant.

Then why is their goverment trying to claim it as theirs, and we clash over time with 30-something gunboats?

Oh the irony. The ones I've met are just like you!

Except for that girl in my EFL teaching practice class. She was great.


*calls KANSPC*

I'm north korean, and I just can't understand why Numbers keeps being mean to me.

Hey, you know what I just realized?
Basically, just replace "north korea" with "united states" and "nuke" with "9/11 conspiracy" and we've got a more violent (and, arguably, more stupid) version of clarkyksung.

North Korea is planning to use its nuclear arsenal to destroy me!!!

"That theory doesn't make any rational sense."


If people in the NK government aren't human, then we may as well assume that they are reptillians.

If you're north Korean, then you're prolly a goverment agent, because all the otehr ex-North Koreans I've met, and heard of, seem to carry a immense hatred of communists as well.

Never, in any debate on this forum, have I said STFU, nor have not gave reasons besides 'they're evil!' Try again.

EDIT: Wait, soooooo, you guys don't read anything I say, but you just assume it was some kind of mad rant about the evils of the societal virus of communism and/or Kim Jong-Il's extra martial affairs? Damn....


When Chinese paratroopers swarm all over your neighborhood, inevitably, don't say I didn't warn you. :p
75.87 million people (of 2006) seem to care about the Dokdo islands,and thats only in the Korean peninsula.

You're the only Korean here. Nobody here gives a shit about those stupid rocks, and you do nothing but make yourself the subject of ridicule by going on about them.

And I haven't said anythoing about the 'latest anti-communists laws', thank you very much.

I haven't said anything about extra-marital affairs, as well.

On the contrary, sir, it is you, who belong in a landfill site.

The sooner you realise that none of us want to hear every piece of breaking news from Korea and its petty rivalries, and your predictably inane LOLZ WE MUST FULFIL OUR DUTY TO THE LEADER commentary the better, especially for you.

Oh, just about hundreds of millions of people in asia.

What you do not realize, is that YOU are making amends for somebodys actions right now. You're here, your parents brought you into this world, your ancestors made your country, your ancestors made sure it kept existing. You're making amends for that, right now. Besides, Abe was alive in WW2.

Do you even know what "making amends" means?

Then why is their goverment trying to claim it as theirs, and we clash over time with 30-something gunboats?

Because their government, and your government, are stupid morons.


*calls KANSPC*

What's that?
You're the only Korean here. Nobody here gives a shit about those stupid rocks, and you do nothing but make yourself the subject of ridicule by going on about them.


The sooner you realise that none of us want to hear every piece of breaking news from Korea and its petty rivalries, and your predictably inane LOLZ WE MUST FULFIL OUR DUTY TO THE LEADER commentary the better, especially for you.

If I posted every piece of breaking news, I'd have 30,000 posts by now. And NEVER have I poseted about the "Leader" or whatever shiat.

Do you even know what "making amends" means?


Because their government, and your government, are stupid morons.

If by goverment, you mean the administration, then I wholeheartedly agree.

What's that?

Branch off of the KNPA (Police Agency)..... nothing to worry about... hehe..

Because it makes you look stupid and brainwashed.

If I posted every piece of breaking news, I'd have 30,000 posts by now. And NEVER have I poseted about the "Leader" or whatever shiat.

I was paraphrasing you. You're all about mindless obedience and deference.

Evidently not, as what you said makes no sense whatsoever.

If by goverment, you mean the administration, then I wholeheartedly agree.

And the Japanese aren't stupid or brainwashed enough to sit there cheering for their stupid government.

Branch off of the KNPA (Police Agency)..... nothing to worry about... hehe..

Erm...I'm not quite sure what you're getting at, but she was 22.
Because it makes you look stupid and brainwashed.

Why stupid?

was paraphrasing you. You're all about mindless obedience and deference.

Nooo, I'm all about the glory of the nation and a citizen's duty to his/her country.

Evidently not, as what you said makes no sense whatsoever.

Uh, forgive me, but doesn't it mean, 'deal with consequences'?

And the Japanese aren't stupid or brainwashed enough to sit there cheering for their stupid government.

Oh, I'm sure.

Erm...I'm not quite sure what you're getting at, but she was 22.

Hehe, just joking. Btw, whats the difference between EFL and ESL?
Why stupid?

Because you're so wrapped up in and incensed about something that is completely unimportant.

Nooo, I'm all about the glory of the nation and a citizen's duty to his/her country.

That is mindless obedience and least in the way that you understand it. Can you even explain what glory is?

Uh, forgive me, but doesn't it mean, 'deal with consequences'?

No. To make amends is to atone for your sins (or the sins of someone else, in this case). To put things right. To apologise. To reconcile. And suchlike.

I can't read Japanese.

Hehe, just joking. Btw, whats the difference between EFL and ESL?

They did explain all this to us, but I don't really remember. I *think* EFL is what they call it in this country and ESL is what it's generally called abroad (English as a Foreign Language, English as a Second Language, btw).
They mean the same thing. There's also ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages), which is used to refer to the structured and curriculum-based courses given free of charge to migrant workers and asylum seekers in this country.
Basically just lots of terms for the same thing, stupid shit really.
Riiight. You never called them evil.

You only said: "**** **** **** **** ****

KILL THEM ALL! KILL THEM ALL KILL THEM ALL! I hate those damn ****ed up bastard northereners."

And several dozen variations on that point. Like:

"they'll prolly take us with them."
Your reason for that claim:
"It is inevitable that North Korea shall attack again."
Your reason for that claim:
"we must destroy, annihiliate, kill, kill ,kill our enemy before it destrys us."

So far, your only reason given for any of your laughable cartoon-goblin budget bloodlust, is that North Korea will kill you if/when you attack them.
So you have to attack before that happens~?

Leaving out the obvious problem that North Korea is stupid and communist, but still smart enough (unlike you) to know that Mutually Assured Destruction - to the small extent that it can be applied here - is a deterrent and not a promise.

So what qualifies you to rely on retarded sub-gut instincts when nuclear war is at stake?

"I may sacrifice ourselves"
Your reason for that:
"Call me stupid. Call me insane. I am a proud son of the Korean nation."

Also, I can't help but point out the delicious irony that right after I compared you to kathaksung, you called me a government agent and a pro-communist.
Despite my having called communism "a political religion" comparable to nazi mysticism which is "fundamentally flawed".

Nice try with the bias card, but that doesn't fly here outside of fantasy land, where spurious accusations of communism don't make all your problems disappear.
(In this case, the problem being chronic stupidity.)

Also North Korea would never let a gay black man into their inner circle of government.
No, I believe I said: (perhaps on another thread) North Korea has been prepping for war for 5 decades, and concentrates immensely on military, while only half of that would be needed to defend themselves, as China-NK treaties have mutual assurance of alliance.

Anyway, we have to free our citizens still trapped in hell.

Also, I can't help but point out that right after I compared you to kathaksung, you called me a government agent and a pro-communist.

Oh, no. I was reffering to the statement about you being North Korean. Besides, you compared me to kathakclarcy or something.
Because you're so wrapped up in and incensed about something that is completely unimportant.
Well, I guess its all a matter of point-of-views.

That is mindless obedience and least in the way that you understand it. Can you even explain what glory is?

The feeling you get, when you have achieve something for and in the name of the Country and the Republic for which it stands for. And what you get for serving your country.

No. To make amends is to atone for your sins (or the sins of someone else, in this case). To put things right. To apologise. To reconcile. And suchlike.


I can't read Japanese.

Basically, it says: "Korea get out of Takeshima(Dokdo)"

They did explain all this to us, but I don't really remember. I *think* EFL is what they call it in this country and ESL is what it's generally called abroad (English as a Foreign Language, English as a Second Language, btw).
They mean the same thing. There's also ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages), which is used to refer to the structured and curriculum-based courses given free of charge to migrant workers and asylum seekers in this country.
Basically just lots of terms for the same thing, stupid shit really.

Oooh, thanks. :)
Well, I guess its all a matter of point-of-views.

That's just a cop-out answer that anyone could use to justify anything. Kind of like multiculturalism...

The feeling you get, when you have achieve something for and in the name of the Country and the Republic for which it stands for.

Do you even know what that line you've just recited actually means? Do you truly understand it? Or does it just, as you say, "feel good"?
Nationalism is just a religion, a crutch for the weak-minded.


Basically, it says: "Korea get out of Takeshima(Dokdo)"

I see. Well, they're idiots too.

Oooh, thanks. :)

That's ok. Now you know to go to your local English First and demand ESOL lessons if you're tight on cash...
It seems that I can't justify my nationalism, nor my perhaps excessive support for my country, then. However, I know, deep inside me, that I shall be right.

It seems that I can't justify my nationalism, nor my perhaps excessive support for my country, then. However, I know, deep inside me, that I shall be right.


There's nothing "right" about believing in everything your country does for the sole reason that you're a part of that country. It makes absolutely no sense. It also makes you profoundly arrogant.
America's biggest weakness is their arrogance, combined with their ignorance. It may well destroy them one day. Try to follow a different example.
Um.... bad example, as the US is the world superpower with biggest GDP, military might, and stuff....
Also, here's something hilarious:

numbername said:
If I may sacrifice ourselves so that our descendants of the Korean people may inherit peace and enjoy freedom, freedom from the communist threat, continued prosperity without another sea of fire retoric from the enemy, then I shall gladly do so.

If the most horrible things in the universe are "fire rhetoric" and "threats" of annihalation, maybe sacrificing yourself (or, as you put it, ourselves) is the answer after all.

Time for a another patented idiot-remix(tm).

"fire rhetoric" "kill, kill ,kill"
"fire rhetoric" "kill, kill ,kill"
"I may sacrifice" "KILL THEM ALL!"
"we must destroy" "kill, kill ,kill"
"we must destroy" "kill, kill ,kill"
"Call me stupid" "KILL THEM ALL!"
"proud son of the Korean nation."
"kill, kill ,kill" "KILL THEM ALL!"
"we must destroy the Korean nation."
"kill, kill ,kill" "KILL THEM ALL!"
"sacrifice ourselves" "before it destrys us"
"kill, kill ,kill" "KILL THEM ALL!"
"Call me stupid. Call me insane."
"kill, kill ,kill" "KILL THEM ALL!"
"Lee Seung-Bok, the boy that cried No."
"kill, kill ,kill" "KILL THEM ALL!"

On that note, you can't possibly remember "Lee Seung-Bok, the boy that cried No."
First off, he didn't say "no".
Second of all, he lived in 1968 and there's no way you're even out of your teens.
And third, the entire incident is poorly documented and sketchy to the point that it's rather widely considered to be a complete fabrication.

For those who aren't insane, Lee Seung-bok is a complicated figure in South Korean history. As the story goes, as a young child, Lee Seung-bok and his family were brutalized by North Koreans infiltrating South Korea in 1968 as retaliation for Lee yelling "I hate Communists!" In the early 1990's, a group of journalists challenged this entire story, but these journalists were sued for libel by the original journalists who reported the story for the South Korean newspaper, Chosun Ilbo. The Chosun Ilbo journalists won their libel case.

However, on June 16th, 2004 the Seoul Central District Court ruled against Chosun Ilbo when Chosun Ilbo filed a suit against Kim Joo-eon, the former secretary general of the People's Coalition for Media Reform, and Kim Jong-bae, the former chief editor of Media Today that demanded 200 million won in compensation and correctional reports for allegedly defaming its image by arguing its reports on Lee Seung-bok were incorrect.

Otherwise, I can't find any clear documentation of the incident on google, except from blogs full of american flags using him as a martyr. And you should also be careful if you do search, because a couple of said blogs are often full of graphic pictures of dead children from various wars like Iraq & others. I kinda feel like vomiting.

Some sites say Seung-bok was killed in 1980 and not 1968. Some say he wasn't killed for saying he hated communists, but that he liked South Korea. Some say the initial attack was for no reason. Some say he was tortured first. Some say it was his birthday. Some say his entire family was also massacred.
A few say that the entire event was fabricated by single-party dictator Park Chung-hi in the 1960's.

Even assuming that story is real, you've definitely made it into propaganda now that you can name him off the top of your head and use him as an excuse to start a nuclear war.

In any case, going to war for a symbol is retarded. It's like if the US invaded russia because the bald eagle told them to.
On that note, you can't possibly remember "Lee Seung-Bok, the boy that cried No."
First off, he didn't say "no".
Second of all, he lived in 1968 and there's no way you're even out of your teens.
And third, the entire incident is poorly documented and sketchy to the point that it's rather widely considered to be a complete fabrication.

For those who aren't insane, Lee Seung-bok is a complicated figure in South Korean history. As the story goes, as a young child, Lee Seung-bok and his family were brutalized by North Koreans infiltrating South Korea in 1968 as retaliation for Lee yelling "I hate Communists!" In the early 1990's, a group of journalists challenged this entire story, but these journalists were sued for libel by the original journalists who reported the story for the South Korean newspaper, Chosun Ilbo. The Chosun Ilbo journalists won their libel case.

However, on June 16th, 2004 the Seoul Central District Court ruled against Chosun Ilbo when Chosun Ilbo filed a suit against Kim Joo-eon, the former secretary general of the People's Coalition for Media Reform, and Kim Jong-bae, the former chief editor of Media Today that demanded 200 million won in compensation and correctional reports for allegedly defaming its image by arguing its reports on Lee Seung-bok were incorrect.

Otherwise, I can't find any clear documentation of the incident on google, except from blogs full of american flags using him as a martyr. And you should also be careful if you do search, because a couple of said blogs are often full of graphic pictures of dead children from various wars like Iraq & others. I kinda feel like vomiting.

Some sites say Seung-bok was killed in 1980 and not 1968. Some say he wasn't killed for saying he hated communists, but that he liked South Korea. Some say the initial attack was for no reason. Some say he was tortured first. Some say it was his birthday. Some say his entire family was also massacred.
A few say that the entire event was fabricated by single-party dictator Park Chung-hi in the 1960's.

Even assuming that story is real, you've definitely made it into propaganda now that you can name him off the top of your head and use him as an excuse to start a nuclear war.

In any case, going to war for a symbol is retarded. It's like if the US invaded russia because the bald eagle told them to.

Ethics texts, read about it. Saw The Video, heard about it. That kid was real. There are 15 something witness accounts, and 2 surviving members of his family. His father, and his brother, who was stabbed multiple times but miraculously survived.

The Brother is still alive to this day, tell him that it was a fake, and he goes on a rage, according to news reports.

EDIT: Oh, and I never said to go to war for a symbol, unless the country and the people itself is/are a symbol.
I don't think anyone has ever denied that the kid is real, but that the events themselves are sketchy.
This would not be the first time that a tragedy has been embellished and exploited for political gain. Antisemites say jews blew up the world trade center. Anti-reptillians blame the reptillian race. Clarky blames George Bush.

The reality is that the event happened, but its use as a propaganda tool distorts the facts and thus the event itself.

In any case, the fact that he's become some sort of national martyr completely dehumanizes the poor lad.
He's been turned into some kind of political tool to make you start frothing at the mouth when your keeper rings the bell. And it's worked perfectly.

Millions of people die every day, and it takes an expert to make one into a symbol you would give up your life for.

I oppose communism, but how many canadian boys needed to be martyred for me to do so?

Think with your head.
The best weapon against communism is not being retarded.
how about we all admit we are all little assholes incapable of accepting another person's point of view. We all don't give a rat's ass about anything outside our immediate environment and wouldn't give two thoughts if the other side of the world just disappeared.

now lets all admit we are biased assholes who inhabit the politics forum.
Or being a Nazi.

Actually, Nazism and Communism seem to have quite a few things in common. They both hate Jews, they both hate people who are different, and they'll both ally themselves to whomever is their enemies enemy. Like the socialists/communists scraping for the votes of nutjob Muslims. And the nazis... Well, look up the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Or you could just keep looking for eerie examples like this -

To quote the original caption, - Was genau sie mit dem Plakat sagen wollen, bleibt unklar.

And as for communists scraping the buttom for jihadi/extremist votes, well, look no further than this interesting page -

The strange thing is, the nazis and communists were at each other's throats back then. But today they're quite good friends.


A general opinion about mine about Korea that I just can't seem to shake no-matter how hard I try: Korea needs to be seperated politically and geographically untill the North collapses. As far as South Korea goes, well, here it comes - Politically, there are curtain freedoms -- Yes, being a communist -- I feel must be taken away in order to sustain the thing which is the very basis of your country, being equality, no-matter how alive and kicking it is.
Actually, Nazism and Communism seem to have quite a few things in common. They both hate Jews, they both hate people who are different, and they'll both ally themselves to whomever is their enemies enemy. Like the socialists/communists scraping for the votes of nutjob Muslims.

Communism is an ideology that only concerns property and industries, not religion. And I don't agree with your "nutjob muslims" inference either.