Nuclear capabilities are taken as THE sign that you have made it as a nation; as a military force; you're one of the big boys now. If they say they want them and the other nuclear powers say "No, you're a threat" it's hypocritical.

You know now that I think of it, the comparison between the transfer from boyhood to manhood (puberty to adulthood) and small leagues nation to nuclear superpower stands to me as one of the most accurate observations. First, I've always believed personally that the Nuclear Weapon, in the case of this analogy is a pure cold sign that a country in a reflection of its self grew several extra inches on its military penis. Howitzers? Mines? Tanks? Planes? They're pubic hairs jumping and standing around the real conception of modern military power, using nothing more then the analogy above.

It's been proven time and time again: You have the soldier? They have the flamethrower, nerve gas, bomb, artillery shell. They have those? You have a 60 ton NBC sealed Chobham reinforced hull with a turret poking out boasting every military feature from this war out to make it the most advanced thing on the planet. You have that and many? They have the "bomb".

Secondly, I've always been of the position that though we become adults were still technically children. Albeit more sexually active and grown children who've adapted survivability and knowledge gaining/use to a much more practical art. To see these "men" in their business suited attires arguing between each other whose people get to swallow what up next reminds me of nuclear survivor, which, the shows voting process aims most of itself towards dispensing of the loaners, unpopular, unattractive, or weak.

I see these leaders and warhawks act like either children or calculated, mature, thinkers. Its a straw draw from they're and always an interpretation.

My only quirk with what El Chi said is this: You're right. It is hypocritical. But is it worth someone else eager to commit nuclear vengeance on the very country that may or may not be to blame for the hypocrisy, the country that some of you may or may not belong to?

I'm not sure what an answer should be to that question, but I do know instinctually to preserve myself.
I know where numbers is coming from. The North Koreans have fake villages set up beyond the demilitarized zone, aswell as inside it, lined with booby traps intent on harming wanderers astray or South Korean citizens.

People have been kidnapped and killed.
I'd be mutha-f***ing scared were I in Korea right now, on either side of the border.
Oh? Are you sure about that? Why don't you go live in those GPs along the border

I'm going to get flamed for saying this, but, I don't think America will just let North Korea nuke somebody. Even if they launched it, it would be disarmed out of the sky before it hits anything.
I'm going to get flamed for saying this, but, I don't think America will just let North Korea nuke somebody. Even if they launched it, it would be disarmed out of the sky before it hits anything.

Depends how much confidence you have in their anti-missle systems really.

I mean, they aren't going to be 100% effective (but I guess N.K.'s ballistic missles are much less effective).
Depends how much confidence you have in their anti-missle systems really.

I mean, they aren't going to be 100% effective.

I won't know till we try. I hope it doesn't come to that, but I do have faith in the systems to disarm the nukes. They should be damn good and tested at least 500000 times, cause if it fails, game over.
I know where numbers is coming from. The North Koreans have fake villages set up beyond the demilitarized zone, aswell as inside it, lined with booby traps intent on harming wanderers astray or South Korean citizens.

People have been kidnapped and killed.
They have a fake citytoo I think, for filming media and whatnot, with all these huge fake skyscrapers and shit, silly commies..
What, Pyongyang? I hear it's made of cardboard and recycled plastic coffee spoons...

el Chi said:
a few months ago the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer was weighing up public funding whether it should be used on schools or hospitals or new nukes (I believe nukes won)
Trident is the stupidest thing ever.
I'm going to get flamed for saying this, but, I don't think America will just let North Korea nuke somebody. Even if they launched it, it would be disarmed out of the sky before it hits anything.

Uh, whats America gonna do? They only gave us 5 tomahawk missles for defence. We had to make our own scuds and cruise missles.....
lol you're ignoring what he said Numbers:

MTG_Maro said:
I don't think America will just let North Korea nuke somebody

nuke in Nuke South korea ....

please present evidence proving without a doubt NK intends to commit suicide by nuking it's own freaking land .... you're quickly sucumbing to paranoid delusional fantasies with no basis in reality, Numbers, time for a reality check
there was some journalist that visited NK today on the news but i had to go to school and didnt see it.
NK is not going to nuke SK, simply because they're human and not going to commit suicide for... what?
They love their children too...

I'd be more scared of loony (terrorist)organisations getting nukes, -> because they have no homeland/country (point of retaliation).
Well, still, No nukes = less worries.
please present evidence proving without a doubt NK intends to commit suicide by nuking it's own freaking land .... you're quickly sucumbing to paranoid delusional fantasies with no basis in reality, Numbers, time for a reality check

Actually, present evidence that they won't.

North Korea is ****ed up. There is no question about that. If there were to be a state of chaos on either part of the peninsula, the North Korean regime as well as its leadership, which aren't actually known for their sanity, can and prolly will use nukes. The problem is, they can't nuke the US, their mortal enemy, so they'll just nuke the closest ally. Which is us.

NK, nuking the territories of the Republic of Korea (which includes the entire Korean peninsula, as well as all surrounding islands) will not be an act of suicide. There is no reason that it'll be one, there is no proof that they'll also die.

And this:

Let me translate:
◆관광객 위장해 주요 시설 촬영=정씨는 중요 임무인 주요 시설 촬영을 위해 관광객으로 위장했다. 정씨가 선택한 첫 관광지는 경주 불국사. 경주 관광을 핑계로 인근의 울진 원자력발전소 촬영이 가능할 것이란 계산이었다.

정씨는 국정원 조사에서 “유사시 원전을 파괴하면 원자폭탄을 투하한 것과 같은 혼란을 야기할 수 있다”고 말한 것으로 전해졌다. 경주 도착 후 정씨는 울진으로 이동하며 원전의 부속건물과 원자로 등 5장의 사진을 찍는 데 성공했다.

= Jong disguised self as a tourist and took photos of major installations, including nuclear reactors. For 8 years, he acted as a spy for the north. In his interrogation, he stated: "In a case of war, destroying a nuclear reactor would entail the same amount of chaos of a nuclear weapon." In gyeongju province, he took photos of 5 nuclear reactors as well as surrounding power plant buildings.


On Monday, right after the North announced a nuclear test, the president said North Korea’s possession of nuclear weapons is “intolerable.” But without offering any specific plan for getting North Korea to give up its nuclear program, the president now mutters that some UN sanctions are unacceptable and puts conditions on others. Going a step further, the administration is said to have tentatively decided to continue package tours to Mt.Kumgang and business at the Kaesong Industrial Complex irrespective of a UN resolution. Koreans and the world are fed up with this administration's hypocrisy. It might as well say frankly, like the addlebrained so-called 386 Generation of former student activists who support it, that there is nothing wrong with a nuclear-armed North Korea because the bombs will be ours once unification comes.
Ah let them do whatever. They are only gonna get owned by the international community.
Ah let them do whatever. They are only gonna get owned by the international community.

Oh yes, but I'm rather worried about them owning us first. And the ambitions of Communist China and Japan, with Russia.
They wont own anyone. They dont even have nukes. Remember its a test to develop nukes. And they dont have any missiles either. Plus everyone thinks the first test failed.

Trust me, by the time Korea decide to launch nukes on US for example, North Korea would be annihilated...
They dont even have nukes.
Uh, they HAVE nukes.

And they dont have any missiles either.

Uh.... you are talking about North Korea, right? The world's exporter of missles to Iran, Syria, and others?

Plus everyone thinks the first test failed.

The US says they didn't, we say they didn't, China says they didn't, Japan says they didn't...

Trust me, by the time Korea decide to launch nukes on US for example, North Korea would be annihilated...

NORTH KOREA, damnit!

Korea =/= North Korea. ****ed up commie bastards they are.

Besides, they aren't gonna launch nukes at the US, but most likely at us.
Uh, they HAVE nukes.

Uh.... you are talking about North Korea, right? The world's exporter of missles to Iran, Syria, and others?

The US says they didn't, we say they didn't, China says they didn't, Japan says they didn't...

NORTH KOREA, damnit!

Korea =/= North Korea. ****ed up commie bastards they are.

Besides, they aren't gonna launch nukes at the US, but most likely at us.

1) They want to develop nukes. This whole situation is about Korea GAINING nukes. They dont have any super-nukes. Maybe a few shit ones..
2) Their missiles could never reach the US or the UK. Their missiles are SHIT. Their missiles have failed many many tests. If Korea wants to launch nukes, they have to drop it from a plane. But by the time they even get in the air, they would be shot down.
3) US, China and Japan only confirmed that a test has occured. However the explosion was very minimal, therefore it is unknown that the test was a success. Russia thinks the test has failed, because a successful test would have provided different results.

North Korea and ****ing useless, and they can get pwned in a flash
1) They want to develop nukes. This whole situation is about Korea GAINING nukes. They dont any super-nukes. Maybe a few shit ones..

They already did develop them, and the US agrees with on that.

Besides, they've got the world's 4th largest arsenal of chemical/biological weapons.

2) Their missiles could never reach the US or the UK. Their missiles are SHIT. Their missiles have failed many many tests. If Korea wants to launch nukes, they have to drop it from a plane. But by the time they even get in the air, they would be shot down.


Ok then, I'll die, but the US and UK will be safe! :D

3) US, China and Japan only confirmed that a test has occured. However the explosion was very minimal, therefore it is unknown that the test was a success. Russia thinks the test has failed, because a successful test would have provided different results.

870 tons of TNT isn't really 'minimal' as with radiation.
870 tons of TNT is VERY minimal compared to some larger nukes that US and Russia have... 870 tons is peanuts...
Not to the kiddos that get vapourised by it. A knife's as good as a nuke when it's your life at stake.
Not to the kiddos that get vapourised by it. A knife's as good as a nuke when it's your life at stake.
I agree. But I do not consider North Korea to be a threat. They have NO POWER compared to other contries. North Korea could be wiped off the face of this earth in hours, if the super-powers decide that.
Perhaps, but they'll prolly take us with them.
They might put up a fight, but they will lose quickly
Uh, they've got 1.4 million active, world's 4th largest chemical weapons aresenal, 8 million reserve force, 100,000+ special operation forces, 8000 artillery pointed at our capital city, 3000 medium range missles, 3500 tanks.

We've got 750,000 active, 4.5 mil reserve no chemical weapons, no nukes, 2800 tanks, 30 something missles.
Us, of course. 8th largest GDP in the world.

However, the economy and advanced targetting systems matters little when hordes after hordes of communist fanantics charge at you, with the strenghth of numbers as well as "One time, he made me do 8 bricks!" type training..
Uh, they've got 1.4 million active, world's 4th largest chemical weapons aresenal, 8 million reserve force, 100,000+ special operation forces, 8000 artillery pointed at our capital city, 3000 medium range missles, 3500 tanks.


North Korea is said to have an extensive chemical weapons program. A report by the Federation of American Scientists says that North Korea has chemical stockpiles of at least 180-250 tons of reserve-weaponized agents.

North Korea also reportedly has a biological weapons program based at the National Defense Research Institute and Medical Academy. This program is not as extensive as the chemical weapons program.

In May 1996 ROK Foreign Minister Yu Chong-ha reported to the National Assembly that it was estimated that North Korea possessed approximately 5,000 ton of biological and chemical weapons. Given the extensive production facilities, this later estimate may constitute the low end of the actual stockpile.

Chemicals could increase the impact of a surprise attack. If the North should use this option, it would have an advantage over forward-deployed South Korean and US forces. Nonpersistent chemical agents also could be used to break through defensive lines or hinder a South Korean counterattack's momentum. Persistent chemical agents could be used against fixed targets in the rear areas, such as command and control elements, major lines of communications, or logistic depots. Not only do these weapons enhance North Korea's offensive capabilities, but this chemical capability could deter South Korea or the United States from using chemicals during hostilities. In any attack on the South, Pyongyang could use chemical weapons to attack forces deployed near the DMZ, suppress allied airpower, and isolate the peninsula from strategic reinforcement.

North Korea뭩 chemical warfare program is believed to be mature and includes the capability, since 1989, to indigenously produce bulk quantities of nerve, blister, choking and blood chemical agents as well as a variety of different filled munitions systems. North Korea is believed to possess a sizable stockpile of chemical weapons, which could be employed in offensive military operations against the South. North Korea has also devoted considerable scarce resources to defensive measures aimed at protecting its civilian population and military forces from the effects of chemical weapons. Such measures include extensive training in the use of protective masks, suits, detectors, and decontamination systems. Though these measures are ostensibly focused on a perceived threat from U.S. and South Korean forces, they could also support the offensive use of chemical weapons by the North during combat. North Korea has yet to sign the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and is not expected to do so in the near-term, due to intrusive inspection and verification requirements mandated by the agreement.
And they have guys directing traffic when there is no traffic! They are so mysterious!!!
fear mongering nonsense ..they would be wiped off the face of the battlefield should chemical weapons ever be used against western nations or their allies. International law forbids the use of chemical weapons and since the target is western something would actually be done about it the only thing you really have to fear is that something is actually done about North Korea ..something like what happened to iraq (wmd remember?) ..then you'd have legitimate fears as guerrilla/terrorist attacks against the occupiers/South korean allies/colaborating civilians etc would become common place
fear mongering nonsense ..they would be wiped off the face of the battlefield should chemical weapons ever be used against western nations or their allies. International law forbids the use of chemical weapons and since the target is western something would actually be done about it the only thing you really have to fear is that something is actually done about North Korea ..something like what happened to iraq (wmd remember?) ..then you'd have legitimate fears as guerrilla/terrorist attacks against the occupiers/South korean allies/colaborating civilians etc would become common place
True. You would literally have to be sh1t-all stupid to think that military action against North Korea is a good idea. It would essentially say that you are willing to accept (at least) the assured destruction of South Korea. The Western world wouldn't stand for that. Iraq was one thing. This is quite another. I am glad the world (hopefully) learned something from the idiocy of the Iraq War--the UN in particular.
True. You would literally have to be sh1t-all stupid to think that military action against North Korea is a good idea. It would essentially say that you are willing to accept (at least) the assured destruction of South Korea. The Western world wouldn't stand for that. Iraq was one thing. This is quite another. I am glad the world (hopefully) learned something from the idiocy of the Iraq War--the UN in particular.

You greatly underestimate the combined power of the United States military, and the Republic of Korea's military.

fear mongering nonsense ..they would be wiped off the face of the battlefield should chemical weapons ever be used against western nations or their allies. International law forbids the use of chemical weapons and since the target is western something would actually be done about it the only thing you really have to fear is that something is actually done about North Korea ..something like what happened to iraq (wmd remember?) ..then you'd have legitimate fears as guerrilla/terrorist attacks against the occupiers/South korean allies/colaborating civilians etc would become common place

It is inevitable that North Korea shall attack again. It is only a matter of time.

They killed 4 million people, kidnapped 80,000 of our citizens in the last war and the decades following through. They have terrorized us, they have poisoned our troops, they have assasinated our leaders, they have blew up our airplanes, they have terrorized us continuously with the prospect of war, to destroy us in a "sea of fire if the food aid stopped". Now they have a nuclear weapon.

We remember the sailors who died in the warships in 2002, we remember the soldiers in the GPs, 13 of them, brutally murdered in 2005. We remember the poisoned police officers that died trying to catch northern spies. We remember Lee Seung-Bok, the boy that cried No. The boy that said with his cry against the partisans that came over the line, We will not fall on our knees, we will not accept your ideology, we shall defend freedom and our democracy with our lives! No, despite the bullying, we must now stand up and fight. We must no longer be pushed around; it is high time that we said "NO!" and refused to be threatened any longer, and stood up and fought our hated enemy that has massacred our citizens. It is high time that stood up, fought for Democracy, Freedom, the great nation and the fatherland that our people have stood for since the dawn of time. Despite what it may cost, despite the very real consequences, we must destroy, annihiliate, kill, kill ,kill our enemy before it destrys us.

The war is not over, has never been over. It is the real threat that many people overlook. We must maintain constance vigilance. The combined efforts of the United States of America, and the great Republic of Kore and the lands that which it stands for will finally bring an end to this war. If I may sacrifice ourselves so that our descendants of the Korean people may inherit peace and enjoy freedom, freedom from the communist threat, continued prosperity without another sea of fire retoric from the enemy, then I shall gladly do so.

Call me stupid. Call me insane. I am a proud son of the Korean nation.
lol I'd call you insane but brainwashed seems to be more appropriate

oh and stop using that rediculous "they have a nuke!!! and they're planning to use it!!!!1" justification ..they CANT deliver it so the only way they could use nukes to attack SK is to detonate it in NK and hope radioactive fallout will make it's way to SK
Yeah, you can beat North Korea in a fight (after they've destroyed Seoul and a few other places), but what about the millions of refugees after the conflict?

Look at Iraq, easy to take, difficult to keep.