now everibody hates source?

you still like source even if is not "perfect"?

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The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
I just see that everibody is saying that shadows sucks and breake points or things like that and is trully anoiyng

source looks incredible but like any other engine has it defects

for example the graphics of cronicles of riddick:escape of butcher bay are very amazing (a bit more that Doom3) but still it has it defects
I remeneber the developers didnt add somethings cuz they were having troubles whit that and still the game is nice

and source is trully amazing, it looks more realistic that any game before but still

but you all cry for things that are not so big deal


also valve didnt make source to make it run in crappy PC cuz not everibody has powerfull PC's?

also the design and the look of the game looks really amazing
everitime I see a HL2 video I get excited

but you just care about graphics and phisics and all that stuff
I want HL2 cuz is the continuation of one of the best games I ever played,and even if HL2 was made whit the HL1 engine I still will want it

and is graphics if the only thing you all care so buy Doom3 cuz it hav best graohics so far right?

just stop thinking about that stupid things

nobody is perfect
VALve is not perfect(and we should be happy that they still want to finish HL2)
HL2 is not perfect(ok thats not true)
you are not perfect
we are all the same shit and we all are not perfect

the poll is to see who hates source or just dont like it
nobody hates source, some people just have a problem with the lighting.
I don't know about some of you people, but I think Source is beautiful. For me, cs_office is incredible, and CS:S doesn't use the Source engine to it's fullest potential. If you want good shadows, play Doom 3.
I love the lighting in HL2. Yes, it may have some flaws, like overlapping shadows, but I honestly don't give 2 shits. The mood that HL2 will set, I'm predicting, will be outstanding.

Edit: spelling.
Homer said:
nobody hates source, some people just have a problem with the lighting.

the ligting is very realistic
HMM.. i like source yes. Even if it's ********.
I like it, even though i dont get the best performance with my 9500 pro. I plan on upgrading soon tho so its all good.
Its not that I hate source. It is juts that it looks pretty dull now.. since all the new engines are coming out. This engine was suited for a last year release to really get that WOW effect from the engine and it is meh
She said:
HMM.. i like source yes. Even if it's ********.

she ... you are so cocky ... its not like you're some "1337" designer or anything ... lay off valve for a while
Platinum said:
she ... you are so cocky ... its not like you're some "1337" designer or anything ... lay off valve for a while

hahahha.. what?
what did i do now?

hehe, im starting to like you..
she actullay i dont hate you what do you desin and where do you work?
She is a he! Now he's flirting with one of you, who is it?
i'll still say yes...... but i htink the whole hitbox issue is really scaring me
I'm not sure why so many people could hate the Source engine, maybe the graphics in HL2 they could hate but not the engine. I mean think about it, Valve is planning on using the Source engine for HL3, fact is that probably means that in order for HL3 to compete graphically when its released it will probably require an engine that can look just as good if not better than most other games released at the time. I am pretty sure that means Valve designed the Source engine to be capable of handling much more graphically intensive things and that it can be easily upgraded.

The engine to me seems perfectly sound and future proof, and yes it can easily compete with other games graphically that have already been released. So why anyone would not like the engine now because of its graphical capabilities is beyond me because I doubt we have actually seen what its absolute maximum potential could be.
Heh, I voted on the wrong thing. I put no answering the titles "everybody hates source?" trying to say no, not everyone hates source. Guess I should read the topic a bit more. Anyway, I still like it even if it's not perfect. All this shadow stuff and stuff not breaking in the exact places. It's better than anything I hoped for.
I think "perfect" is a rather misleading term to use because it means, bluntly, that anyone who takes it literally and yet still votes "no" is an arsehole (or didn't read the question). Nothing is "perfect", etc. etc. blah blah blah *insert fifteen page essay here to make everyone think I'm a boring smartarse again*.


I think the question is more in regards to the engine's games rather than Source itself; simply because I feel any bugs or problems or downright weird looking occurences are more down to the game's code then that of the engine.

And as said, I'm sure Source can cope with far more impressive looking things... I suppose a fair comparison are some of the HD models available for the original HL, or some of the extra-detailed work mod teams like Nightwatch are producing (especially compared to the architecture in the standard Valve level).
HL2 is perfect, HL2's shading is 100% perfect, lifes shading is not, everything in HL2 is perfect and owns life in every way.
Source is perfect, life is not :).
God I hate source.. I mean WTF!

Like I was playing the game right, and I was owning becuase I was using the shadows to detect when the enemy was coming! But then one time the engine made the shadow go in the reverse direction and I didn't know he was coming. WTF VALVE! You cost me a life!

Peopel are just to picky over something that shouldn't even be coming across there minds when they're playing a game... I'm more worried about getting my ass kicked then I am that the physics on the barrel I just shot were not applied correctly...

All in all people, shut up, play the game and wait for a patch if you REALLY care.

hmm..if pple don't like the source engine..i'd have to come to the conclusion that their standards are so frickin high that nothing will ever impress them :|

obviously theres always room for improvement, but god damn gimme a break :frown:
antimatter, Apollo 13, arcy, BlumenKohl, BraveNewWorldCO, Burnede_BlacK, chrisglick, Dark Auro, Farrowlesparrow, hiln, IronLung, joshsmog, krameriffic, mbrithoms, mdspeed, Miculus, Mr-Fusion, P Meister Flex, Stalker, TheWart, ZEROarmy, and Zeus...

You all disappoint me... :flame:
I accidentally voted no!

I read " now everibody hates source?"

And then clicked NO, meaning i like it!

Very misleading!
Mr-Fusion said:
I accidentally voted no!

I read " now everibody hates source?"

And then clicked NO, meaning i like it!

Very misleading!

hahha nice come back.
Mr-Fusion said:
I accidentally voted no!

I read " now everibody hates source?"

And then clicked NO, meaning i like it!

Very misleading!
You're forgiven. :p I hope Farrowlesparrow had the same problem...

already spent 120 bucks on two copies of silver... plus the obscene amount of cash I spent upgrading just for hl2.

so yeah... too late to turn back now
Dr. Freeman said:
because like myself, he has two PC's and probably a younger sibling? ;)
exacto mundo.

I might even pick up another silver come hl2/dod:s release (if dod:S is worth it) otherwise it will be a bronze package.. or even retail box.

for my third pc.. and server :)
Source has no flaws I have detected when playing, I havew only seen the shadow issue with screenshots and the lack of breakpoints (But once again I say thats becouse CS:S is mulityplayer) when I mess around, Source is the best engine I have ever played in.
Can't wait to HL2, every video still blows me away, it looks amazing.
That said, it's really sad to have a discussion on who loves a game engine and who doesn't.
<RJMC> said:
I just see that everibody is saying that shadows sucks and breake points or things like that and is trully anoiyng

I think only one person hated the breaking points in CS:S and someone said that it might have been toned down for the MP and I agree with him or her...

As for the shadows I think they will be fixed in the next patch...

DoctorGordon said:
What poll?

No offence but some people type slower than you might, after you select the original poll options you have to post the thread and while it is up he was setting up the rest of the poll... Thats why I never tell my answer on the poll till I actually see the poll

But anyway I still think the Source engine owns the others :p