Now that Doom3 is out...


Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
Now that doom3 is out my anticipation for HL2 just wen't through the roof. We NEED a good FPS. not the same old rehashed Forget the plot heres a gun system that just plain doesn't work!

Wheres the creativity gone in the FPS genre? FPS are supposed to tell a story where YOU are the lead charecter...the last game to do that was farcry, and the plot was lacking.

XIII was the last GOOD fps made, for it had a good story to go with the good gameplay....

so knowing that Valve are perfectionist, and that since no one else can top HL1 but valve alone, my anticipation for HL2 just went through the roof. more month...I don't know if I can stand it...
So i assume that u have already played doom3? The only think i dont like about d3 is the weapons, but with some modding you can make new ones.
I haven;t played D3, but from your thread it seems to suck? Is that so
no, but thats the general consensis I'm getting on doom3 from those that have. fun for 2 hours, boring after that, and a crappy ending. and only 14 hours long on the first run through. WTF are developers doing for 3-4 years to make a 14 hour long game?!? Sheesh
I'm buying it tomorrow no matter what, ill play the SP and beat it and decide whether or not to unistall it after that. I'm sure it will be worth $60.
A2597 said:
no, but thats the general consensis I'm getting on doom3 from those that have. fun for 2 hours, boring after that, and a crappy ending. and only 14 hours long on the first run through. WTF are developers doing for 3-4 years to make a 14 hour long game?!? Sheesh

Really? I generally hear from people that the game is brilliant. Not revolutionary, but an experience to be had which only gets better and better as time goes on. However, since neither of us have played the game yet, lets save our judgments until afterwards, shall we? :)
tokin said:
I'm buying it tomorrow no matter what, ill play the SP and beat it and decide whether or not to unistall it after that. I'm sure it will be worth $60.

Me too except I dont get mine till wed :( D3 as a game looks great to me...and where are you getting this consensis from that it lacks so much Ive been at the Doom3 forums and some people have played it already and said that its I missing something here?
I find that the "stories" and character interactions of most games are unbearably forced and poorly implemented. If you aren't going to do an awesome job (like I can already tell Hl2 will, from that apartment scene), then don't do it at all.

From what i've heard the opening sequences of Doom 3 are more exploration based, and the interactions are dead-on...but it switched to pure action. I'll hild judgment until I play uit.
I haven't played it yet but from the videos i've seen, D3 looks amazing. I shall also be buying no matter what.
A2597 said:
Wheres the creativity gone in the FPS genre? FPS are supposed to tell a story where YOU are the lead charecter...the last game to do that was farcry, and the plot was lacking.

FPS are only supposed to give you a first-person view of the game and some kind of shooting device, hence, First-Person Shooter.
But the best game in this genre, the one which really amazed people, was one in which you were slap-bang at the centre of a story which revolved around you as a character.

That game was Half-Life. 6 years on, and a lot of the lessons of Half-Life are still unlearnt by many. Which is why HL2 is almost certainly gonna rock. Valve created the lessons of Half-Life.
ID learned those lessons too. They did hire a professional writer on Doom3 last I checked.
Half Life 2 will revive the story in the FPS... Farcry tried... but didn't quite make it. It ended up feeling more like a Jurassic Park/Island of Dr. Moreau hybrid. Good game though.
is it me or do most of the people in this forum hate Doom 3. YES i know i;m in a HL forum, and i too LOVE HL2, so dn;t gt me wrong. bt its becoming a sorta trend now that if you want HL2 then u must degrade Doom3 and the reverse.

I am a big fan of FPS, Doom 3 i will buy and HL2 i will buy but for diffrent reasons. jus like the only reason i bought Unreal 2 is because i gt it for £5! lol
If you want a game with a great storyline etc. then go play an RPG like Final Fantasy. First person shooters mainly consist of one character walking around shooting stuff suprisingly enough.
XIII was the last good FPS?? We're talking about XIII here. It had a good story with shit gameplay, absolute crap gameplay, I'm not being harsh here, that game felt like a 2 dimensional arcade shooter eg Alien 3 arcarde, game. It was so very crap imo, it was so linear and when you shot someone it didin't feel like you shot someone, the cartoon look was nice, but apart from that it didn't show us anything new.

What's wrong with going ole skool, like D3 anyway? Nothin'. Ill be playing it, knowing that it won't be a revolutionary single player game, it's got in game cutscenes for cryin' out loud, and then they say it's scary, I'm not friggin' scarred of an in game cutscene, bloody hell. But whilst still knowing this, I'll play it and enjoy it despite it's flaws because it is what it tries to be, an ole skool run and gun shooter.
Omfg Doom3 Is Out!!!! Let Me Make 200129310 Posts About It!!!!!111
I bought it for the SP. A few of my friends who can't run it on their machines are gonna wanna come over and play it too so I figure it will make for some fun times watching each other get scared s*******.
rofl you definitely haven't played Doom 3.....ahahaha fun for 2 hours.....that makes me laugh...

I got Doom 3 last night and I've played it for about 4 hours and I'm still having tons of fun. The game probably won't be any fun for those who don't like scary movies but for those who even slightly enjoy a good scare will love this game. Absolute LOVE.

I'm not saying it will be better than HL2 but as of now, Doom 3 is the best FPS I've ever played (besides Goldeneye/Perfect Dark because they own).
I hear perfect dark is coming out for the gamecube? a new one of course.

Same here those 2 games were incredible. I don't think this new goldeneye for the gamecube will hold up to it's hype. Doesn't look all that impressive.
It's Perfect Dark: Zero. And it's coming out for the XBox.
Damn, if HL2 is only as good as Doom 3 I will be disappointed :(
tokin said:
I'm buying it tomorrow no matter what, ill play the SP and beat it and decide whether or not to unistall it after that. I'm sure it will be worth $60.

That what I was thinking also until I played it...

It sucks... Farcry is better....

I preordered it at EB but then yesturday I got a chance to download earlier so I did.

After playing it the first thing I thought was that there was no way in hell this game is worth 55$... Ive only played a few hours into it and Im already going to cancel my preorder... I might get a different game for store credit...

Im glad I played it before I payed for it.
I think doom 3 will be good in its own way, It was be a horror/fps, I dont want THAT deep of a story off it. I do hope however that Hl2's will be good.

As far as farcry goes, no pun intended, the story was well... less then poor. But the game was fun anyways.
dugly said:
The game probably won't be any fun for those who don't like scary movies but for those who even slightly enjoy a good scare will love this game. Absolute LOVE.

If you think the teletubbies are scary, then you might be afraid to play doom 3....

I was hoping it was going to be scary but I was let down once the first guy turned into a Zombie. Nothing is scary about this game at all. The sound effects are very lame. Plus that you always know when a bad guy is going to jump out.... The game also moves way to fast and is to linear... Puzzles are very basic...
If I hear anymore crap about Doom3 sucking I'm going to ****ing manipulate you bastards into the depths of hell! id Software NEVER claimed Doom3 was ANYTHING more than a retelling of the originals with an updated premise. Too many people compare the two games(D3/HL2) and over-hype their general purpose. The Half-Life series, in few words, is a thinking-man's shooter. Doom3 is a classic shooter to the core(portraying the best graphics of the time, while providing a gripping/easy-to-master gameplay style). Comparing the two is foolish, not to mention umeasurably moronic. I believe it is about time people begin to realize the importance of contrast over comparison. Please cease the generalization and stereotypical notions portrayed by the unmetered genres. Doom3 is nothing more than a graphical/action-packed/updated portrayal of an original ground-breaking atmospheric series. Half-Life 2 will most likely turn out to be a timely classic upon which future shooter's(within the same vain) will rightfully be judged upon.

Let me leave you with each developers views:

id Software - Pushing current and future technology to the limit while catering to those who supported the genre since conception. This company's main focus is on engine licensing and maintaining the shooter genre of old.

VALVe Software - Community. Community. Community. This company reflects a dynamic look into the future of the industry, while offering interesting twists to the stale genre. Focusing on unbridaled/inovative gameplay and compelling story to boot.
The new goldeneye will probally be crappy because the new 007 ames are made by EA.

Back to on topic, Doom 3 does look amazing (as in gfx) but it looks more blasting everything that moves than a SOLID storyline (Remember its just my opinion, i havent played d3--no flame)

Its worth a shot for people who wanna play it, maybe ill try it. But when it all adds up i think hl2 will be much better.
Well for someone who hasn't even played the game you seem to think you know a lot.
I've played Doom III. I've beaten Doom III. It's just awesome. The game develops the story real nicely. I was impressed with it. And the game is rather long; this is an FPS not an RPG where you spend 12 hours leveling up. I don't know how long you think HL2 is going to be but try not to get too excited. And mindless? What the hell are you talking about? Get a clue before you try and make a point.
It also takes time to make a game engine there chief. Why do you think you aren't holding your HL2 yet? Think before you speak.
Who are you referring to Son_Kane?

[EDIT] Nevermind...obviously the topic creator.
Before I say anything, I normally do not flame people. However, I believe this is an exception.

A2597 - You have posted the same damn thing like 5 times. Can't you stop it already? Nobody really cares what you think. And a bunch of people who have played the game disagree with you. Anyways, you argument is has been shown to have flaws in it.

I repeat again, A2597. Can you please stop it???
The visuals are stunning in Doom 3, but the gameplay is far too repetitive for me. I just got the game and beat it, and I really don't feel like playing any more of it again.
Doom 3 is awesome. I played it for a bit took like 40 screen shots to show people.. i didnt really lisin to anything i was too bussy pressin f1 whenever i saw somethin cool... i played multiplayer too theres like 30 mp servers on right now...
Son_Kane said:
Well for someone who hasn't even played the game you seem to think you know a lot.
I've played Doom III. I've beaten Doom III. It's just awesome. The game develops the story real nicely. I was impressed with it. And the game is rather long; this is an FPS not an RPG where you spend 12 hours leveling up. I don't know how long you think HL2 is going to be but try not to get too excited. And mindless? What the hell are you talking about? Get a clue before you try and make a point.
It also takes time to make a game engine there chief. Why do you think you aren't holding your HL2 yet? Think before you speak.

thats actually the best user review I've read yet, out of sevral dozen.

blahblahblah said:
A2597 - You have posted the same damn thing like 5 times. Can't you stop it already? Nobody really cares what you think. And a bunch of people who have played the game disagree with you. Anyways, you argument is has been shown to have flaws in it.

I repeat again, A2597. Can you please stop it???
Actually, before I was saying I wouldn't play Doom3 due to piss poor monster design and bad story. That was BEFORE people that were really wanting doom 3 started talking about it. And generally speaking, how much it failed.
Im not sure which game has better graphics... what do you think? i know for sure that i will have way better fps in hl2 than doom 3.
A2597 said:
no, but thats the general consensis I'm getting on doom3 from those that have. fun for 2 hours, boring after that, and a crappy ending. and only 14 hours long on the first run through. WTF are developers doing for 3-4 years to make a 14 hour long game?!? Sheesh

Uh...14 hours? That's not a long game. :O HL2 is supposed to have 60 hours if you have never played FPS before :thumbs:
Please stop listening to people who have not played the game yet! Doom3 has excellent pacing, although a bit more variation would have helped, but in no way is it short-lived. Play it on a challenging difficulty level and you shall be pleased.
xrdanielalan said:
Please stop listening to people who have not played the game yet! Doom3 has excellent pacing, although a bit more variation would have helped, but in no way is it short-lived. Play it on a challenging difficulty level and you shall be pleased.

I'll be getting it regardless. :)
Its not 14 hours, Doom3 is at least 20, also i doubt Hl2 will have 60 hours but woudnt it be nice :)