Now that Doom3 is out...

bate18 said:
how are the pysics in D3?

Its like its not even there.
You do notice the ragdoll effects.
But as for interacting with objects, its not good.
Some of them dont even move.
You can only knock a few things down.
blahblahblah said:
Do you know what a stencil shadow is? Your review is pretty much flawed. The game has been announced for 3 years, you've had 3 years to learn what a stencil shadow is. Complaining about that is absolutely ridiculous.

He's stating that this kind of shadow doesn't cut it for him. To make it simple: The game has the most advanced shadows ever created, but it doesn't change the fact that they don't look as good as he expected them to.

Since you can complain so well, I will add you to my list and suggest you create a better game than Doom 3.

That's the worst argument ever. So I can't say something is shitty because I can't make it better? I have to turn off my comparative view of games simply because I can't make it better? :rolleyes:

The simple fact that I notice a problem shows that I could make it better, maybe not actually doing it, but pointing it out to someone that has the skills, so there goes your argument.
Lukes Wall said:
That's the worst argument ever. So I can't say something is shitty because I can't make it better? I have to turn off my comparative view of games simply because I can't make it better? :rolleyes:

The simple fact that I notice a problem shows that I could make it better, maybe not actually doing it, but pointing it out to someone that has the skills, so there goes your argument.

Hahaha. that shut him up.
*sigh* this thread is going nowhere. Did the Xbox version of D3 come out? (I never apyed attention to that one, even though I have an Xbox) If so I need to rent it and pick a side. Im a person who likes a bit of a storyline, so I have a feeling I wont like D3 that much. At least Ill get freaked out in my basement w/ the surround sound and no lights....:)
AgentXen said:
Its like its not even there.
You do notice the ragdoll effects.
But as for interacting with objects, its not good.
Some of them dont even move.
You can only knock a few things down.

thats what i expected.

hl2 is going to rock :cheers:
is d3 so bad as you speak?

Hmm maby i will just only buy Half-lif2 i think :D
ThaDon said:
is d3 so bad as you speak?

Hmm maby i will just only buy Half-lif2 i think :D

its a good game dont get me wrong. but for all the hype that it built up over the years its a bit dissapointing, expecially since it has such hefty system requirements and im not seeing the payoff for all the strain that being put on my hardware except that every single surface in the game is covered with a bump map. the lighting owns like no other game to date.
and for the scare factor its the scariest game ive ever played since the original doom. the feeling of being alone and everything out to get you is unmatched by any other game ive ever played.

no i havent ever played system shock so stfu all you SS fanboys before you even open your mouths.
i doubt d3 is bad.....but hl2 will kick so much more fukin ass!!!!!


sorry. I'm so very sorry.
Got my Doom 3 box signed by 12 people from iD Software.
Some_God said:
Omfg Doom3 Is Out!!!! Let Me Make 200129310 Posts About It!!!!!111

No ****ing joke. I got doom 3 yesterday but only played it for about 45 min. and so far the game kicks ass. A few of the monsters actually scared me, I was jumpy going around corners. The sounds really make the game. At the same time tho, some sounds suck. One default "Ugh" sound for when the zombie gets shot (and when he picks himself up) gets old.

It does seem like it can get a bit repetitious tho. room, monster. room, monster. room, monster. corridor, monster. room, monster.

But damn are they sexy.
So... it's painkiller in a corridor. Thankfully I haven't been that hyped about D3 so maybe I'll like it after all. What worries me though is the thought of an anti-climax when HL2 is released cos of all this hype and expectation...
thats funny. i have a 2.5 gig mhz, 1. gig ram, a 9600 pro and i m running the game on ultra at 1024 * xxxx

i had frame drops right from the start,,, restarted the comp and now it runs perfect..

this game is awsome... but the game play gets stale after a while. i wish inovation was present but they took it out.. carmack knows what dx 9 is capable of doing..

playing doom 3 (still not finished it too scared to play in one sitting. lol)

makes me want half life 2... at least its safer in City 17..
what i like about half life 2 is the fact that you can basically go wherever you want. In Doom 3 (and if i remember in the original half life (maybe) ) you are kind of guided by corridors. HL2 you're in a city! not a ship. There are no invisible walls in half life 2. INstead there are just big trucks where if you try to jump over them you get zapped by combine soldiers. And Doom 3 is dark, half life 2 is bright and pretty.
ATI4EVER!, that's quite a bit of speculation.

While I'm sure there won't be invisible walls per se, there will be barries. And I'm sure there won't always be a combine there, sometimes, there will be simply obstacles you can't get over.

Furthermore, the city looks huge 'cause of the 3D skyboxes.. so, don't expect to go EVERYWHERE. I'm sure it will be much more open than D3.. but half the fun of D3 is the crampt, atmospheric feeling the game gives.
Can't trust those barries. Sneaky gits.

I think HL2 will be far more linear then people think, but it'll probably offer slightly more freedom than D3. Have to wait quite a while to make my own opinion mind...
Yeah...Aliens are in C17. Not demons

Aliens with guns.

...Although D3 had zombies with guns...

...can't decide which is worst.
its is pretty linear u cant just wander about c17 lol. Its like a novel ur taken on a journey by the author..just enjoy it :)
ThaDon said:
is d3 so bad as you speak?

Hmm maby i will just only buy Half-lif2 i think :D
Like acme already said, it's a pretty good game. But it's nothing special, it surely wasn't worth all these threads :p

I've been playing for an hour of 5, and so far I still feel the same. I'd give it a 6,5 maybe 7/10, (I give FC a 6/10)
To my surprise I kinda like the enemies, if only they'd try a bit harder to actually be scary and lethal instead of looking scary and lethal.

As for the story, it just seems to fade away...but I dont really mind, for some reason.
The sound fx are becoming quite repetitive and boring.
If you like mindless shooting --> 7/10
If you dont and want a strong and decent fps --> 6/10 or less
Why are you all presuming that HL2 will be better? None of you have even played it.

Why are you even comparing the two games? D3 is obviously a blam/run/whack/splurge/boom game, while HL2 will be a run/press/look/shoot/open/shoot/run type game.

AMD Athlon XP 2100+
512 RAM
Gainward Geforce4 TI 64MB

I only play it 5 mins... then take a break... my nerves are like shit... ;(
Played some with the console instead... ;p
Agent Xen - Yeah, that shut me up. You insult was so terribly clever. Why don't you go into a corner and complain. Maybe somebody will listen to you whine.

Lukes Wall said:
He's stating that this kind of shadow doesn't cut it for him. To make it simple: The game has the most advanced shadows ever created, but it doesn't change the fact that they don't look as good as he expected them to.

Don't warez the flippin game. Holy crap, Doom 3 looks way better than any other game I have. I'm sorry that you didn't get Shrek quality graphics (then again, you would have complained about frame rates then). Warezing the game and then complaining about it is ridiculus. I should mock everybody who does that until they either stop warezing stuff or leave this forum. I'm sick of it.

If you have heard about the game, you knew that the game was dark. Not only have you had screenshots to look at, but in-game movies and reviews and hands on previews. Everything has been shown/mentioned that the game is dark.
Doom 3...

<walking slowly, shotgun in hand>
<switch to flashlight and search area frantically>
<steps behind you>
<switch to shotgun and blast away in the darkness>
<switch to flashlight and see girl scout with cookies on the floor>
I know I could never handle a handgun and a flashlight simultaneously in reality.

It's just too much to ask.
Got doom 3, its alot of fun so far, It is frightening, and people who say its slow paced, have yet to play the game, as its not slow pased at all.
it's a pretty fast game, i mean you definately don't just fight a bunch of slow dumb zombies for two hours, there's quit a bit variation in the enemies
I haven't been exited about Doom 3 ever since it was announced, I don't know why, but I haven't watched 1 trailer and looked at few screenshots. I'm not attached the Doom 3 at all compared to Half-Life 2. It's like I could care less that it came out today.

Person 1: Hey guess what???? FRiCKIN Doom 3 is OUT TODAY!
Me: How bout that...
cure the boredom by.......GETTING DOOM3!!!
In my opinion the graphcis in Doom 3 look better than Half Life 2's(im playing on a X800).The physics not so much though. The game is fun as heck and really spooky. I would reccomend for anyone who's a fan of the old game, or to anyone who likes a fast paced shooter. A true classic.
Sai said:
cure the boredom by.......GETTING DOOM3!!!

You mean cure the bordom for about 2-3 days because after you beat it...that's about it. MP isn't going to last too long without mods and even so, the mods have to be pretty damn good...

The game is pretty much a fragfest (which is what doom is all about actually). But with the hype surround it, and people saying "Doom 3 is gonna be the best game ever!" I was expecting a little...more. It's a good game, but just not as good as I thought it would be.

It's been said before and I'll say it again: the game was amazing for the first 2 hours. For the first 2 hours, it was like no other fps but after that, it became a victim of repititive shooting. The plot is "sort of" there. It starts of strong but as you go on, it uh...disappears almost completely. You get objectives yet, you don't exactly know WHY you're doing them.

That aside, it's a good game and I like it but not as much as I thought I would.

However, having actually played doom 3 I can honestly say without a doubt, that HL2 will be superior in almost every way (yes even graphics). And I mention graphics because well, it's a dark game so you can say "Wow this game has great graphics!" But if 70% of your screen if pure black, that means you're seeing like, 30% of the graphics instead of full screen glory. (Yes I know I made those percentages up but you get the idea. What's the point of having great graphics if you can only see like 30% of them?)

Anyways, I'm gonna go now.

EDIT: And I only found it "scary" for like an hour. After that I got used to it. Because you KNOW that monsters are going to pop out even before they do. It's a bit predictable.
Actually I've been very pleasantly surprised by Doom 3. I had no interest in it at all up to release and wasn't looking forward to it. My expectations were so low that it couldn't let me down. Then I decided to go get it anyway.

Instead of being let down I was shocked - in a nice way. It's a fantastic game. It sets the mood brilliantly and draws you in, then scares the pants off you. It's surprisingly atmospheric for an ID game, and it really put me on Mars in 2145. I really felt as though I could be there.

Not to mention it runs perfectly on Ultra at 1024x768 with 4x AA on my 9800 Pro. That was probably the biggest shocker of all.
Spoonoop said:
I haven't been exited about Doom 3 ever since it was announced, I don't know why, but I haven't watched 1 trailer and looked at few screenshots. I'm not attached the Doom 3 at all compared to Half-Life 2. It's like I could care less that it came out today.

Person 1: Hey guess what???? FRiCKIN Doom 3 is OUT TODAY!
Me: How bout that...

Actually, I never played the first one, so I know what u mean Spoonoop, it's not like I could care less having an attitude and hating on doom3, it's just that I'm just not excited, and I've heard people say the story is dull, so it's just a pretty face.
Well the story isn't as in depth as in many other games. Like Half Life of course. But what can you expect. The game is a complete remake of the early 90's classic. They didn't have the technology back then we have today to develop a strong FPS storyline.

If i want a good story I'll read a book or play an RPG. They always draw me in.
Drizz said:
Well the story isn't as in depth as in many other games. Like Half Life of course. But what can you expect. The game is a complete remake of the early 90's classic. They didn't have the technology back then we have today to develop a strong FPS storyline.

If i want a good story I'll read a book or play an RPG. They always draw me in.

I don't think technology has anything to do with creating a strong FPS storyline(keyword, storyline).
The storyline is created by the writers, and that just has to do with imagination, basically they just couldn't think up anything better.
what I like about Doom 3 is that is a classic game just modernized

so in my opinion maybe is not bad
Well they can't illustrate it like they can today. To get you immersed. That's what videogames are all about. Visual arts. Eye candy. Whatever you wanna call it. But I get what you are saying. The storyline is pretty basic. "A Gate to hell is opened. Creatures come running through. And now you gotta kill them and escape." Yeah thats not too good for todays standards. But back then that was primo stuff. lol