Now that Doom3 is out...

kungfucheez said:
Its not 14 hours, Doom3 is at least 20, also i doubt Hl2 will have 60 hours but woudnt it be nice :)
hl2 will be 1 month long
kungfucheez said:
Its not 14 hours, Doom3 is at least 20, also i doubt Hl2 will have 60 hours but woudnt it be nice :)

Yah, Gabe's dad took 60 hours...hehe.
I was quoting what the people that finished the game said when I said 14 hours for doom3.

20 is better...still a little on the short side, but MUCH better then 14.
however long it takes me to beat, I'll get that much time or more out of it again when i play it on the unlockable difficulty it's got good replay value to me anyways :/
What failure? Sure it didn't have as much Hell as I wanted but the game was freakin awesome. I mean it was freakin scary. And the graphics and performance are incredible. I know how accurate reviews are and that would mean I'd be hardcore ATi own an Xbox and hate microsoft. God bless the internet for allowing morons to confuse the simple minded.
wonkers said:
Don't judge before you even played it.

that would be easier if id released a demo...

I'd bet good money that the number of warzed versions would have dropped by like, 80% if a demo had been made available.
Doom3, 7/10 as my personal rating... its basically just a test game for the sick systems... My anticipation for hl2 has doubled... i havent tried the mp yet though.. has anyone really tried the mp for doom, ive just walked around the levels, which i admit are pretty.
doom 3 is bleeding good. the framerate is a bit tempremantal for me... as im sure it is for a lot of other people. im not knocking the game or anything, but if anything its made me look forward to HL2 even more.

i still play the game even though everything in the game feels really bulky... the main marine guy feels like a lardass the way he moves.... its kinda reminiscent of halo for me. and the physics in D3..... theres cardboard boxes lying around which are freaking solid.... are they filled with cement or something!?!

still, its a really good game...... hl2 is just gonna be a lot better.... it will run a lot better, more npc involvement, better physics, much more realistic models, much better model and facial animations etc etc

d3 should keep me occupied untill the 10th.... when its cs:s time baby!!!
I think d3 just looks too cartoony, like halo 1 did. It looks like big fluffy pillows instead or metal sheets, but that's just me. Go hl2!
Even with the slightest amount of homage to the original game, I'll love Doom 3

I'm going in with nostalgia in mind, and anything else (including pleasant surprises) is more than I payed for, on this game, with my money.
ive already finished doom 3 and i have to agree with the creator of this thread
although doom is a wicked game, it has made me realize what made hl1 and what will make hl2 a truly amazing game
how does the game run? do you need an extremely good machine to make it run smoothly?
man d3 is pretty dope. imo, i think its better than farcry. runs perfect at 1600x1200 ultra quality too
qckbeam said:
Really? I generally hear from people that the game is brilliant. Not revolutionary, but an experience to be had which only gets better and better as time goes on. However, since neither of us have played the game yet, lets save our judgments until afterwards, shall we? :)

I totally agree with you, and thats exactly what i've heard about the game. I'm picking it up from EB's in about 30 minutes :D Its gonna rock

Also, does anyone here have a Radeon 9600 Pro and have Doom 3? How does it run?
I was going to buy Doom 3, but I've been talking to lots of people who have it and now I'm not so sure it's worth the money :/
From what I've seen, some people love it, and some peopel are more like "meh" I'm not buying it because i never liked the original. Played through the entire shareware version, still didn't like it. But HL was what got me into the FPS genre, and ill stick to what i know. But D3 got so hyped up, people were expecting some uber1337 farcry/HL/CS/Deus Ex/... it goes on. Haven't played the game myself, but it sounds like for what it was trying to do, it was an awesome game.
Think of it this way. Somthing to keep you buisy till HL2 comes out. Personally I would much rather have HL2, but Doom 3 is fine for now. Sure it'll prob end up sitting on my shelf. I might take it down and play it again in a few months. But really, just think of it as making the wait for HL2 shorter. [drool] MMMMMM CS:S [/drool]
Yeah I am dying to play CS:S, but looks like the beta got delayed :(
Well, I've played D3... at 640*480 (medium settings), otherwise it's just unplayable. (I'm on 2.2ghz with radeon 9600 pro)

It's good at what it does; scare the bejesus out of you, but after not so long it gets repetitive. You know when something is coming, and you shoot it. Yay.

Anyway, the part that scared me the most was that my machine can barely run this game. While playing the HL² leak, I could turn every setting to the max (including AA). Doom 3 on the other hand barely runs at half of my normal resolution (without AA and other fancy stuff). And for what? Corridors that all look the same? Or for "realistic" people that looked scarier before they became zombies?

Thank god I wasn't exited for D3 in the first place, because boy is it a let-down.
i got a 2.4c overclocked to 2.9 2gb ddr400 6800gt. 1600x1024. they were bmps, but i had to reduce the size...converted to jpg's.
can i post pics? bmp to jpg = quality loss. pics dont do it justice.




Why is the 60 in totally the wrong place and colour?
Hopefully the tools will be better than for previous id games and some nice mods will come out for it. The unified lighting might allow for implementing something in FPS MP we haven't seen before. I wonder how the Doom3 engine licensees are going to create large open outdoor spaces with the engine. How's that going to work?
i think some of the dumb people who have spoken should not compare doom 3 and hl2 as other people have said. i've played it a little, and i liked how it scared me and just gave lots of ammo and things to shoot. THAT'S WHAT IT WAS MEANT FOR. i think some people were just expecting a different type of game.

btw, the game ran better than i thought for my computer, i even raised the settings from the recommended and didn't see much of a performance drop. i thought it looked awesome. i have 512 mb ram, 2.4 gh processor, and radeon 9800 pro

EDIT: crusader, he is using a third party program called fraps, for video capturing and screenshots
is it just me or are none of these image links working?

Doom3 will tide me over until the CoD addon later this year, and possibly Brothers in Arms. Then FEAR. Then Stalker.
Where HL2 fits in is not worth speculating on anymore, sorry to say too many false starts already to regain my trust or instill any excitement I ever had in the game. Life moves on, HL2 isn't the be all and end all - but when it does come out I will play it anyway, and hopefully enjoy it, 'til the next game comes along.
just wondering, what is your rig bizzy? has to be pretty good to play on 1600
Originally posted by acme420
how odd all 3 reviews ive seen for this game are a 94% and morgan gave it 10/10

im only like prolly 1/5 through the game. i just entered alpha lab main part a while back and im in the room with the 2headed monsters.

anyway so far i would honestly give this game a 7/10 mostly for the sound design which is excellent, and the immersive environment and the graphics...well maybe not the graphics so much. sure the graphics are nice but theyre not that nice. the bump mapped everything is nice but its the little touches they miss that made the graphics not seem hat great afterall. have you seen the breakable glass in adminisration? the ****in glass in halflife looks better then that shit. the dynamic shadows that the game has been touting since day 1....not really dynamic shadows at all. its just a black texture that you can see through. like having a black stocking in front of your face. sure its black but you can still see right through it. next time you shine the flashlight at something close to you and you see the shadow. assuming theres no imps about to maul your ass slowly walk around the object and look at the shadow. you will see its just a texture thats directly behind the object, like when you shade a drawing by making a dark outline on the outside of it to give it depth. same concept. with that in mind it makes me wonder why the game runs so crappy on systems with less than top notch everything. its not like the lights are actually casting realtime shadows on the walls. and why does the requirements on the processor have to be so high. when i first read about the high processors needed for decent play at good qualities i thought to myself "goddamn the AI ust be super ****in awesome to need that much power" but its not. theres not really any AI to speak of. the monsters are triggered, they come and try to kill you. thats about it. they dont duck and dodge or run for cover they just barell straight ahead. but enough about that. the game isnt bad, its just overrated. i like the game. i like it a lot because its just doom and i know how doom is. its a scary FPS. it always has been always will be.

anyway all these reviews are too ball licking and dont represent the game as it really is. if i hadnt tried the game and i went and bought it based on the 94% reviews that are...well everywhere. i would be kinda mad when i got home and realized it was more along the lines of a 75%-80% game and not 94% 50% of that score coming from the bump maps alone. bleh. this game is still fun even though it lets me down in a bunch of ways. not being able to break anything for 1.

originlly posted on somewhere else.
Too many fanboys here who are unwilling to accept that Doom 3 is a great game.
actually, the doom3 fanboys are the ones saying it isn't all it was supposed to be...
hokai said:
I haven't played it yet but from the videos i've seen, D3 looks amazing. I shall also be buying no matter what.
No offence, but it's this kind off behaviour that makes gamedevelopers make all those sucky games the last 3-4 years.

On topic:

I've been playing D3 for about 3 hours now, the gfx look a bit better to me then I had expected. I was afraid everything was gonna look fluo and cartoonish, but it's allright. Some good leveldesigning now and then, sound could be a bit better though.
I dont think it will be a very good game at, but it's a bit better then FC so far, and yes, so far it's worth the money....(just).

Enemy's do respond cool, but dont even try to make it difficult, thus the scare factor of enemy's decreases severally after you've killed 2 of them.

The story so far is not apealing, but no stupid mistakes or gaps so far.
The movement engine feels good enough and the game doesn't seem to take that much cpu/ram resources.
nice review. When you say sound isnt that hot, do you mean quality or effects? are you using a surround system?
how has any one at all played it?!?! It was released today!!! at 12:01am!! wtf?! all of these posts were made yesterday, when it wasn't out yet! (and i live in the US, so i have normal release dates). I'll eventually get doom 3. Right now, im just waiting for half life 2. That game will be awesome!!! And anyways, there is not point for me to buy it now casue my videocard is being repaired. oh man, my pc doesn't work :(. Im on my moms now. Whuich suks for games.
ATI4EVER! said:
how has any one at all played it?!?! It was released today!!! at 12:01am!! wtf?! all of these posts were made yesterday, when it wasn't out yet! (and i live in the US, so i have normal release dates). I'll eventually get doom 3. Right now, im just waiting for half life 2. That game will be awesome!!! And anyways, there is not point for me to buy it now casue my videocard is being repaired. oh man, my pc doesn't work :(. Im on my moms now. Whuich suks for games.
I made my post an hour ago, D3 was available here this morning
CR0M said:
nice review. When you say sound isnt that hot, do you mean quality or effects? are you using a surround system?
The quality of the sound is good ofcourse, but it doesn't add anything to the game's atmosphere or gameplay, quite a big flaw for a game like D3.
Since that's what's supposed to make it a very good game.

It's just above average so far
acme420 said:
how odd all 3 reviews ive seen for this game are a 94% and morgan gave it 10/10

im only like prolly 1/5 through the game. i just entered alpha lab main part a while back and im in the room with the 2headed monsters.

anyway so far i would honestly give this game a 7/10 mostly for the sound design which is excellent, and the immersive environment and the graphics...well maybe not the graphics so much. sure the graphics are nice but theyre not that nice. the bump mapped everything is nice but its the little touches they miss that made the graphics not seem hat great afterall. have you seen the breakable glass in adminisration? the ****in glass in halflife looks better then that shit. the dynamic shadows that the game has been touting since day 1....not really dynamic shadows at all. its just a black texture that you can see through. like having a black stocking in front of your face. sure its black but you can still see right through it. next time you shine the flashlight at something close to you and you see the shadow. assuming theres no imps about to maul your ass slowly walk around the object and look at the shadow. you will see its just a texture thats directly behind the object, like when you shade a drawing by making a dark outline on the outside of it to give it depth. same concept. with that in mind it makes me wonder why the game runs so crappy on systems with less than top notch everything. its not like the lights are actually casting realtime shadows on the walls. and why does the requirements on the processor have to be so high. when i first read about the high processors needed for decent play at good qualities i thought to myself "goddamn the AI ust be super ****in awesome to need that much power" but its not. theres not really any AI to speak of. the monsters are triggered, they come and try to kill you. thats about it. they dont duck and dodge or run for cover they just barell straight ahead. but enough about that. the game isnt bad, its just overrated. i like the game. i like it a lot because its just doom and i know how doom is. its a scary FPS. it always has been always will be.

anyway all these reviews are too ball licking and dont represent the game as it really is. if i hadnt tried the game and i went and bought it based on the 94% reviews that are...well everywhere. i would be kinda mad when i got home and realized it was more along the lines of a 75%-80% game and not 94% 50% of that score coming from the bump maps alone. bleh. this game is still fun even though it lets me down in a bunch of ways. not being able to break anything for 1.

Do you know what a stencil shadow is? Your review is pretty much flawed. The game has been announced for 3 years, you've had 3 years to learn what a stencil shadow is. Complaining about that is absolutely ridiculous.

Since you can complain so well, I will add you to my list and suggest you create a better game than Doom 3.