Now that Doom3 is out...

Drizz said:
Well they can't illustrate it like they can today. To get you immersed. That's what videogames are all about. Visual arts. Eye candy. Whatever you wanna call it. But I get what you are saying. The storyline is pretty basic. "A Gate to hell is opened. Creatures come running through. And now you gotta kill them and escape." Yeah thats not too good for todays standards. But back then that was primo stuff. lol

Now that makes more sense. :cheese:
... after like an hour, this game isnt even kinda scary... its cool i guess, but its not scary
Man, you guys are awesome. You saved me from having to read through all the BS IGN posts about any overhyped preview/review.

Rock on.
Drizz said:
Well the story isn't as in depth as in many other games. Like Half Life of course. But what can you expect. The game is a complete remake of the early 90's classic. They didn't have the technology back then we have today to develop a strong FPS storyline.

If i want a good story I'll read a book or play an RPG. They always draw me in.

Half-Life wasn't in depth that much as Doom 3 is. thanks to the emails and the PDA's of course. But don't knock Doom 3, its quite good.
If they had released HL2 on time, it would have been much better for them.

HL2 had better be very very very good. I doubt its going to have the tenseness of doom3, and the fear factor which is really imersing me in the game.

I think HL2 will just be good for MP, as dooms seems to suck.
...HL2 looks like its SP is its strong point! Are you insane!? :O :eek:

We haven't even seen HL2 MP..
urseus said:
If they had released HL2 on time, it would have been much better for them.

HL2 had better be very very very good. I doubt its going to have the tenseness of doom3, and the fear factor which is really imersing me in the game.

I think HL2 will just be good for MP, as dooms seems to suck.
Yes, thats the trade off, if one has good SP then the other couldn't possibly match it and therefore its MP ( which we havn't even seen btw) must undoubtedly be better then the other.

HL2 will be imerse you cause you'll give a shit about what is happening to you and city17.
IIRC, somebody sig has something along the lines of "The biggest winners between Doom 3 and HL2 are the gamers." I believe this is true. While Doom 3 is not the perfect game in the world, it is a giant fresh of breath air for PC Gaming. We get great graphics and a game that we can get drawn into. And Doom 3 is highly polished.

I do expect that HL2 will be better, but I don't think HL2 will be able to draw me into the game as much as what Doom 3 did for the first 2 hours of playing it. For those first 2 hours, I literally forgot I was playing a video game. That happened to be a first for me in all of my PC gaming experience. It has since diminished somewhat, but Doom 3 is a well above average video game. I have played 5 hours now and I would rate Doom 3 a 93%. For reference, I would rate Far Cry as a 83%.

If you really think about it, Doom 3 and HL2 really compliment each other. Each game takes the weakness of each other and makes it their strengths. Doom 3 has great lighting and shadows while HL2 will have great physics and larger envioronments. HL2 will have a great AI while Doom 3 has an awesome GUI. They are the perfect compliments to each other.

Doom 3 is immensly satisfying but I can't wait for HL2. If you are a real gamer, you need to experience Doom 3 as much as you need to experience HL2. They each show a side of PC gaming that is similar but totally different at the same time.
If they had released HL2 on time, it would have been much better for them.

HL2 had better be very very very good. I doubt its going to have the tenseness of doom3, and the fear factor which is really imersing me in the game.

Actually I think this (Doom 3) has kind of taken the pressure off them. That's how I feel after playing Doom3 anyway.
I just beat Doom3 and I want HL2 now rofl. Really I think they prob. feel like their in the clear cause now they dont have to deal with a same month release date, thus maximizing profits.
All that i have too say about doom 3 is the game is Scary as fuk and for you people that sit in front of your fakin computers all day and watch gay ass star trek gettah LIFE! ID software too a long time too bring a High Graphics, Real time Physics, Good Dynamic Lighting and A Scary ass story line im only about half way threw the game because i wanna take my time with it exploring everything and the thing that pisses me off is John Carmack is pissed off at ATI because they leaked the game 2 years ago WHOOP-D-FU*KING-DO! so he made it so the ATI card owners wouldnt be able to play the game at the high of a resluation but it's no biggy the game still kicks ass at 800x600 on my 9600 128mg at high settings as For Half-Life 2 the game is gonna kick ass it will put it's place on the board the game is gonna be fun because the facial structers for the charaters and the rag-doll effects are amazing and the water it's a tough thought on the water because im still debating on Farcrys water but i dont know 50-50
Tom. said:
Why are you all presuming that HL2 will be better? None of you have even played it.

Why are you even comparing the two games? D3 is obviously a blam/run/whack/splurge/boom game, while HL2 will be a run/press/look/shoot/open/shoot/run type game.

How's that go again?
your wrong because the just the way how doom3 is and HL2 there both Run/ress/look/shoot/open/boom/whack/blam
I get the impresson that some players didn't take time to appreciate the game itself, failed to activate the imagination. Games are interactive media, the game provides the props and fx, sets some plot and tries to nudge your imagination to let you get into the game. Players that over analyse the game will never be fully satified with any game, I mean I don't go looking at the shadows to see if they are ray trace, pencil sketch or whatever...or analyse the lighting techniques to see if they can catch any shortcuts.

Be warned even HL 2 will dissapoint if you don't play the game, but try analyse the damn thing. Use your imagination, take time to be drawn into the game theres no prize for finishing the game in under x hours. Games provide you the gamer with the setting, its up to you to play the game.

Let me tell you of an experience I had when I really got into a game:

The game was the demo of AvP, the scene was that level with the APC as a marine, now I really enjoyed the Aliens movie (2nd one) and could easily remember scenes from that movie. I initially wondered out of the APC looked around and there were enough similarities in the game world and the movie that I could vividly recall scenes in the movie based on what I was seeing in the game, then I rememberd there was aliens around - 2 sec's before the buggers tore me apart.

2nd attempt, I move out straight away, the area I was in was too large which made it easy for the aliens to manouver, so I hurried up the ladder to the platform... where a Alien promptly bit my head off.

3rd attempt, I launched a few grenades onto the platform before I climbed Aliens remains. Checked my scanner and there was some movement. I advanced rapidly in the direction of the movement guided by the scanner. The source of the movement was a swinging electrical cable, and when I turned around....

4th, 5th and 6th attempt all ended up in scary nasty endings. At the 7th attempt my nerves were shot, I really could get myself to leave the APC, I hid in the corner covering the doorway hoping the aliens wouldn't come...they came, I blasted 7, 8 9 of them and ran out of bullets...and I pressed ESC before they could get me.

My imagination made the game more scarier than just the gfx and sfx could...but they helped to jump start my imagination and caused that horror story.
Doom 3 has been kind of buggy. There's an annoying poping sound every time I walk, and any time i open a door to a new room or an enemy comes out, the screen lags and my computer thinks for a bit. So I'll be walking around a room, turn a corner, and then the screen freezes, basically telling me "Hey here comes a monster, hold on a second."

Now I have P4 2.4Ghz Radeon 9600Pro and 512MB PC4000 RAM, and i'm running the game at 1024x768 on medium settings..... Why the screen freeze around every corner??? I like the game but these problems are ruining it for me.
I've got the exact same settings (except 800x600 High Quality) and it doesn't lag at all. It only lags a couple of seconds as it loads the sounds when a new monster appears. At least i think thats the problem, because i'll see the monster and then i'll hear it scream/shriek/roar, anyway i don't care

and yeah doom 3 has really made me even more excited for Half-Life 2
There's a little tweak for doom which fixes exatcly that problem.
If your fps are fine but the game is stuttering in some (or many) scenes, open the Doomconfig.cfg in your doom3 directory.
Find the line:

seta image_cacheMegs "32"

and set it to something higher. This is the amount of ram in mb which is used by doom for image processing (or something similar). So if you've got enough ram available, increase it to 96,128 or even 256. It will run a LOT smoother.
It could be caused if you have background programs running like virus scanners or the cache meg size like dude said or you have a slow HD like a 5,400rpm if so get a 7,200 or a 10,400rpm
A2597 said:
no, but thats the general consensis I'm getting on doom3 from those that have. fun for 2 hours, boring after that, and a crappy ending. and only 14 hours long on the first run through. WTF are developers doing for 3-4 years to make a 14 hour long game?!? Sheesh

You are a complete dickhead do you know that?

Do you know how much time and effort and raw art needs to go into a game these days?

Yeah sure the old games used to be 30-60 hours long but that's because they were using 30 pixel high sprites.

Jesus what a jackass.

Also incase it slipped your attention Half Life was delayed for 2 years after it's initial release date.
wats HL2 being delayed got to do with anything?

Paladin thanks for the tip, I myself don't have Doom 3 yet, but since i have a slow processor do u think that i should set it to 256? I have 768mb ram and 9600xt and 1.8ghz p4.
The stuttering could also be caused by EAX sound. Try switching off EAX - bet that clears up the problem ;)
CR0M said:
The stuttering could also be caused by EAX sound. Try switching off EAX - bet that clears up the problem ;)

There's no EAX in the game. ;(

EDIT: but if you meant turn it off in windows, then yes, by all means go ahead and try it. *does shifty eyes*
Kiva128 said:
There's no EAX in the game. ;(

EDIT: but if you meant turn it off in windows, then yes, by all means go ahead and try it. *does shifty eyes*

The default game sound is 5.1 anyway.
Tom. said:
Why are you even comparing the two games? D3 is obviously a blam/run/whack/splurge/boom game, while HL2 will be a run/press/look/shoot/open/shoot/run type game.

D3 is not such a fast game at all, it's a lot slower then I expected
Mr.Magnetichead said:
You are a complete dickhead do you know that?

Do you know how much time and effort and raw art needs to go into a game these days?

Yeah sure the old games used to be 30-60 hours long but that's because they were using 30 pixel high sprites.

Jesus what a jackass.

Also incase it slipped your attention Half Life was delayed for 2 years after it's initial release date.
it was delayed for one year
ferd said:
D3 is not such a fast game at all, it's a lot slower then I expected

Also EVERY FPS is run, shoot, run, press button, shoot because that IS THE GENRE.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
I've got old PCG's that say otherwise.
It was gonna come out in the fall of 97, and it came out in November 98 or so.

Valve was founded in 96 I believe? So, a 2 years delay is impossible :p
A Gate to hell is opened. Creatures come running through. And now you gotta kill them and escape

Sounds retardedly similiar to Half-Life.

"A gate to another dimension is opened. Creatures come running through. And now you gotta kill them and escape.*
Kiva128 said:
There's no EAX in the game.

you're kidding - No EAX??? glad I got rid of my audigy and went with soundstorm then :)
bloody americans, always getting decent games a few days before the uk...:E
NeLi said:
Sounds retardedly similiar to Half-Life.

"A gate to another dimension is opened. Creatures come running through. And now you gotta kill them and escape.*

for the last time... this plot was hatched up well before Half-Life with the original Dopom 1.

i remember when this forum had alot of DOOM3 VS HL2!

i been to the doom3 forums and they all completed DOOM3 already *17hrs play around* and some dont like it. Some love it to bits. But all are comparing it to Farcry.

Doom3 wont touch hl2 ;)

*i cant wait for doom3! this will keep me going till HL2*
Doom 3 is good, no, it's great, but it doesn't touch HL2. They're too different for one to take the other's place. Doom 3 vs. HL2 arguments are BS. Like above posters said, it should be Doom 3 vs. Far Cry not Doom 3 vs. HL2.
The graphical steam (in a technical sense) may have been taken away a bit.

But, yes, HL2 will reign supreme in the gameplay department, alone.
This thread is oozing with ignorance.
So many people are claiming D3 cant touch HL2....
I'll tell you one reason it can, and it can do whatever it wants to HL2.
Doom 3 = released. HL2 = not released.
How can you compare a released game with something that isnt out?
Your comments are based purely on speculation, expectations, and opinions.

Doom 3 rocks, end of story.
It is everything it claimed to be.
For those of you expecting it to be "ultra realistic" or utilizing physics on every object, or ultra complex gameplay, and being dissapointed for the game not having it, is simply your own fault.
Doom 3 looks amazing, has simple yet engaging gameplay, and has a frightening atmosphere.
That is all it needs, and it pulls it off better than any other game I have ever seen before.
you're right, but i wouldnt say it rocks
commando said:

i remember when this forum had alot of DOOM3 VS HL2!

i been to the doom3 forums and they all completed DOOM3 already *17hrs play around* and some dont like it. Some love it to bits. But all are comparing it to Farcry.

Doom3 wont touch hl2 ;)

*i cant wait for doom3! this will keep me going till HL2*

I completely agree with you. I've been playing Doom 3 for the last couple days and it's kinda fun to play, but it's very monotonous, everything looks the same, it gets boring, and I find myself playing it just to finish it and uninstall it. That's not how a good game should be, you should be enjoying every moment and NOT wanting the game to end because it's so damn exciting. But basically Doom 3 is just tiding me over until HL2 comes out :D