[NSFW] Image Dump II

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Why would you even post that picture? Also why havn't the mods taken that picture down? It took me ages to make myself forget that image only to see it again. :frown::frown: It's not like 4chan here going "lol look at the dead guy lol". :frown: Anywho:






*Ok wtf people. Go to liveleak or something if you wanna see that crap.
that pic wasn't even that bad at all.

all of you are pussies.
Oh what you mean the dead guy in a gator or a bulls horn going into a guys leg? I'm a pussy though?
both, like come on it's NOT THAT BAD, so don't be all like "omg y did u put that in it's so disgusting blah blah blah"..like i've seen MUCH worse so calm down lol.
both, like come on it's NOT THAT BAD, so don't be all like "omg y did u put that in it's so disgusting blah blah blah"..like i've seen MUCH worse so calm down lol.
Doesn't belong here and you know that. Would you show anybody you know personally those pictures? Thought not. Personally I don't find it "awesome" that some guy got a horn through his leg or some poor person who was eater by a gator. This is supposed to be a funny thread and not some shock thread. *Except the one with Aliens and long cat lol.
yea, in fact i would show people i know those pictures. It's more interesting than "LOL LOOK WHAT HAPPEND TO THAT GUY!!!11"
Last post is made of so much win.

Also this is the image dump, not the funny image dump. Its not like seeing an image like that is going to hurt you in anyway. The reason its posted is for the D: factor instead of the :laugh: factor. If those pics traumatize you, then I hope you are never put into a real situation, because you and anyone depending on you will be ****ed.
Obviously top half is better, not only do you have to not look at the other thing's top half, but BJs! How can you forget BJs?!
(well I suppose the other one you could eat and f*** so food's an option there)
Well, if you're into that sort of thing...

Obviously top half is better, not only do you have to not look at the other thing's top half, but BJs! How can you forget BJs?!
(well I suppose the other one you could eat and f*** so food's an option there)
And sex with a fish vagina can't be THAT bad.

Then again, fish lay eggs... D:

I choose the top half. Not only would you actually have a person to talk to, but you could still get blowjobs.


Made me laugh out loud. Dunno why.
Lower half. Not only would you actually not have to talk to the bitch, but you could do both vaginal and anal.

Plus the top half has small tits. I would get much more pleasure from squeezing the big fish eyes than I would squeezing the tiny tits.
Lower half. Not only would you actually not have to talk to the bitch, but you could do both vaginal and anal.

Plus the top half has small tits. I would get much more pleasure from squeezing the big fish eyes than I would squeezing the tiny tits.
Strangest post of the day award.
Lower half. Not only would you actually not have to talk to the bitch, but you could do both vaginal and anal.

Plus the top half has small tits. I would get much more pleasure from squeezing the big fish eyes than I would squeezing the tiny tits.

Yeah and with the bottom half the girl doesn't have any arms to fight you off with! Where is that pic of Abraham Lincoln saying rape, rape, rape? :P
Then again, she's a mermaid, so she must be starved for sex from something that actually has a penis.
Just don't do missionary where you have to look her/it in the eyes.
Yeah and with the bottom half the girl doesn't have any arms to fight you off with! Where is that pic of Abraham Lincoln saying rape, rape, rape? :P

What about all the spiny fins?
Happened to me on my way back home from getting ma extra 512 RAM, stupid b**** was standing there in my lane trying to make a left turn, honked her a$$ out of my way.
Honestly.. is the enlarged snippet necessary in that picture?
I was trying to figure out what was so funny about it.

Looks like the vehicle in front stole a piece of the bridge! lol

Wait...so you didn't notice that the truck was going to wrong way and heading straight for the cameraman's car?
lol, its a truck towing a semi's cab. You can see that its tilted up onto its two front tires.
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