this whole topic is pissing me off now. theres enough trolling for me to open a tackle show.
Even if the dude is elitist, who cares. there are many badasses who contributed to the team, some i know from back in the c-132 days (dead ass mod if anyone remembers )
ive se ntsome other shit from their team on cgtalk or deviant art, and those map screens are uber nice.
though its not the way to make your stance right off the bat . i waqs assuming that their first media release would be uber ingame shots, but thats not happened. still, i expect alot from this mod, same as i do with hull breach, and nightfall, and calibermod. I loved hullbreaches models, they inspired me to be more badass as i get jealous when i model.
nice to see you posting there bruzer, give me a shout sometime
Even if the dude is elitist, who cares. there are many badasses who contributed to the team, some i know from back in the c-132 days (dead ass mod if anyone remembers )
ive se ntsome other shit from their team on cgtalk or deviant art, and those map screens are uber nice.
though its not the way to make your stance right off the bat . i waqs assuming that their first media release would be uber ingame shots, but thats not happened. still, i expect alot from this mod, same as i do with hull breach, and nightfall, and calibermod. I loved hullbreaches models, they inspired me to be more badass as i get jealous when i model.
nice to see you posting there bruzer, give me a shout sometime