Nuclear Dawn media update

this whole topic is pissing me off now. theres enough trolling for me to open a tackle show.

Even if the dude is elitist, who cares. there are many badasses who contributed to the team, some i know from back in the c-132 days (dead ass mod if anyone remembers )

ive se ntsome other shit from their team on cgtalk or deviant art, and those map screens are uber nice.

though its not the way to make your stance right off the bat . i waqs assuming that their first media release would be uber ingame shots, but thats not happened. still, i expect alot from this mod, same as i do with hull breach, and nightfall, and calibermod. I loved hullbreaches models, they inspired me to be more badass as i get jealous when i model.

nice to see you posting there bruzer, give me a shout sometime
Woow, good work. The in-game screenshot looks real close to the concept art... which is a good thing if they are going to do the previous concept art in-game.
What's with the website? I can seem to get past the first page. How do you navigate?
Well, the thing is, if they're putting so much detail and attention in these small things as this part of the map with a metro, then they have to/will put alot of detail in the whole project or it will fall on its face (due to difference in quality -> no unity).
Hence since im personally a modder + modeller+texture artist, i get a boner when i see amazing stuff :p
This doesnt meen the gameplay will be great, we'll still have to see about that when its there.
Visually they have my attention.
Mod-leader an ass-hole or not, doesnt reflect the game a bit imo.
If they hyped to much, they'll feel the pain when it releases, but it wont be too much of a pain, since everybody would have "tried it" and "know about it", which is exactly the amount of exposure you want with this PR system.
Although a little more low-profile and less-ego does get you the "respect" of the community, which is imo more important.
If you take away the 2d stuff, you're basically left with a train platform, which is pretty nice apart from two things. There's a texture misallignment on the yellow 'do not cross' strip. (I know, I'm being picky tongue.gif, but it's a media shot, it gets more attention than an in-game texture. What's more they seem to only release media when it's at a very high standard and complete, thus making every little bit shown come under even higher scrutiny.)

My main gripe, though, is that they seem to be ignoring the ramifications that the era we live in now will have on the future. With numerous attacks and attempted attacks on underground train networks in the past decade or so, it seems strange that they'd still leave bins lying around for people to leave bombs or 'packages' in. If this is set in a period that continues our timeline, you'd really expect certain 'anti-terrorist' precautions to be in place. And this is one of them.

dogboy73 said:
What's with the website? I can seem to get past the first page. How do you navigate?
It's not ready yet. It will open when the countdown finishes. But if you look away from your screen the Dev team will know and they'll reset the counter to 500. So keep looking at your screen, there's only 6 days, 5 hours, 7 minutes, and 32 seconds left. 31 seconds. 30. 29. 28. 27...
Its amazing how 'over-hyped' something can be with just a countdown and a handful of art :p

crispy, they are special bomb-proof bins from the future, didnt it ever occur to you that radiation has made them into mutant super bins! ;)
brisck1 said:
Its amazing how 'over-hyped' something can be with just a countdown and a handful of art :p

crispy, they are special bomb-proof bins from the future, didnt it ever occur to you that radiation has made them into mutant super bins! ;)



I also like the "hl2 modding scene sucks" yet him and his team are somehow above that :rolleyes:
this mod looks great Sprafa.

*me runs*

anyone noticed how much the concept art and in-game screenshot looks alike?
it would look even more awsome if the train wasn't for the year 2800.

Edit: wow ^Ben, 2,406 posts and no avatar change till now. you win.
Lol we dont always share the same opinions as Dave, after all he is a bit of a nut job :p But I think you are reading that quote out of context a little (Sprafa) :)
I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me Rob, *blub*
Ah well, i dont care about who's a dick and who's not, just if the mod's "looking great" and "fun to play".
so far : "looking great" is looking great :p , and lets hope it will be "fun to play"... :)
yeah. let's stick to the topic. those screenshots look great. i would really like to see a blood-based game on the source engine.
Sprafa said:
I've just had a conversation with Dev-Il. And it's not his ego boys. He has spent great lenghts into insuring his mod is the most hyped mod ever made. He has a "community team" that basically act like those assholes that Penny-Arcade described (for who doesn't read PA, there are people who run accounts in forums for the sole reason of hyping a mod. Although i don't think they go that far, they have been known to attack the people lambasting the mod without ever saying they're DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH IT. Basically they "fake" a good community.)

Some highlights of our convo:

(DaveL) [I talked to Munro] when he removed the post, yes
(DaveL) considering munro removed it
(DaveL) I phoned him up
(Sprafa) he removed it because it was old
(DaveL) to him yes
(DaveL) but not the masses
(DaveL) the hl2 mod scene sucks
(Sprafa) "the hl2 mod scene sucks" therefore, as you are in it, you suck ?
(DaveL) no
(DaveL) we can back up the hype we are generating
(Sprafa) no one needs a hype machine
(Sprafa) especially not an insidious one
(Sprafa) you just have to make your own ego grow bigger
(DaveL) dude
(DaveL) i'm not an elitist
(DaveL) I'm just, weird :)

Actually I made a mistake. I said i didn't attack him because of his hype machine. I did. All these factors annoy me beyond belief.
So remember boys, when he "opens up" his pandora in 7 days, remember to hand him over the bill for the hype. A really high bill.

SO WHAT? basicly, they are trying to hype theure mod. OH NOES OMG THEYRE TRYING TO GET US INTERESTED IN THEYRE MOD OMFG!!!!!!!!11111

big deal. were big boys we can make our own ****ing decisions about what we want to like or not. we dont need you to ****ing tell us what to think.

I think this mod looks cool. I think that so far it look pretty profesional. I think it would be hard for them to not deliver on anything seeing as they havnt promised anything yet so stfuagokthxbi.


****ing negative people really .... me off...:hmph:
jerkasaur said:
actually, is there any blood-based source game yet?
Until data can be written to erythrocytes and manufacturers start making sanguine operating systems publically available for purchase, I don't think we'll see one for a while.

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you were getting at! :bonce:
fearian said:
SO WHAT? basicly, they are trying to hype theure mod. OH NOES OMG THEYRE TRYING TO GET US INTERESTED IN THEYRE MOD OMFG!!!!!!!!11111

big deal. were big boys we can make our own ****ing decisions about what we want to like or not. we dont need you to ****ing tell us what to think.

I think this mod looks cool. I think that so far it look pretty profesional. I think it would be hard for them to not deliver on anything seeing as they havnt promised anything yet so stfuagokthxbi.


****ing negative people really .... me off...:hmph:

I find it amusing that you attack my opinions, while I didn't express opinions in that post.

Basically, i gave you information. Don't attack the messenger. I quoted DaveL, without commenting on it (pretty much all I said in that post is a fact, except maybe the last line, which was a request). Basically, all I did was to highlight what I wanted to highlight. Your ability to think isn't limited by the opinions of others, so please, shut the **** up.

Do i think this mod sucks ?
no. Good modelling/mapping jobs from what i've seen. The concept, well "meh".

Do I think DaveL is a dick, by running a hype machine ("community developers" is what he calls it. Almost sounds like corporate euphemism.) between forums/IRC, and while doing that, thinking he's basically the best ?
Which is fair enough Sprafa just be a little more tactfull in your posting eh? Afore I get all excited and start playing randomly with the admin cp :p
I've been restraining myself ever since that "ass****" post.

/me runs
yes, sprafa, you rather crossed the line there.

i spoke to DaveL on IRC for a bit yesterday, and I'm inclined to disagree with the negative comments, for the most part. I can understand him being defensive and coming off as elitist, but he's part of the mod team and therefore is proud of his mod and doesn't like people attacking it, which any mod developer can empathize with.

I can also see how when provoked he would tend to go off a little, but again, thats something true of most people.
Well I had to respond. I got a PM on irc from DaveL asking if Sprafa was apart of my team. I told him no, because Sprafa is doing his own thing and didnt want to help out anymore.

My point being, I run the original ND mod (yes DaveL, you cant refuse that fact, you even tried to get me to change my mods name) but I could care less about Nuclear Dawn, not because I think its crap, but because its not my project, and it really has no effect on me. I do think his media that has been released looks good, some even great. I agree with sprafa that DaveL has a media hype machine, but I dont care, and I dont take it personal.

I know this post seems arbitrary and kind of off course, but the point Im trying to make, is it doesnt matter what he does to hype his mod, it will be good or bad, or maybe okay. We wont know until it comes out, and any other discussion is just a waste of time.

I dont mind DaveL, hes not a bad person, weve had our good conversations and our bad ones. But in the end, hes not done anything to personally offend me, and I dont see why people hate him. Then again, people have their reasons, just like I have mine.

I agree with garry, about the mod comment, but Im not sure where I fall, I aspire to go somewhere with my mod, but dont expect anything but "Look what we made guys it's fun to play and isn't a CS clone."

On a side note, I do wish Nuclear Dawn all the luck in the world, because the gaming industry, be it for mods, or full games, is not an easy one to be sucessful, and sometimes you do what you have to do.

Now that my mindless banter is over, lets keep the peace, and if you dont like someone/something ignore it. :p
What we should do now is go on a witch hunt and find all the members of this "community development" team.

EDIT: Ha, no hunt required... I've been looking on some forums and there are several members with suspiciously low post counts and recent join dates saying that this is going to be the greatest mod ever.
^^Check who's posting the hype-posts :p Although that wont get you far, as my first post was an "OMG" one too :p
And i doubt you guys would suspect me of hyping ND :p

All in all im still looking forward to this project, and dont care what anybody thinks about the mod leader. Would you cease to play HL2 etc if it turned out Gabe was a #$%? No, you wouldnt care, so why would you care here?
Hey Chapel, everyone always gets confused between your mods. You should have called yours 'Chernobyl Suntan' or something.
chapel said:
Well I had to respond. I got a PM on irc from DaveL asking if Sprafa was apart of my team. I told him no, because Sprafa is doing his own thing and didnt want to help out anymore.

My point being, I run the original ND mod (yes DaveL, you cant refuse that fact, you even tried to get me to change my mods name) but I could care less about Nuclear Dawn, not because I think its crap, but because its not my project, and it really has no effect on me. I do think his media that has been released looks good, some even great. I agree with sprafa that DaveL has a media hype machine, but I dont care, and I dont take it personal.

I know this post seems arbitrary and kind of off course, but the point Im trying to make, is it doesnt matter what he does to hype his mod, it will be good or bad, or maybe okay. We wont know until it comes out, and any other discussion is just a waste of time.

I dont mind DaveL, hes not a bad person, weve had our good conversations and our bad ones. But in the end, hes not done anything to personally offend me, and I dont see why people hate him. Then again, people have their reasons, just like I have mine.

I agree with garry, about the mod comment, but Im not sure where I fall, I aspire to go somewhere with my mod, but dont expect anything but "Look what we made guys it's fun to play and isn't a CS clone."

On a side note, I do wish Nuclear Dawn all the luck in the world, because the gaming industry, be it for mods, or full games, is not an easy one to be sucessful, and sometimes you do what you have to do.

Now that my mindless banter is over, lets keep the peace, and if you dont like someone/something ignore it. :p

Pff, say what you're really thinking about this whole thing instead of what you just wrote ;) I know you want to!
There's no way they are screenshots, for all those people saying 'nice screenies'.
Zaphod_ said:
There's no way they are screenshots, for all those people saying 'nice screenies'.

Why not? They have been sharpened, but they are ingame..
So when did the Rules of modding come into play as the last couple of months I have seen more and more people getting really angry over the way a mod is being made. I always find it funny that people think it is there a set of guide lines that mod teams should follow when in reality Mod teams are makeing a mod that is totaly to there taste and not to the publics, The Public only gets the chance to play the mod and if lucky throw in some ideas. People who are getting worked up about crap like Hype or a team member being a dick or other things when they really dont have the right to as the mod is not being made for them its being made for the MODDING team members as a gift to the public not a product. If you find a mod that isnt going down the path that you lilke dont play it, If you do the only thing it will take up is your bandwidth for downloading and thats only your fault.
Okay guys. The first one is a concept render. The Source engine cannot render lighting like that - look at the reflection on the side of the blobby thing on the subway tracks.

The next two are screenshots from the actual map. Note that the fancy reflection is gone.
It even says 'Concept Art' on the first one...
Smokin said:
So when did the Rules of modding come into play as the last couple of months I have seen more and more people getting really angry over the way a mod is being made. I always find it funny that people think it is there a set of guide lines that mod teams should follow when in reality Mod teams are makeing a mod that is totaly to there taste and not to the publics, The Public only gets the chance to play the mod and if lucky throw in some ideas. People who are getting worked up about crap like Hype or a team member being a dick or other things when they really dont have the right to as the mod is not being made for them its being made for the MODDING team members as a gift to the public not a product. If you find a mod that isnt going down the path that you lilke dont play it, If you do the only thing it will take up is your bandwidth for downloading and thats only your fault.

pretty much nails the issue.
The guy's accused of hiring people to register on sites merely to generate hype, and defend it. Your very first post is one defending the mod. People will connect the two.

-Angry Lawyer