Obsidian's "Alpha Protocol"

Any news on whether there's much difference between 360 and PS3 versions?
I've only ever seen minor bugs which were pure graphical and never changed gameplay. It does play like a console port on PC so I can imagine the controls are better suited for consoles.

Overall the game is good, the only thing that puts a knot in my panties is the f'in hacking minigame.
There are no major technical problems with the game, at least, not to my experience (and I'm playing it straight out of the box).

I get hiccups every now and again. I'll be running around and then I get like one frame a second for like 2 seconds, and by the time i get control again i'm all turned around and disoriented. Not fun.

I'm torn on this game though. I really, really don't like combat. Its just a chore and not fun or sneaky at all. The complete lack of polish I don't mind, but the combat is ****ing baaaaalllls. But I love the dialog system and the varying plotlines seem like they will be really awesome. But I don't want to play the combat any more. I don't know what to do :(
I've only been sneaking around on my playthrough. Try it.
I'm torn on this game though. I really, really don't like combat. Its just a chore and not fun or sneaky at all. The complete lack of polish I don't mind, but the combat is ****ing baaaaalllls. But I love the dialog system and the varying plotlines seem like they will be really awesome. But I don't want to play the combat any more. I don't know what to do :(

Just do what I did pump all your points into pistols, stealth, and martial arts and whats left over into tech for that brilliance skill.

Now you can kick everyone in the face and kill bosses in 5 seconds with a single chain shot cooldown.

But yeah the combat really really reallly sucks :(
funny I was just thinking of DS1 the other day,no other game comes as close to what D2 is then DS1
Alright, tried it. I like it so far, but like you guys said, gun combat is ****ing terrible.

Good thing I'm solid snaking it.

Casual wear only.
Game is god damn awesome. On my third playthrough. This time I'm going loud, shotguns and assault rifles, alarms be damned!
I generally don't replay games, but this seems to be one that requires replaying due to how dynamic the story is.
Man. DO NOT play a violent and loud character on the hard difficulty. Shit is almost impossible at times.
I'm playing my first playthrough on Hard with a nice guy who makes everyone his friend and spares everyone.

Oh yeah I'm a baller.
I'm playing my first playthrough on Hard with a nice guy who makes everyone his friend and spares everyone.

Oh yeah I'm a baller.

I can't get myself to be a bad guy on my first playthroughs generally, I find it more enjoyable to be a nice guy than a douche, will have to be a douche on some future playthrough.
Is this game worth 33 bucks on the steam sale or should I wait?
I have heard the PC version has control problems, that may or may not be an issue for you.
Is this game worth 33 bucks on the steam sale or should I wait?

Mouse controls are a bit wonky. It's alright I guess.

don't listen to 63 he hates good games
I thought it looked like shit, but then everyone was like "Gameplay is like Deus Ex" and I got all excited.
Don't get any version.

I concur.

lol Deus Ex. There are no similarities whatsoever. The gameplay is the worst thing when it comes to this game. You people must be smoking some really good dope since you keep praising this piece of shit.
Is this game worth 33 bucks on the steam sale or should I wait?

Damn right it is! After so many hand-holding, frictionless games a game that requires you to think about the consequences is so damn refreshing.
How many hours have you got on a thorough playthrough?
About 15 - 20 hours, but you are meant to play it several times in different ways to see how things can change.
damn thats short for an RPG.

Yes, it is, but AP's strength is in its replayability. You can tackle the hubs in any order (and the game will later refer to the order in which you were doing it), every action has consequences, which are radically different depending on your actions and character, different reputation levels give different effects and overall... it's a brilliant game.
You do have to deal with the sometimes erratic camera (doesn't happen often enough to be annoying to me) and the hacking minigame though. Also, combat with any weapon sucks unless you level it up.

I think you should also specialize in at least one weapon type to deal with bosses.
AP has its strengths and weaknesses. Saudi Arabia is my least favorite part of the game, and it is something I have to slog through to get to the more enjoyable parts. Hacking minigame is easy enough, although it is a bit of a nuisance. I despise the fact that those minigames have a time limit, I don't care if it fits with the theme or not. Those are the annoying parts.

On the other hand, lots of C&C, decent writing, replayability, and *some* really good voice acting (usually character specific).
Don't forget taking SIE as your final handler. :naughty:
I've heard that is possible. Unless this is my crappy memory talking, I don't recall encountering her at all. I don't think I did.
damn thats short for an RPG.

If it were any other game. Most people I know who have played it have gone through at least twice though, some three times, some even four times (like me). Its very cool to see the different ways things play out. This is probably my favorite game thats come out this year.

Also, you guys suck if the minigames give you trouble. Even on hard I was blowing through the hacking one, and the rest of them so are ridiculously easy that its silly they're even there. If you messed up even once on the lockpicking one, then you have no say in whether the minigames were good or not, because something is wrong with you.
If it were any other game. Most people I know who have played it have gone through at least twice though, some three times, some even four times (like me). Its very cool to see the different ways things play out. This is probably my favorite game thats come out this year.

Also, you guys suck if the minigames give you trouble. Even on hard I was blowing through the hacking one, and the rest of them so are ridiculously easy that its silly they're even there. If you messed up even once on the lockpicking one, then you have no say in whether the minigames were good or not, because something is wrong with you.

On the PC the computer hacking minigame was terrible because one thing was controlled by the arrow keys, and the other by the mouse.

And the mouse cursor was still on the screen.

It confused me and the mouse was slow as hell too. Felt like acceleration even.

Don't know if it's been fixed by now.
I messed up at the lockpicking game more than once (console)--yes, something is wrong with me. I hate timed mini-games, though. Hacking is usually a breeze.

Fact of the matter is, people consider different things "easy" for whatever reason. But, I still very much enjoyed the game.
Also, you guys suck if the minigames give you trouble. Even on hard I was blowing through the hacking one, and the rest of them so are ridiculously easy that its silly they're even there. If you messed up even once on the lockpicking one, then you have no say in whether the minigames were good or not, because something is wrong with you.

Yeah I've really got used to mouse control in the hacking minigame too, but I understand why people have trouble with it. So I figured I should just warn them anyway.

And yeah this is certainly my favorite game of the year so far.
Still haven't gotten very far on this, actually still in Saudi Arabia, got occupied with other games.:(
Yeah, Saudi by far is the most boring part of the game. It'll get much better afterwards.