Off the grid living


Aug 6, 2004
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It's a concept i'm much interested in.

The average person (in our country) consumes 120l/day, make that 165l/day. Monthly that would mean ~5000l per month.

This is how big one looks like (a 5000l tank, Solaris, a water tank):

If you dig them underground you can easily make at least 5 of them which is 25000liters or 5 months of water. 165l/s per day is the amount where no conservation is done, that means with good appliances, low water consumption you can get way below this number. Especially if you make a grey water system.
The tanks can be either purchased or self made from concrete which is cheaper. If you have any technical knowledge of building that shouldn't be such a problem. The initial investment would probably be less than 3000$.

A filtration system/disinfection system is required. You can get all this for less than 1500$. Especially if you know how water purification works (i do, since i study in this field) you can make alot of filters yourself. And besides, resident in drought areas have been living without high tech UV disinfection system for millennial, humans are not that fragile as you might think.

However every inch of covered land must be connected to the system to take advantage of the rain. If you live in rainy areas then you probably need half as much equipment.
For about 250euros you can fill up all 5 tanks with clean water if the rain is poor.

Waste water:
Buying a cleaning module might be the quick option, but if you get a book and read how to treat waste water you'd realize how easy it is. A holding tank for the sludge and a canal filled with rocks of various sizes. In a nutshell that's all you need. The filtered water can also be used for irrigation.

If you make a house from special porous concrete or other materials that are well insulated you can drastically reduce your heating bill.
I've read that passive houses can have as low as 3l/m2 of oil per heating season. That is about 500$ per average heating season which is 5 months here. The materials cost either the same or a bit more and sometimes even less than classical building materials (speaking for my region).

You do have to limit your house to 100-150 m2, which is IMO for a family of 3 more than enough.

If you can get cheap wood for burning it's that much more green.


This is a tough one, as of yet there are few alternatives to it, you have small cogeneration plants that provide electricity and heating at the same time, but you have to fuel them.
Solar in my area might be economical but the initial price is still very high. Probably higher than all previous systems combined.
Wind is a no go here.
Unless the Bloom Energy can make the fuel cells cheap then this part is yet unsolved. You probably have to be connected to the grid.
However investing in a smart electrical home grid might save you alot of money, because energy consumption might be monitored and you have and idea where are the biggest losses.
Here in average a small family uses about 70-100€ worth of electricity per month. This is not that much.

If you have electricity you'd probably have even this. And besides it's not a major expense.

Well this might be a bit more problematic. Not everyone has enough land and not everyone want's to grow it's own food. Hence if there would be less people more of them could own sizable pieces of land.
A guess from experience is that on 2000m2 you can probably grow 60% of your food requirements.
The major problem here is that people don't want to farm.

All in all it's a lifestyle that not anybody would want to live but it can be really rewarding.
Personally i think i have the resources and knowledge to think of going this way.
All i want from the government is to enact law that keep my air, soil and water clean and dong strangle me financially...the basic foundations needed for such a lifestyle.
And it's not a return to the dark ages thing, modern technology is amazing and makes life so much easier. For instance

You can plow 1000m2 whit this thing in a day for a few liters of gas, and that's enough for a year of crops.
Modern irrigation systems,...
It leaves you enough time to do a medium paid job, hunt babes and other hobbies...Basically what my meaning of life is...women/friends/hobbies/(less stressful) work.

Sure you'd have to sacrifice some of your "free time", but if shoveling shit entertains you then you killed two birds with one stone.

What inspired me to make this thread? Today i made my own composting pit for organic food. Hours of physical work and no the hell out of wasting 1 hour and 21 minutes watching that god awful movie Dark Floor.

jverne becomes more of a crazy pinko survivalist hippy by the day
"The average person (in our country) consumes 120l/day, make that 165l/day. Monthly that would mean ~5000l per month.

This is how big one looks like:"

Holy shit Jverne! That's one **** ugly person.
jverne becomes more of a crazy pinko survivalist hippy by the day

Yes, because being an accountant at Wal-mart or a game programmer is so much more meaningful?

No really, i don't understand replies such as this.
"The average person (in our country) consumes 120l/day, make that 165l/day. Monthly that would mean ~5000l per month.

This is how big one looks like:"

Holy shit Jverne! That's one **** ugly person.


Well you can make that face if you want, but what I pointed out is an example of so many of your threads.

You get the start of an idea in your head and start thinking it out while you type, without really giving us any inclination what the hell you're talking about.
Well you can make that face if you want, but what I pointed out is an example of so many of your threads.

You get the start of an idea in your head and start thinking it out while you type, without really giving us any inclination what the hell you're talking about.

Dude, it says water, water consumption, and 5000l,...

What the hell are you talking about?
Yes, because being an accountant at Wal-mart or a game programmer is so much more meaningful?

No really, i don't understand replies such as this.
I don't understand replies like this either. No really, I don't.
Off the grid.. with the internet... which is the epitome of the grid...
Off the grid.. with the internet... which is the epitome of the grid...

This. :LOL:

Then again you didn't mention what exactly are the benefits of "off the grid living".

I hate: "living off the land", "manual labour of any kind" etc; but I'm asking anyway just out of curiosity.


my meaning of life is...women/friends/hobbies/(less stressful) work.

My meaning of life is... hobbies/work/hobbies/work. Oh wait my hobbies are my work. So it's work/work/work/work. :borg:
I'm increasingly concerned for the mental health of Jverne.

Wait, no. I don't give a crap.
This. :LOL:

Then again you didn't mention what exactly are the benefits of "off the grid living".

I hate: "living off the land", "manual labour of any kind" etc; but I'm asking anyway just out of curiosity.


My meaning of life is... hobbies/work/hobbies/work. Oh wait my hobbies are my work. So it's work/work/work/work. :borg:

What are the benefits, it's more from an ideological POV. But then again, you can monitor your own quality, you are not bound by taxes.
I live in a more arid area.
Water storage has been used here for irrigation, which is what i'm doing right now. For drinking water i haven't yet decided.
Making your own electricity would be quite nice, more independence.
Food, making your own food has the most benefits. Home grown food is more nutritious and if you're careful less polluted.

So your meaning of life is just work? Because you want to get rich or survive?
Funny enough that I logged in after a year of inactivity just to support Jverne. Considering the information and research you compiled and put into this, I'm impressed.

Obviously, most people here who have routine schedules and cannot easily adapt to change will look at your ideas as primitive or as one person said

"I don't know what the hell you/he is talking about"

Whatever the case, everyone should know about basic survival. Considering the economoy at the moment looking bleak, living off the grid might become useful one day.

That's not just ONE reason why you would want to know about this stuff, if you're on the run then it is also good information. I also would like to think POW's or escapees could use it to their benefit. Hoping that they are good people.

Good thread, and I actually appreciate it. Once again, it made me come out of inactivity. This isn't about being,

"crazy pinko survivalist hippy"

That is ignorant. This is being smart and informed. Lay off him folks, and kudos to Jverne.
If only he did the thinking before he started typing...
We all know jverne isn't going to make the jump anyway.
I really don't remember you posting this amount of shit in the past, jverne. What happened?
Is it even legal to do what you are suggesting?

Also, how do you plan to have internet while living off the grid? Even if you are accessing someone elses wireless network, they are still hooked via the grid so technically you are too.
specialization and not having to do everything for yrself is one of the most basic reasons that the first world has so many money, there is no guarantee you will save money by living off the grid, learn to opportunity cost
econ gets me hot

Yes, i can't deny that, but as technology advances tasks that were once hard are now much easier. And i believe today we have enough technology to make this style possible for more people than previously possible.

Sure if your plan is to make yourself a fusion reactor you probably couldn't do it alone. But god damn feeding your chicken and every now and then shoveling their shit is not a 24hour task.
There's a huge difference between commercial farming and self sustainable farming. The first is a deadly pit of competition, the second is part a hobby/relaxation.

a bit off topic (about meaning of life)/

I really don't understand why wasting 2 hours on watching a movie is morally superior than dig a ****ing hole in the ground?
Do women look down upon that? Then i don't want a women like that, i want someone who like to go down and dirty with both ways. :angel:

What do you people without families do the rest of the 6 to 8 hours you have left after work?
I ask this seriously, what do you do from day to day?

Things i cherish:
-Hanging out with friends and strengthening relationships
-Being with your partner(s) and doing fun stuff together
-Doing something creative (music, farming, sports, learning useful stuff ...)

I need work only to provide me enough money to accomplished these tasks and since i don't hang out with multimillionaires i don't need alot of money.

You can only be happy if you share happiness with someone.
What does it matter to be wealthy if you don't have anybody to share it with.

Something i don't practice but i respect people for doing it. If you're researching something that would greatly benefit mankind like medicine, energy, food,... then i salute you. Everything else is less worthy IMO.

We all know jverne isn't going to make the jump anyway.

In small increments my dear, you can't just do this shit over night.

Is it even legal to do what you are suggesting?

Also, how do you plan to have internet while living off the grid? Even if you are accessing someone elses wireless network, they are still hooked via the grid so technically you are too.

The internet is a great social and learning tool, i'm not for socially isolating myself from society, just materialistically.
Isolation is the wrong word...i wanted to say less materialistically dependent.
I'll be sure to waste extra resources just for you, verne.
Yes, because being an accountant at Wal-mart or a game programmer is so much more meaningful?

No really, i don't understand replies such as this.

Yeah, living a life where your entire time is dedicated to just surviving is much more meaningful. :| Which is what would happen if you really did try to live off the grid.
No it isn't


I think we should require everyone to talk in spoilers for the rest of this thread
I'm not sure how to talk in spoilers, did i do it right?
edit: **** YEAH
What? What's going on in this thread? Speak up!

I sure hope nothing bad is going on here.
Somehow, jverne, I just can't picture it.

Cliche joke suggesting that the root of OP's apparently maniacal creative thinking stint could possibly stem from OP's usage of high grade Marijuana.

followup joke of equal triteness in which poster informs OP that he/she wishes to sample some of the same Marijuana that poster has implied OP is smoking

Seriously though Jverne, some of your posts in this thread do sound like they were written by a schizophrenic.
you want to live off the grid and use 165 liters of water a day!? are you mad?
You drink 5 liters a day in a warm climate at most... and you're going to take a bath, make yourself a brand new one... everyday!?
u__u off the grid fail.

ooops forgot to whisper : O : O
Its not even 5 Liters a day, its less, you got your calculation wrong ma boy, WRONG I TELL YA
You should move to New Guinea jverne, join one of the remaining hunter-gatherer tribes.

You crazy pinko commie tree-hugging hippy

I have always wanted to do something like what you said, but instead build it into a self contained bunker under ground.

Like an air filtration system, a little room where i can grow food hydroponically etc. Basically a bunker where i can go down and live for a while.
Where is all that water going to come from originally?
The idea is okay, but the tone is very smarmy and superior. Like a Portland hipster. I think that is what turns people off to these posts the most.

Conservation helps you be independent sure, but keep in mind that division of labour is the basis for the entire global economic system which in turn is what feeds and cloths everyone in the world. Some things like agriculture (and healthcare!) are much more resource efficient on a large scale. If each person grows their own food, manufactured their own products, produced their own energy, harvested their own raw materials, there would not be enough resources to support 1/10 of the global population.
The idea is okay, but the tone is very smarmy and superior. Like a Portland hipster. I think that is what turns people off to these posts the most.

Conservation helps you be independent sure, but keep in mind that division of labour is the basis for the entire global economic system which in turn is what feeds and cloths everyone in the world. Some things like agriculture (and healthcare!) are much more resource efficient on a large scale. If each person grows their own food, manufactured their own products, produced their own energy, harvested their own raw materials, there would not be enough resources to support 1/10 of the global population.

It's true for the food part, but as far as water or maybe even electricity someday, it's not that inefficient. Power lines and water pipes have their losses. In our country it's estimated that in 50% of water is leaking from older pipes.
Off the grid might not be as efficient but it certainly shows you how much you waste and thus conserve.

I don't actually picture everybody doing it. However as i've said, with modern technology a lot of work is made easier.
Take this comparison. In the last years high quality music recording equipment has become available to the masses and more and more small studios have become popular, wheres once only the large ones could do it. Technology brought us to a point where old task are much much easier than ever before.

It's true that for such a large population as we have today this lifestyle is impossible, but hey i'm hoping that overpopulation one day get's fixed.

Another comparison you might feel more connected to.You like going mountaineering and stuff right? I presume you like virgin paths and don't like crowded tourist places, like any adventurer.
Let's say you go climbing but you break a leg like you did, obviously at that time you like civilization near you so you get help and treatment quick, right?
What if in the future technology would be so advanced that you'll have automated rescue planes, where anything goes wrong they come to rescue you in a matter of minutes from 500 miles away. Would you still need alot of people nearby in case of an emergency? Probably not. Thus alot more area can become wilderness for you to enjoy without that much risk. In this case a low population wouldn't really be needed since alot can be taken care off by technology.
It's a hypothetical example but i'm just saying. Same it's with farming, once manual labor required a lot of people, now we have machines that do 90% of the work.