Official Bad Company 2 thread - no beta talk here!

the only reason I can think of is because if you could use a RDS or 4x zoom, the rifle would be too good.
basically, yeah. the m14 and g3 are powerhouses with reasonable flaws. they frustrate me quite a bit, but when they are good... ****, amazing weapons.
The M95, GOL, and M24 are basically the same thing when it comes down to it. I don't know why any of them have an accuracy stat. The M95 seems to drop a little less over distance (Which throws me off) and hits a little harder, but you're lucky to ever get a second shot on a target and you have a giant smoke trail leading to your face. I guess the SV98 is in the same boat, but the 10 round clip and less damage at max range kind of change it up a bit.
Yea accuracy in this game is how fastthr bullet flies, so more accurate means less drop over the same distance. But I agree, all three are pretty much the same thing. I wish the m95 did more damage to helicopters, it would help control the air more.
Yea accuracy in this game is how fastthr bullet flies, so more accurate means less drop over the same distance. But I agree, all three are pretty much the same thing. I wish the m95 did more damage to helicopters, it would help control the air more.

It's the muzzle velocity? Well that's not the same for all the non-sniper weapons since it's the recoil and such... but the rules are different for snipers in a lot of cases. For one, sniper fired rounds drop more than any other rounds. It's strange but I guess it makes sense for the gameplay. I like the GOL and the SV98... though it doesn't really matter.
Slowly working my way up the rank tree. Don't get much of a chance to play. I finally have most of the perks that everyone else has, so at least i feel like i'm on more of a level playing field.

One thing that i find is that i don't like the 12x scope on the sniper rifles that much. I think i got so used to the 6x that i find that i don't compensate quite right with the 12 x. i.e. where i'd comfortably hit a target with the 6 x scope i seem more likely to miss with the 12 x. Mebbe just need practice. Although in all honesty i find the 6 x scope adequate and rarely find myself needing more range. But maybe that's because i prefer to get a bit more stuck into the action when playing recon, so don't sit all that far back compared to other recon peeps.
It's called having no life !


I just don't have that kind of time on my hands ! And as much as i enjoy the game, i think i'd be bored of it if i had been playing the required hours to get to that level.
I saw a rank 50 like a week ago. I wondered who really had that level of commitment to get to 50 that quickly. That individual had to be playing pretty much non-stop. I'm like 27 or 28 andit REALLY slows down past 20. I think my next level is 100,000 points and you it seems like you get fewer points as you go along because you're not constantly unlocking things. The occasional gold star and the standard pins don't seem to make much of an impact.
Just look at how many hours the guys in the leaderboards have.

Hah... I like that guy that's been playing 488 hours (20.3 days) and has a horrible k/d ratio. I have to commend the guy at 142 hours with that impressive ratio. I probably have a little over 100 or something, at least that's what Steam says... but there was a while that it said I had the game running and it was not.

Now I have two questions - What's the number mean beside the ltitle rank icon? Also, what determines skill level?
Veteran status, you can combine older Battlefield soldiers with your BC2 soldier to increase your veteran rank (includes all BF games, including heroes).
Hah... I like that guy that's been playing 488 hours (20.3 days) and has a horrible k/d ratio. I have to commend the guy at 142 hours with that impressive ratio. I probably have a little over 100 or something, at least that's what Steam says... but there was a while that it said I had the game running and it was not.

Now I have two questions - What's the number mean beside the ltitle rank icon? Also, what determines skill level?

Also take not of his awful squad score.

I'll bet 10 eurobucks on him being a douchebag.
Veteran status, you can combine older Battlefield soldiers with your BC2 soldier to increase your veteran rank (includes all BF games, including heroes).

How'd that guy get 12 then? He's got 12 BF games? They even make that many? Let me see...
Road to Rome
Secret Weapons
BF Vietnam
BF2 Expansion1
BF2 Expansion2
2142 expansion?
BF BadCompany
BF Heroes
BF 1943 (No PEE CEE)

Well I guess that's 12 tentatively despite 1943 not being on PC. I guess Heroes wasn't on consoles... Also I dunno if there was a 2142 expansion or there may have been two.

I should probably do that veteran thing so I can get the M1 and never use it. I'd also like some numbers. No clue where my old BF CDs are though...
Why does it go from 13,000 days to 10 minutes?
Looks like it's bugged or these people hacked to get crazy points in minutes or seconds.
I felt sorry for this other team. We honestly won the game in like 10-15 mins. Look at all our KDR's compared to theirs.

wow almost 500 hours already for that one guy?
and I thought I played too much . . .
just got my best score yet, 14645, which earned me the rank of Warrant Officer 1 :)
Great game.
Try out the SVU sniper rifle with a red dot sight :) its pretty win.
unlocked all of the weapons now so i've hit my goal for before i go back to uni. was using the M95 last night and quite liking it. i like the kick/sound it makes, makes me feel like i'm a proper US sniper giving cover somewhere and it's really not all it's cracked up to be. i find it the same as the M24 if anything, aside from sights and bullet drop, but in power.
unlocked all of the weapons now so i've hit my goal for before i go back to uni. was using the M95 last night and quite liking it. i like the kick/sound it makes, makes me feel like i'm a proper US sniper giving cover somewhere and it's really not all it's cracked up to be. i find it the same as the M24 if anything, aside from sights and bullet drop, but in power.

I still say SV98 is the only way to go. Unless you're taking really close range shots that can one hit kill....

I've also started using the explosive booster with recon because the spotter scope is useless if you're sniping from more than 3 inches away. It also makes it a lot easier to take out tanks and APCs since they'll be blown up before they can move... usually. I mean I guess you could put magnum in it but if there are so few situations where you get a one hit kill outside of hardcore... seems like a huge waste.

Also I'd like to say I played last night and I sucked a lot and made my KD ratio bad.
spotter scope is okay, it sometimes picks up things you might not otherwise notice. it gives you the opputunity to concentrate on something specific because it'll pick up things around that target you're desperatly trying to headshot, so it's basically doing work for you. i usually put it on if i play recon.
spotter scope is okay, it sometimes picks up things you might not otherwise notice. it gives you the opputunity to concentrate on something specific because it'll pick up things around that target you're desperatly trying to headshot, so it's basically doing work for you. i usually put it on if i play recon.

The problem with it is that it only works to 75m. I rarely take shots within that :/
Saw this game up for 20e, decided to buy it. This is the first game I've played in which the beta was super fun and felt polished, while the full version feels like some pre release alpha you never release. Huge lag all the time, crashing, getting disconnected from servers. Server browser is slow, no ping, server names look like some haxor site (but thats the scene), play now doesn't work, whole interface feels like anus.

Even the maps feel somewhat crap, I liked the snow map and the desert maps on the PS3 and PC beta, but these jungle maps feel so shitty... Although this might change after I've tried them more.

Seriously what game doesn't have switch to last weapon (or I'm just too blind to see it), I can't even remember playing a FPS game in which there was no setting for this.

This bounced straight to the first place in worst purcaches ever (right after Nine Deaths of The Ninja, but this one is not even funny).
Did you patch? Also, theres only 4 weapons at most, you seriously need a switch to last? Its too hard to move your mouse wheel the right number of notches to get the right weapon?

And the maps are awesome. Most of the Rush maps are great, conquest ones aren't as good due to the lack of structure that the gameplay needs, but still decent.

Also, the server browser is slow because there are a ****ton of servers. Just hit Full Update, wait like 10 seconds, and cancel. You'll have more servers than you know what to do with already.
Just beat the campaign and started playing this online last night. Hella fun.
Mouse scrolling in slow as hell, and no self respecting old quake player will go as low as that! :p

The game patched it self automatically.

Know I played in a few better maps, feeling is starting to smooth out, still lagging though. If they would fix the the damn browser, it would make this 10x more enjoyable.

I'm not sure if it was a bug but that desert map, that was on the PS3 beta, looked like pure anus on my PC. It was like the sand was white, glowing stuff...
Did you patch? Also, theres only 4 weapons at most, you seriously need a switch to last? Its too hard to move your mouse wheel the right number of notches to get the right weapon?

I think he's wanting the Source style quick switching with the Q button.
The problem with it is that it only works to 75m. I rarely take shots within that :/


not quite sure it's possible to determine where someone might appear in your scope. the hill overlooking the town in arica harbour, or even when you've taken the town and you're attemping to take the bridge is an ample sniping distance, and even then, it's still a help for anyone who is closer to you that you may catch out the corner of your eye whilst trying to get someone who is beyond 75m. hell, the space between any assaulting base and defending base - of halved - is enough room to spot with that scope.

have some imagination man :P

not quite sure it's possible to determine where someone might appear in your scope. the hill overlooking the town in arica harbour, or even when you've taken the town and you're attemping to take the bridge is an ample sniping distance, and even then, it's still a help for anyone who is closer to you that you may catch out the corner of your eye whilst trying to get someone who is beyond 75m. hell, the space between any assaulting base and defending base - of halved - is enough room to spot with that scope.

have some imagination man :P

Psh... I don't want to equip somehing that requires imagination. I want something that will work 60% of the time, everytime. That's why I use explosion-extension... mortar power baby.
Should I buy this game on the PC? I'm more interested on the multi-player side of the game.
of course, the PC platform is superior lol

had some fun with unfocused today until mine crashed. Maybe it's just 'cause I'm out of practice but it seemed like my guns were doing nothing to the enemy while theirs were constantly killing me instantly
Should I buy this game on the PC? I'm more interested on the multi-player side of the game.

I would be worried if someone said they bought this game for the single player, considering it's barely longer than MW2 and with less awesome.