**Official EP1 Pics Thread** Spoilers **

Wow those are some pretty screens. I take it that everything's on high?
here are soem of mine.









Yes, very sexeh. I really need to stop looking at all these screenies with amazing graphics because it makes me cry at night. ;(
Where's G-Man's breifcase? I can't see it.
i see u used ur brains on the last pic, i dint :( i ran into the balls like a lunatic, & fended off the balls with ma GG.
shuin4 said:
Crying Couple was in Ep 1 AND I MISSED THEM?! ;(
They are in the room with the TV. Except they are watching Kleiner on TV when you go through and up the stairs.
I dont like the way they bash Kleiner, they should be stalkerified for that!
Best part is that I have a pc that is was good like...3 years ago. And yet I can play everything near high with everything shiny and get similar results to high end PC screenies :) (Although at lower resolution..and more jaggies)
What's with all these people with low gfx in ep1? And can u see real time reflections on shiney stuff?
No realtime reflections. The reflections are based from cubemaps set in certain areas of a map.
But why do most people leave their gfx on low?
to get better framerates because their computer isn't as high end as everyone else's.
OK, here's my pics...mostly taken because I liked the mood of those places. As a speciality these shouldn't spoil the game that much since I didn't take pics of any key moments which would give away what's actually happening or how something is actually done.










i did some snooping around :)

these are some pics of a cork board i found in the arctic hideout....more watermelon for lamarr?

Yeah that's the exact same cork board on Kleiner's lab... interesting still.
i did play HL2. i guess i didnt remember what were on the boards.
smokeythebear said:
watch the video long enough and he holds up lamarr "carfull lamarr, get off that lamp its hot"

but how does lamarr survive, didnt it teleport to the beach?

Nope. It's 'Careful Lamarr, these lamps are quite hot!' I mean, where's the model?
Saketi said:
i see u used ur brains on the last pic, i dint :( i ran into the balls like a lunatic, & fended off the balls with ma GG.

lol i believe valve intended us to dodge the energy balls crouch forward left right crouch left forward etc

but good idea with that shield tho, never thought of it XD
lammmbda said:
lol i believe valve intended us to dodge the energy balls crouch forward left right crouch left forward etc

but good idea with that shield tho, never thought of it XD

I don't think so. It'd be too hard. X(
Thats what I did, it was hard but there is deffiently a sequence to follow with the energy balls which i think was Valve's intent
I thought repelling them was easy enough, but the shield's a really good idea.
Well as soon as I saw that I had to crouch and get through all those energy orbs, I was like, hell no.

I just started thinking, I don't think Valve intends me to Rambo this..... and this game is "like" real life in the sense that you can interact with your surroundings and there are physics involved here.. so maybe I can block these things... and viola!
A few pics... (edited)

A few that focus on Alyx, and some other stuff. A couple are setups using the gravgun. I shrunk them to 800x600...

Some portraits...






Her conscience got the best of her here...


Ouch! Talk about cruel and unusual...


A couple of stalker shots...



And something random from HL2. I was herding citizens at one point...





HDR goodness! They really optimised it and I could play quite comfortably with HDR on, getting more out of Episode One :)

The last pic lookes better in-game, though, I didn't notice how jaggy the wood was without AA.

BTW, anyone else thought that it took a bit too long to adjust the "eye" to the brightness?
I've got to add another one..mmm...sweet IMHO.

Unfocused said:
I've got to add another one..mmm...sweet IMHO.

I can imagine how hot the dark fusion reactor room would be... if it's that bright... besides expanding and melting the walkway around it!! Hope Gordon has in-suit AC :cheese:
Saketi said:
i see u used ur brains on the last pic, i dint :( i ran into the balls like a lunatic, & fended off the balls with ma GG.
Same! I swore a lot as well.
And when I saw that picture, I actually said, out loud - "Oh you're f*cking kidding me... Of course."