Official "I have Doom 3" thread.


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Well since just like when it went gold, we will likely be spammed with hundreds of OMG DOOM 3 IS IN MY HANDS threads I thought maybe if they saw this first they could post here instead of makeing there own threads. If you have it early post in here for us to see isntead of makeing new threads. Please only post in here if you have the game and want to tell us about it, dont just fill it up with spam.
It would be nice if this thread was made ON august 3rd, though.
I just called my local EB (b/c I preordered there) and told them I heard some rumors of ppl having it today and was wondering if it was on the shelves yet. They told me Monday (Aug 2nd).
Monday is the street date for my local stores, many people already have it as well.
And if you have the game, post some special screenshots with it if you want :)
EB, and Gamestop list it as Aug 2nd for me as well now.
Im gonna try my luck later this afternoon again though :)
try your best buy stores i'm hearing rumours they got it.
Nope, not at my Best Buy.. they say August 2nd also..
thanks guys for your suppporting calls and helping hands and heart, will your help and me perseverence I wil soon have doom 3. And I will be able to toast all of you on the world wide web of information and gaming action.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
thanks guys for your suppporting calls and helping hands and heart, will your help and me perseverence I wil soon have doom 3. And I will be able to toast all of you on the world wide web of information and gaming action.

I will be ready for it. ;)
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
thanks guys for your suppporting calls and helping hands and heart, will your help and me perseverence I wil soon have doom 3. And I will be able to toast all of you on the world wide web of information and gaming action.

haha, I accept your challenege :)
I was just shopping with my father when we noticed EB had moved their Doom 3 boxes to the front of the store, and they had some competition to win a copy of Doom 3. This EB being the same I preorded from I asked about it forked out the remaining $50 and Tada I have Doom 3.

My schoolworks done so I'm gonna install it now.
best buy list it as aug 2nd, and gamestop now say aug 4th.. grrrr

Kyo said:
I was just shopping with my father when we noticed EB had moved their Doom 3 boxes to the front of the store, and they had some competition to win a copy of Doom 3. This EB being the same I preorded from I asked about it forked out the remaining $50 and Tada I have Doom 3.

My schoolworks done so I'm gonna install it now.

lucky lil turd :D :cheers:
Yea wtf, I pre-ordered at EB too but they are prolly too afraid to lose their jobs to start giving it out to leetpants kids like me. As soon as I got off the phone with them they prolly went back into the backroom and un-paused...bastids..
riTuaL said:
Yea wtf, I pre-ordered at EB too but they are prolly too afraid to lose their jobs to start giving it out to leetpants kids like me. As soon as I got off the phone with them they prolly went back into the backroom and un-paused...bastids..

lol, the chick at EB I talked to sounded like they had em.
I said: "hey hiya, do you guys have Doom3 for the PC in stock yet?"
she said: "Doom3? oh yeah..... *pause* oh I mean, no... the date on that is August 2nd"

they have them... just not selling them.. its time to go mission impossible/splinter Cell on their asses.
*dum dum dum, dum dum!*

and the guy at gamespot was like:
"nope, release date is August fourth"
so I said: "then why do EB and list it being august second?"
and he said: "I dont know, I work at gamestop, LOLS LOLS OWNED NOOB"
well actually he just said he had no clue.
Mr. Redundant said:
lol, the chick at EB I talked to sounded like they had em.
I said: "hey hiya, do you guys have Doom3 for the PC in stock yet?"
she said: "Doom3? oh yeah..... *pause* oh I mean, no... the date on that is August 2nd"

they have them... just not selling them.. its time to go mission impossible/splinter Cell on their asses.
*dum dum dum, dum dum!*

im getting that from about everyone
Yeah for real. If they have them they should be able to sell them. Maybe id needs a few more days to get their lawyers ready for all the lawsuits because this game is gonna give me Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
You think it's bad with games, try books. If a store releases a book too early, they can get their right revoked and they don't get their money back, that's why it's always better to preorder from a small private store, where they don't have to watch for the good of the cooperation, and that's true for both games and books.
I just called the Best Buy where I preordered it and the dude said he didn't know when they were getting them in. He probably didn't even check but I'm going to be calling them everyday til they get it :p.
Mr. Redundant said:
lol, the chick at EB I talked to sounded like they had em.
I said: "hey hiya, do you guys have Doom3 for the PC in stock yet?"
she said: "Doom3? oh yeah..... *pause* oh I mean, no... the date on that is August 2nd"

they have them... just not selling them.. its time to go mission impossible/splinter Cell on their asses.
*dum dum dum, dum dum!*

and the guy at gamespot was like:
"nope, release date is August fourth"
so I said: "then why do EB and list it being august second?"
and he said: "I dont know, I work at gamestop, LOLS LOLS OWNED NOOB"
well actually he just said he had no clue.

YEAH, When I talk to any dealer at any gameshop they say "Sorry I have no clue"................They just so lame. :sniper:
Just got off the phone with gamestop, I was told the game would be released monday after 7pm, and that i should come in and reserve a copy because they would be releasing a limited amount.
How about an official "I wish I had Doom 3 already" thread? :D
I won't even bother calling... they lie. :hmph:

Is it worth the gas and time to go check a couple Gamestops and Best Buy for myself? Dunno. :)
Letters said:
I won't even bother calling... they lie. :hmph:

Is it worth the gas and time to go check a couple Gamestops and Best Buy for myself? Dunno. :)
They prolly don't have it on store shelves but if you check with the counter they might say they have it in the back (stores don't want fined) If you pre-ordered it you have a better chance of getting it early.
I have called exactly 21 places. Every single one has told me that either A) it's coming out on the 4th or 5th or B) They do not have a release date for it. One answer in particular has me rolling around on the floor scratching my eyes out:

Oh yeah, we just got, like....*sounds of typing*...six copies of Doom3 in yesterday...*my hopes skyrocket*.....*more typing*........but they sold out *I cry*
qckbeam said:
I have called exactly 21 places. Every single one has told me that either A) it's coming out on the 4th or 5th or B) They do not have a release date for it. One answer in particular has me rolling around on the floor scratching my eyes out:

Oh yeah, we just got, like....*sounds of typing*...six copies of Doom3 in yesterday...*my hopes skyrocket*.....*more typing*........but they sold out *I cry*

Have you tried the smaller, independent game shops? There is an independent game shop by where I live. I may check them out later today.
blahblahblah said:
Have you tried the smaller, independent game shops? There is an independent game shop by where I live. I may check them out later today.

Being in New York, there isn't many independent smaller businesses. If you are looking for PC games you can go to stores like Best Buy or to the gaming stores like Software Etc. (owned by Babbages/Gamestop), Gamestop, or EBGames.
blahblahblah said:
Have you tried the smaller, independent game shops? There is an independent game shop by where I live. I may check them out later today.

There is actually one independent shop close by named "Wolf Games". However upon calling them I found that their number was out of service :(
Hey QCKbeam. when did you become Moderator? Cool!
Im going to check for D3 right now.
Pauly said:
Hey QCKbeam. when did you become Moderator? Cool!
Im going to check for D3 right now.
/me pisses on the rock he lives under

Pauly said:
Hey QCKbeam. when did you become Moderator? Cool!
Im going to check for D3 right now.

Thanks :) I've been a mod for a while now :)
I've got a question about Doom 3. Do you guys know, are there ever allies fighting along side you? Like other marines? That would be cool if there was.
I think there will be. But they'll most likely all die at some point.
ElFuhrer said:
I think there will be. But they'll most likely all die at some point.
and you get left alone at Mars. I wonder how the game ends...
Mr. Redundant said:
lol, the chick at EB I talked to sounded like they had em.
I said: "hey hiya, do you guys have Doom3 for the PC in stock yet?"
she said: "Doom3? oh yeah..... *pause* oh I mean, no... the date on that is August 2nd"

they have them... just not selling them.. its time to go mission impossible/splinter Cell on their asses.
*dum dum dum, dum dum!*

and the guy at gamespot was like:
"nope, release date is August fourth"
so I said: "then why do EB and list it being august second?"
and he said: "I dont know, I work at gamestop, LOLS LOLS OWNED NOOB"
well actually he just said he had no clue.

oh fearless leader of hi-tech thefts, can u do this avid Doom series fan a favour and grab him a copy and sign it while ur at it? :cheese:

ty Mr. Tom Cruise :E