Official requirements from the man himself...

lans is right. get a decent cpu that is quite cheap...say a XP2000+ or a XP2500+ or something along those lines. try not to stay with intel as they look more powerful but they actually arent, unless u get the 3.4ghz. you can get a stick of 215mb DDR RAM for around £40 off any decent site. The CPU from Amd are around £40 - 70 max atm. shop around and find a decent deal. just leave the g card :)
Pureball said:
the 9600xt does rock any game, but why not make a decent future me :)

I bought my 9600xt last christmas, and it was a decent future investment then, it was 140 quid and the 9800pro was a serious leap in price. Plus, I can overclock it without voiding the warranty from 500mhz GPU and 650mhz RAM to 530mhz GPU and 674mhz Memory, with complete stability and zero noise, and it stayed at 49 degrees after 6 run-throughs of 3dmark. Also, my graphics card has complete Vivo, so I can play my ps2 on my tv screen, and pause live tv.

PS anyone tight on money, or who hates continous upgrading, go rental :)

Oh, and keyboard / mouse jokes are old. Lay off.
lol, i didnt mean that the 9600xt wasnt a good card or a waste of money in any way. i was just sayinf IF you can afford the 9800 pro, and nowadays there's about £30-40 difference, GET IT. 9600xt is medium-end card and is an absolute minimum for a serious gamer. 9800 pro is high, but not the best, with the latest cards being out now. dishing out that little extra means less upgrading the future :)
Yeah, if you aren't fussed about vivo, grab the 9800 pro - it's what I'm putting in all the new systems I'm building.

No-one seems to have tackled memory head-on yet.. there always seems to be one thing missed when buying memory, and that's the CAS latency (CL3, CL2.5 or CL2). Lower is better. Obviously get DDR, 400mhz or the highest your mobo supports. Non-ecc ram is faster I think, but less reliable (not that I've had a single memory problem on non-ecc ram, ever). 512mb seems to be a minimum nowadays for gaming if you have windows xp, and windows xp seems to be the minimum for gaming, so..
Ouch, those minimum requirements surprise me.

Thought they'd be lower...

I can run it though...I might need a new video least to run it really well.

However, I refuse to buy anything else until the game is released (I bought this computer based on September 30, 2003 release)
Baal said:
Ouch, those minimum requirements surprise me.

Thought they'd be lower...

I can run it though...I might need a new video least to run it really well.

However, I refuse to buy anything else until the game is released (I bought this computer based on September 30, 2003 release)

Ouch... yeah Valve really got an earfull when they delayed the game.
Alec_85 said:
Chill out. He made a mistake & people have already told him. Don't take out your anger on other just because your (obviously) lousy threads gets closed.

every thread i ever made is still open. thank you very much. if its a thread about syste requirement it should be labeled system requirements not benchmarks like the other 12 threads about the system requirements. i went in all of those and flamed the thread starters too.

now im off to make another stupid thread about some dumb shit that wont be closed because its a valid point.

good day sir.

i said good day.
acme420 said:
now im off to make another stupid thread about some dumb shit that wont be closed because its a valid point.

actually you have two that have been closed.

and i don't think we need to go into the horror that was "will you play halflife 2 as soon as you get home from the store with it?" now do we?
Ok, I have searched the forums, but didn't find the answer to this.

I just bought a new PC, in order to play HL2 to the max.

I bought a MESH Xtreme 64 Gamer (I ramped up the Ram to 1 gig though)

I now worry that HL2 won't be compatible with a 64 bit processor ?

Tell me its ok. Please !
a64 processors are compatible, they are the best gaming cpus available actually. you don't need windows 64 bit edition to take advantage or even a 64bit exe. although in the future those will help.

id be concerned about that video card that came with it, you probably aren't going to be happy with it.
What? It'll run on a 64 bit processor. It just won't take advantage of the extra bits yet.
HL2 will be fully compatible with 64-bit computers and will run faster by 30%.

RADEON 9600 XT – 500MHz visual processing unit, 128MB/256MB 600MHz memory with 128-bit bus;
RADEON 9600 PRO – 400MHz visual processing unit, 128MB/256MB 600MHz memory with 128-bit bus;
RADEON 9600 – 325MHz visual processing unit, 128MB 400MHz memory with 128-bit bus;
RADEON 9550 – 250MHz visual processing unit, 128MB 400MHz memory with 128-bit bus;
RADEON 9600 SE – 325MHz visual processing unit, 128MB 400MHz memory with 64-bit bus.
RADEON 9550 SE – 250MHz visual processing unit, 128MB 400MHz memory with 64-bit bus;

the card that came with the 'gamer' machine is the 3rd one from the bottom. hardly a gamers card. even a regular 9600 beats it. id swap it out for a 9800 pro at least if you want good performance
Its just such a toughie... I run a 1.6ghz Centrino with Radeon 9000 mobility whuich is DX8.1 compliant I believe. So in theory my machine will run it fine on moderate settings. However I really do want to see it in its full glory, so need to go and buy a desktop machine...Next dilema is that I want a to get AMD64 3800+, but there isnt much point getting this set up until the PCIE versions are available, which I believe is Q1 2005.

Ohh what to do....??? :0)
KingPing_NOR said:
Are the Preferred specs the one you need to run the game on full detaile? Or almost full detaile?
They're probably just so you can play the game... okey-ish.
I'm waiting till next year to get my full on 'next-gen' PC. I'll be glad to see the back of ATX and it's monstrous cooling requirments for the beefier CPUs.
Its just such a toughie... I run a 1.6ghz Centrino with Radeon 9000 mobility whuich is DX8.1 compliant I believe. So in theory my machine will run it fine on moderate settings. However I really do want to see it in its full glory, so need to go and buy a desktop machine...Next dilema is that I want a to get AMD64 3800+, but there isnt much point getting this set up until the PCIE versions are available, which I believe is Q1 2005.

Hey, i have the exact same specs, although FYI our computer is a POS, it is forced to the Dx7 pathway inHLs which pretty much means it looks the same as HL1 but with more polys and higher res texures. However, there are no shaders, bump mapping, normal mapping, etc... Water looks like HL1, the walls look flat, all the shader effects are jsut solid textures etc... Im glad about this sicne in 8.1 mode there isnt a prayer in hell the mobile Radeon 9000 could run HL2, jsut so you realise that there is no way that this card will get medium settings, it takes console commands to force it to even try, and im sure if you make it try to run at medium quality Dx8.1 it will fail misserably, i hope im wrong, but i wouldnt countn on it.
merc said:
if anyone has a 700mhz computer they should be shot.


:O I have a 700 mhz computer!

And I'm definately gonna try to run HL2 on it.... (shoot me now)
*blam blam*

well at least you'll have time in between frames to go to the kitchen or for a piss break. :smoking:
I thought that 256MB Graphics card would be good, So what exactly is wrong with the 256MB ATI Radeon 9550 - TV Out + DVI - I would like to know so I can make an informed decision. Thanks for your help so far.
yea you fell right into their marketing trap. there are plenty of slow cards with 256mb. 256mb doesn't make a card fast. the radeon 9550 is slower than a 9600, which is slower than a 9600pro, which is slower than a 9600xt, which is slower than a 9800, which is slower than a 9800pro, which is slower than a 9800xt, which is slower than a x800pro.

its not a good gaming card period. look up a review on google to see some benchmarks, i can't be arsed to find one this late.

btw look:

thats the card. its $80. be prepared to spend at least $170 US for a good gaming card. with an amd 64 proc, id spring for a 6800nu at least for around $260
Now by 2.4GHz i'm assuming that hes talking in terms of P4's? Cause I have an XP3000 400fsb running at 2.1GHz. Help...
2.4 GHz Processor
DirectX 9 graphics card
Windows 2000/XP

Im referring to the prefered processor. Is he talking in terms of Intel's clocks? Or in general, meaning the processor should be 2.4GHz no matter what manufactuer.
Black-Falcon said:
Im referring to the prefered processor. Is he talking in terms of Intel's clocks? Or in general, meaning the processor should be 2.4GHz no matter what manufactuer.

most likely referring to a p4 ghz rating and an xp PR rating(3200+). these obviously aren't exactly comparable which sucks, but the general idea is a p4 2.4ghz or a amd xp 2400+ or 2500+.
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
There not to bad but I do feel sorry for all those people who were promised it would work on there 700 mhz cpu :x

A year and a half ago.
The 9550 is hardly better than the 9200 actually...
how will this run cause this is all I have for the next month.

fx 5600xt 256mb
xp 1800+
512mb ram
what do u guys think of this setup for hl2?

Acer Centrino Travelmate 8000
Pentium M 1.6ghz (Equivalent to P4 2.8ghz)
512mb RAM (soon to be 1536mb)
60gb HD
Mobility Radeon 9700 128mb

i know my card is dx9, but im jus curious as to what settings ill be able to play at... and at what resolutions?
Benneh111 said:
what do u guys think of this setup for hl2?

Acer Centrino Travelmate 8000
Pentium M 1.6ghz (Equivalent to P4 2.8ghz)
512mb RAM (soon to be 1536mb)
60gb HD
Mobility Radeon 9700 128mb

i know my card is dx9, but im jus curious as to what settings ill be able to play at... and at what resolutions?
That should be fine. Damn. Wish I had a notebook that nice.
wonder how my system will cope;

Athlon XP 2000 (1.67ghz)
512MB DDR2100 RAM
GForce3 ti200

I plan to buy another 9800Pro 128MB soon to replace my one that blew up a few months back! Ironically I bought it for HL2 two weeks before the original release date of 30th September 2003! what a bastad!
yea the M9700 is pretty nice.. for a laptop..


but either way im happy that ill be able to play hl2

how will mine play?

intel celeron 2.6ghz
256mb DDR
nvidia gforce fx 5200 128mb
40gb hd
Asus, your desktop thingy confuses me. how did you get your background past your taskbar..

must be photoshop :bounce: