OFFICIAL Wii launch specs!

That only means that if you were to buy another controller you'd probably buy the nunchuck seperate. I really doubt that it'll come seperate with the package because I'm sure Wii Sports needs it.

I realize you get your first controller WITH a nunchuck in the original Wii package. What I don't like is if I want to get say, 3 more players in Madden 07 or something...I'll need to blow $180 on just the controllers controllers (3 $40 Wiimotes & 3 $20 nunchucks).
Maybe the nunchuck comes free with a Wii-mote, and it's 20 for a replacement one?

For reference, in what order was the DS released? (in UK, US and Japan)
For reference, in what order was the DS released? (in UK, US and Japan)

US/CAN - Nov 21st '04
JAP - Dec 2 '04
AUS - Feb 24 '05
EUROPE - Mar 11th '05

Didn't realize it released later in Japan. The DS Lite released in Japan before the US. I wonder what makes them decide one way or the other...
The Wii had better not be pushed back to next year for the UK. :|

That would completely negate the headstart they have on PS3. I know they've promised loads of times to release everything before Christmas but... you never know.
Ooh, some good news. The browser will be free until June '07

IGN said:
Internet Channel
Go here to access the Opera internet browser. In addition to supporting flash (making this a step up from the DS browser), the browser uses the Wiimote to zoom in and out. The browser will normally cost money, but Nintendo will make it available for free download until June of 2006.

Obviously their "2006" must be a typo.

EDIT:Another bit of info (I have nothing to do for a few hours :P)

Summary: Japanese are confirmed to get a bundle for 4800 Yen (Technically translates to ~$40 but obviously that's not how things are rolling lately) that has the Wiimote and a minigame collection.
More good news. The launch of the Wii website... or rather the non-E3 site has revealed that Super Mario Galaxy is a 1-2 Player game. Co-op with Luigi anyone?

Also, another nice Metroid image.
If that is the case I could just import one. As it's region free and all. Actually.. no, cause apparently developers can attatch a region lock to the console. :(
Fack 4 months later?! shitcock****ballsdamncrapsheep****shit

Edit: how much is it to import something like that?
The Europe event is Friday, correct? Hopefully you'll know by then.
Metroid was delayed, that's enough to be pissed for me. I was getting the Wii mainly for that. Still am, but damn. Shit.. cockfeckaaghcrapshit
I cant decide if this will be worth buying game wise. Is there a good line-up scheduled for release with the system?
I cant decide if this will be worth buying game wise. Is there a good line-up scheduled for release with the system?

It depends what you're looking for. I think the launch lineup is decent.

I only plan to get 1-2 games from it though.

They keep talking about the Launch Window (between Nov 19th and March '07 I think) so here's a partial list of that:

Excite Truck
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Wii Sports (bundled with Wii console)
Call of Duty 3
Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Madden NFL 07
Need for Speed: Carbon
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
Far Cry: Vengeance
GT Pro Series
Monster 4×4: World Circuit
Open Season
Rayman: Raving Rabbids
Red Steel
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Double Agent

All I know is I'm definitely buying Zelda. I hope we get a more specific release calendar soon.

EDIT: Purty new screens of Zelda at IGN

Wolf Link!
Stop complaining about a lack of games (or their delays) if you only planned to buy one or two games in the first place.

EDIT: also, if anybody decides to complain about Zelda's graphics, I will kill them.

That's exactly why I am complaining :P

There were 2 games I was REALLY looking forward to and was sure to buy...and one of them got delayed :(

I've been complaining about the controller price because I think that $60 is a little steep compared to standard controller prices (but these aren't anything close to standard) but we'll get what we pay for. I mean what other controller out there offers motion/point sensing with internal memory and a speaker?

As for potential Zelda graphics complaints...I too, will kill you :flame:
You guys are being completely unreasonable. The Wii is still very cheap at $250, and if you honestly think that you are being ripped off, or for some reason thought you would be paying as little as $200 for one, then you were expecting a bit too much. Considering you get a free game with the console, $250 is a pretty damn good price. Controllers will cost money, but do you need to get tons of them? If your friends want to play, they can get their own controllers, or their own console. You only need one, yourself.
I agree. And a good point about the controller.
I'm sure a number of people started to ignore what nintendo said and tried to read inbetween the lines with the hype. They have kept pretty much on the mark and their launch will probably go more smoothly than the Xbox360 or PS3.
I just realised, looking in despair at my bank statement, that it's a good thing Metroid was put back. I can't afford all these launch games I want. :O
$250 for an almost last generation machine. No thanks. $50 for almost last generation games. No thanks.

imo, that seems a slightly bizarre way to classify "almost last gen". You interact with these games in a completely new way, which looks miles away from anything we saw last gen.
Or is improved bump mapping really the only criteria distinguishing one generation from the next? That's a depressing thought... :(

But anyway, I agree with you that the price is a little disappointing. I was really hoping for two remotes in the box.
It hasn't put me off my purchase though.
I'm still not sold on the machine. If I hear favorable feedback regarding it, I'll consider a purchase.
I'm surely buying one. I've been looking forward to this for awhile now and I'm tickled that it's that cheap. $250 is insanely cheap when comparing to current gen consoles and even last... hell, the PS2 was $300 when first released.
March 2007 probable release date for the UK? I'm probably going to import from America if that's the case. No region encoding :). Obviously waiting until Metroid and Zelda are out, mind.
March 2007 probable release date for the UK? I'm probably going to import from America if that's the case. No region encoding :). Obviously waiting until Metroid and Zelda are out, mind.

Well first off Metroid probably won't come 'till around March '07 anyways and second - Nintendo has confirmed 1st party titles won't be region encoded but they've given the option to 3rd party devs. So beware importing a Wii if it seems to be a trend that 3rd party titles are encoded as well.

Hopefully they'll follow N's example and make them region free :thumbs:
It's overpriced. Considering how little it costs to produce such low-grade technology, how it doesn't include any other useful functionality besides games (can't even play DVDs), and how the software itself costs much less to produce ... it's a bad deal. People like to go on about how "fun" the games are, but they're definitely not up my alley. The only game I've seen for it that got me halfway excited was the Mario in space game, and it's also one of, if not the only game which looks like it's actually been improved by the controller. For $150 more you could get a 360 (only $50 more for the shitty version, which is still better) ... which is a huge improvement, for $250 more you can get a PS3, which IMO will be an even bigger improvement.

I used to be looking forward to this console, considering getting one ... but now I find that highly unlikely after thinking about it. This is a console which does not move forward at all technologically but still charges relatively high prices. Their excuse for this is that controller ... but I think you'll find that it stagnates development on the system. Apart from a couple of genres that can benefit by basically just using it as a mouse, you're going to see very similar gimmicky gameplay across the board, with only a few notable exceptions. Not only that, tactics like trying to force you to buy a Wii by releasing a ****ing GC port of the Zelda game on it at launch and delaying the regular version doesn't inspire customer loyalty.

Basically what gets me is that all this hype is over the release of a new peripheral, which looks to be pretty cool. But the console itself is ... crap. You could take that same controller and release it for the PS3/360 (which both companies will probably do) ... then what does Wii have? Hell, you could even release it for PS2/GC/X-BOX. Basically, Nintendo games aren't even close to being good enough to warrant a $250+ investment just to play their latest games ... especially when you're being overcharged for the tech.

And charging a total of $60 per extra controller (assuming you get the nunchuck thing too, and you pretty much have to) is extra ridiculous for a console built around fun for the whole family/friends multiplayer party games. $50 ain't too cheap for the games either as most of them are very simple and far cheaper to produce than typical games, but it's also not too unreasonable.

But who knows, maybe the controller is that good and the games are that great, I guess I'll see.
It's overpriced. Considering how little it costs to produce such low-grade technology, how it doesn't include any other useful functionality besides games (can't even play DVDs), and how the software itself costs much less to produce ... it's a bad deal. People like to go on about how "fun" the games are, but they're definitely not up my alley. The only game I've seen for it that got me halfway excited was the Mario in space game, and it's also one of, if not the only game which looks like it's actually been improved by the controller. For $150 more you could get a 360 (only $50 more for the shitty version, which is still better) ... which is a huge improvement, for $250 more you can get a PS3, which IMO will be an even bigger improvement.

I used to be looking forward to this console, considering getting one ... but now I find that highly unlikely after thinking about it. This is a console which does not move forward at all technologically but still charges relatively high prices. Their excuse for this is that controller ... but I think you'll find that it stagnates development on the system. Apart from a couple of genres that can benefit by basically just using it as a mouse, you're going to see very similar gimmicky gameplay across the board, with only a few notable exceptions. Not only that, tactics like trying to force you to buy a Wii by releasing a ****ing GC port of the Zelda game on it at launch and delaying the regular version doesn't inspire customer loyalty.

Basically what gets me is that all this hype is over the release of a new peripheral, which looks to be pretty cool. But the console itself is ... crap. You could take that same controller and release it for the PS3/360 (which both companies will probably do) ... then what does Wii have? Hell, you could even release it for PS2/GC/X-BOX. Basically, Nintendo games aren't even close to being good enough to warrant a $250+ investment just to play their latest games ... especially when you're being overcharged for the tech.

And charging a total of $60 per extra controller (assuming you get the nunchuck thing too, and you pretty much have to) is extra ridiculous for a console built around fun for the whole family/friends multiplayer party games. $50 ain't too cheap for the games either as most of them are very simple and far cheaper to produce than typical games, but it's also not too unreasonable.

But who knows, maybe the controller is that good and the games are that great, I guess I'll see.

hmph thanks for that
it really opened up my mind a bit
not that i was planning on buying a wii right away but you've given me something to think about
It's overpriced. Considering how little it costs to produce such low-grade technology, how it doesn't include any other useful functionality besides games (can't even play DVDs), and how the software itself costs much less to produce ... it's a bad deal. People like to go on about how "fun" the games are, but they're definitely not up my alley. The only game I've seen for it that got me halfway excited was the Mario in space game, and it's also one of, if not the only game which looks like it's actually been improved by the controller. For $150 more you could get a 360 (only $50 more for the shitty version, which is still better) ... which is a huge improvement, for $250 more you can get a PS3, which IMO will be an even bigger improvement.

I used to be looking forward to this console, considering getting one ... but now I find that highly unlikely after thinking about it. This is a console which does not move forward at all technologically but still charges relatively high prices. Their excuse for this is that controller ... but I think you'll find that it stagnates development on the system. Apart from a couple of genres that can benefit by basically just using it as a mouse, you're going to see very similar gimmicky gameplay across the board, with only a few notable exceptions. Not only that, tactics like trying to force you to buy a Wii by releasing a ****ing GC port of the Zelda game on it at launch and delaying the regular version doesn't inspire customer loyalty.

Basically what gets me is that all this hype is over the release of a new peripheral, which looks to be pretty cool. But the console itself is ... crap. You could take that same controller and release it for the PS3/360 (which both companies will probably do) ... then what does Wii have? Hell, you could even release it for PS2/GC/X-BOX. Basically, Nintendo games aren't even close to being good enough to warrant a $250+ investment just to play their latest games ... especially when you're being overcharged for the tech.

And charging a total of $60 per extra controller (assuming you get the nunchuck thing too, and you pretty much have to) is extra ridiculous for a console built around fun for the whole family/friends multiplayer party games. $50 ain't too cheap for the games either as most of them are very simple and far cheaper to produce than typical games, but it's also not too unreasonable.

But who knows, maybe the controller is that good and the games are that great, I guess I'll see.

I disagree with your points about development stagnating and not moving forward in technology.

The only way in which the 360 and PS3 are stepping forward is in graphics and horsepower. The only changes to gameplay these will allow will be massive environments that need to be rendered/processed at once. They are the ones being stagnant in my mind. Gaming has been hitting a wall. We've just been seeing the same kinds of games with higher poly counts, more effects and higher resolutions. PS3 / 360 are an example of this.

The Wii may not have the horsepower and graphics tech that the other consoles have, but the way the system is designed around the controller will bring all kinds of new ideas to game developers. New gameplay elements are coming that we have never seen before. We're 2 months away from being able to interact with our games like never before. It's the next step towards to the fantasy virtual reality (a small but necessary one) that every gamer longs for. I think that developers have barely begun to scratch the surface of what could be possible with the Wii.

But...if all you're looking for in gaming is a prettier version of what you're already playing, then by all means, go buy a 360 / PS3. If you look at the price and think, "How nice will my games look for this much money?" then you aren't looking for a Wii.

I see so many people giving the argument that so much more is possible with the power of the 360 and PS3 that the Wii simply can't recreate without changing the gameplay in some way (on top of the obvious graphical downgrading).

So far I've seen ONE example of a game that does something with the power to bring new gameplay and that is Dead Rising. The one game that uses the power of the 360 to bring in hundreds of zombies on a screen for you to kill in thousands of different ways. But even this isn't that far from a game like Dynasty Warriors where you can fight nearly as many soldiers (they can't all be on the screen at the same time).

In the end it's just down to what kind of gamer you are.

New Gameplay vs. Better graphics

EDIT: I even have evidence to back up my argument about Wii being anything but stagnant. From the mouths of 3rd party developer's themselves.
It's overpriced. Considering how little it costs to produce such low-grade technology, how it doesn't include any other useful functionality besides games (can't even play DVDs), and how the software itself costs much less to produce ... it's a bad deal.
We know you love the PS3. It shows but that's OK. ;)
Although 'overpriced' is the last thing I'd expect someone say about the Wii. lol

I agree with AmishSlayer. And I have my PC for "oo look at those graphics".
Even if you think it's dated hardware, if they make what was old just as fun and new (for you) as the other consoles then it's worthy of buying. Especially if it's cheaper. If it isn't as fun for you, obviously you don't buy. It's what they can do with it, not whats in the box that counts.
It's overpriced. Considering how little it costs to produce such low-grade technology, how it doesn't include any other useful functionality besides games (can't even play DVDs), and how the software itself costs much less to produce ... it's a bad deal. People like to go on about how "fun" the games are, but they're definitely not up my alley. The only game I've seen for it that got me halfway excited was the Mario in space game, and it's also one of, if not the only game which looks like it's actually been improved by the controller. For $150 more you could get a 360 (only $50 more for the shitty version, which is still better) ... which is a huge improvement, for $250 more you can get a PS3, which IMO will be an even bigger improvement.

I used to be looking forward to this console, considering getting one ... but now I find that highly unlikely after thinking about it. This is a console which does not move forward at all technologically but still charges relatively high prices. Their excuse for this is that controller ... but I think you'll find that it stagnates development on the system. Apart from a couple of genres that can benefit by basically just using it as a mouse, you're going to see very similar gimmicky gameplay across the board, with only a few notable exceptions. Not only that, tactics like trying to force you to buy a Wii by releasing a ****ing GC port of the Zelda game on it at launch and delaying the regular version doesn't inspire customer loyalty.

Basically what gets me is that all this hype is over the release of a new peripheral, which looks to be pretty cool. But the console itself is ... crap. You could take that same controller and release it for the PS3/360 (which both companies will probably do) ... then what does Wii have? Hell, you could even release it for PS2/GC/X-BOX. Basically, Nintendo games aren't even close to being good enough to warrant a $250+ investment just to play their latest games ... especially when you're being overcharged for the tech.

And charging a total of $60 per extra controller (assuming you get the nunchuck thing too, and you pretty much have to) is extra ridiculous for a console built around fun for the whole family/friends multiplayer party games. $50 ain't too cheap for the games either as most of them are very simple and far cheaper to produce than typical games, but it's also not too unreasonable.

But who knows, maybe the controller is that good and the games are that great, I guess I'll see.

Apparently you dont know how industry works. You make a product to try and turn a profit. Nintendo is the only company to ever turn a profit off of their console, while Sony and MS both loose cash over their systems.

Mechandice will always be marked up to what they forcast the consumer will be willing to pay. Thats why you have to pay $30 for a USB cable when the damn things cost $0.50 to make.

Wii isnt over priced by any measure. It's good business.
I'm hearing only good news here. Except the possible delay in Europe, which would probably effect us too... I could accept a month or two but March? That will not bode well.

However, not really caring about the controllers. It's not much of a surprise that the controllers are more expensive than normal, given the new technology we've all been touting for months :P

Also, selling the remote and 'chuck seperately isn't all that surprising. Not every game is using both, so maybe you just want an extra remote to play tennis and stuff two player? It's good that they'd offer that possibility instead of making everyone pay more for both when they might not want them. Sort of the same way you can't buy a 360 controller battery without a charger here. Choice is good.

Plus it's not as though we'd be paying much more to buy them each instead of both in the same pack, and there's still every chance they'll be released in a bundle for a slightly reduced price sometime in the future. Either way, no biggie.

Also, bummer that Metroid was delayed for those that were looking forward to it at launch, but I'm glad about the aiming mechanic. I always thought it looked pretty clunky, so no worries here :thumbs: (hoping Red Steel won't still suffer from this, though more recent videos looked a little more solid)

*patiently waits until tomorrow for Europe announcement*

Edit - Also, since when is Wii last-gen? It's less powerful than 360/PS3, but I was sure I heard it was atleast twice as powerful as Gamecube. I mean, Zelda looks great to me, and it's only a minor graphical upgrade over the GC version... plus I'm fully expecting the games to start looking alot sharper when the Wii ages a little. Aren't alot of third-party devs making their games mostly on Gamecube technology at the moment?
I couldn't care less that the wii lacks the technical power of the 360 or ps3 - games will look good, not as detailed, but still decent. The artists and art direction chosen for each title will make more of a difference - which is why many console games of the last generation still look 'better' than many found on the pc, despite being run by hardware with a fraction of the power. I can guarantee now that the new Zelda on the wii (even being a bastardised GC game) will contain more character, charm, and breath holding visuals than the vast majority of games found on other systems.

Personally, I think it'll be worth getting a wii just for the first party software (How any gamer can miss out on a Nintendo console I don't know). I also very much doubt Sony or Microsoft will implement a 'wiimote' of their own, at least not in this generation. Even if i'm wrong again, and one arrives in a year or so, it'll have poor support, and most likely be a poor immitation (you just have to look back to when Sony released an analogue pad for the Playstation to try and compete with the N64. Very few games supported it, and of those few did analogue well. It wasn't untill the PS2 that they finally got their act together)

I've been gaming for 20+ years and rarely get this excited about new hardware. Infact, the last time was for the DS and that turned out to be completely justified (remember the people predicting the DS being nothing more than a gimmick - how wrong they were). $250 is a bargain (half the price of the gfx card for my pc), and not supporting DVDs is a poor criticism. Honestly, who really gives a toss?