OFFICIAL Wii launch specs!

Something I've been wondering... since all the new consoles have WiFi support, do they also support wifi encryption? Like my wireless is running with WPA-TKIP encryption. Dose X360 support it? If so, I can assume that Wii and PS3 will as well.
That's the first time i've heard Nintendo first party titles describd as "usually not that great." To each his own, I suppose.

You keep mentioning how substandard the hardware is, which I think is a little unfair. The wii has some grunt behind it, and will be able to pump out impressive looking titles, but, as everyone else is pointing out, it isn't the technical specifications that make the wii an appealing prospect. By this reasoning a pc is substandard 6 months after you've put it together.

One of the reasons i'm not excited about the PS3 is because i've seen absolutely nothing I want to play on it and the promise of HD gaming has lost much of its sparkle (we've had the 360 for quite a while now). At the other end of the scale is the wii - it looks so immediate and tactile. I know on launch day friends will come round, beers will be drunk, and we'll be bouncing around the living room like '10 year olds' :bounce:

That's certainly fair enough, and the kind of situation you described is what got me excited about the Wii in the first place. It really does come down to which types of games you prefer, and for me the vast majority of them are not on Wii. You're right that the graphics aren't too awful, but they're certainly not what you would expect from a $250 system either. Still, it's an interesting console and if I like it enough once I get a chance to try it out, I may get one way down the line.

And WhiteZero ... please just read what I said earlier rather than quote one little snippet. I'm not a graphics whore ... hell I'm running a Ti4200 right now and was perfectly happy with it until these DX9 only games started coming out. I'm just pointing out that the console itself, and I'm talking the actual system ... is a pretty bad deal for $250 considering its capabilities. That's obvious to me. Like I said, the appeal of the console is in the controller, which will make or break it.

And I'm getting tired of all this "praise Nintendo for not focusing on graphics, thank god for them." You realize that innovation in control and graphics don't have to be mutually exclusive right? For $250 they could have afforded to provide a much higher quality console than the Wii, and therefore have more freedom to create better games and still keep the same control features.

Nintendo's tactics seem to me to be worse than either Sony or Microsoft's. They're releasing a damn port of the Zelda game on Wii first and delaying the GC version to try and make people cave and buy a Wii for a game that clearly doesn't need it and wasn't designed for it. They're selling grossly inferior tech for a very large profit margin, which while good business is still giving the consumer a worse deal than the competition. And to another point someone addressed to me, yes - it's absolutely great that they're keeping game budgets down, but it's not great that they're still charging full price, but I can live with that.

I wouldn't have even cared to comment on it normally. The truth is that I think it's a fairly overpriced but probably still fairly entertaining system that should, if nothing else, be unique. What made me comment on it is the downright stupid attitude towards Nintendo, as if they're some kind of savior fighting for truth and justice by selling people low end hardware with a mid-range price. I really don't care anymore, I don't even really dislike the thing, more of a loss of enthusiasm for it. But a lot of you people are just rabid bandwagon hoppers so go on, whatever.
Hate to burst your guys' bubbles of import happiness...but

It's been that way with virtually every console i've imported over the years. Getting a US machine does mean getting cheaper games and often getting them earlier. I also doubt there will be a difficulty going online - the 360 and DS are fine regardless of their region. The virtual console may be a problem, but i'm not really interested in that.

I've just read that component cables aren't included with the wii and am not pleased at all. £180 for the wii and a game is fine, and I could live with paying for another game and another wiimote/nunchunk, but an extra £30 for a decent cable is just taking the piss. This is nothing new, and still a complete bargain compared to most hardware *looks at pc and frowns*, but Nintendo are being cheeky - who still uses composite??
And Ren, don't throw the word "fanboy" around so carelessly. Especially when I didn't even support any of the consoles, just decided not to hop on the bandwagon for a specific one. Apparently you can't even express a non-popular opinion on a video game forum about a video game console without being a "fanboy," great logic.

I was being sarcastic... Hence the ";)"
Great part of it coming out later in the UK is lots of reviews first from US first. Will Red Steel be any good? Does the new control system ruin Monkey Ball? Is the console itself worth it?

I'm hoping all those questions will recieve answers to make me happy.
Great part of it coming out later in the UK is lots of reviews first from US first. Will Red Steel be any good? Does the new control system ruin Monkey Ball? Is the console itself worth it?

I'm hoping all those questions will recieve answers to make me happy.
Indeed, and when we get it over here, Metroid et all will be out \o/

I'm a pretty massive Nintendo fanboy to be honest, but I think all of smwScott's points are fair.

Yes, Nintendo could probably have put a much more powerful console in the box for the price they're asking (especially if they were to start taking a loss on each unit, like the competition). Yes, many people are so overwhelmed by the innovation that they can overlook the areas where Nintendo hasn't been so kind to the consumer.
And yeah, Zelda is just a GC port :P

Ultimately though, the money you spend on a console is being exchanged for fun.
And from the current outlook, it seems the Wii is going to have a "cash-to-fun" ratio which rivals any other system. For that reason I'm more than happy to pay what Nintendo's asking
I don't think that Nintendo could've offered "much" more power for the price they're asking.

Take Wii Sports out of the equation and we have $200 for the Wii console + controller. Take the price out for the controller tech (higher tech than any of the other controllers out there having a speaker, vibration, memory, motion/spatial sensing, expansion capabilities), then there's Wifi, GC backwards compatibility, and then the power and graphics of the machine.

Sure, if Nintendo decided to follow Microsoft and Sony's lead by taking massive losses on their consoles, the Wii could have more power...but I don't think Nintendo has the resources that MS and Sony do behind them to back the massive losses.

As for my personal outlook on the price of ANY console - I look at the games and how much fun I can get out of the system...not the hardware inside.

EDIT: Holy shit best Zelda vid yet!

"Awesome Gameplay Montage"
And WhiteZero ... please just read what I said earlier rather than quote one little snippet. I'm not a graphics whore ... hell I'm running a Ti4200 right now and was perfectly happy with it until these DX9 only games started coming out. I'm just pointing out that the console itself, and I'm talking the actual system ... is a pretty bad deal for $250 considering its capabilities. That's obvious to me. Like I said, the appeal of the console is in the controller, which will make or break it.

I dont get where your getting this over-priced jive from man.
The Wii's games look better than half the quality that of the other next gen consoles... and it costs about half of the other next gen consoles (plus Wii comes with a compilation game and free net service).
Wii's hardware isnt "grossly inferior" to X360 or PS3. Give me one example other than Wii cant do HD (boo-friggen-hoo). No one even knows the exact specs on the Wii's hardware anyway; so really, your talking out of your behind on the matter.

You can say it's overpriced all you want, but it dosent make sence, guy.
Nintendo knew they basically lost last generation's console war, with the Gamecube selling less than the other two consoles with less-third party support near the end. And they knew that if they tried to do exactly the same as Sony and Microsoft again, they'd continue losing because people would associate the name Nintendo with failure. Little kiddies in shops won't want it because it's just like the Gamecube and companies will think the same thing.
So Nintendo didn't do graphics, they did innovation. This is getting everyone thinking about the console, whether they like Nintendo or not. If it had advanced graphics, it would take away from the new gameplay experience. Let's save that for Wii2 ;).

The DS has proved that hardware can be less than half that of your oponent and still get better games and a larger customer base. All because of an innovative design and appealing to everyone.

Tsk. All my explaining posts are always jumbled messes of words, but you probably see where I'm coming from.

Indeed, and when we get it over here, Metroid et all will be out \o/


Sadly not. It's delayed until 2007. Thank goodness the console wasn't along with it.

Holy shit best Zelda vid yet!

"Awesome Gameplay Montage"

Definitely some Prey influenced wall walking there with the Iron boots. Well... maybe not Prey-influenced, but awesome nonetheless. Aiming looks very fluid now. As does using Wolf Link. XD
It's so close - I can smell the Zelda goodness!! \o/
Nintendo knew they basically lost last generation's console war, with the Gamecube selling less than the other two consoles with less-third party support near the end.

Actually overall the Gamecube beat Xbox in sales if I'm not mistaken (PS2 absolutely killed in sales though) and Nintendo made the most profits off the last generation.

Either way it doesnt matter any more. I'm just really looking forward to playing the Wii :D
I know Nintendo made most profit, but I thought XBox overtook GC about a year and a half ago. Either way...
I know Nintendo made most profit, but I thought XBox overtook GC about a year and a half ago. Either way...

Ah well. Sales figures schmales figures. The more and more I look at media for the Wii games coming out...the more I realize I want to play them all...but I'm not certain they'll be worth $50 a piece for. I'm definitely gonna get a couple months of Gamefly to try them all out too weed out the ones I really wanna buy.
Of the launch list:

Zelda (obviously)
Wii Sports (I would have bought it anyway, had it been less than a regular game :o )
Wii Play (again, would have bought it half price. I can't miss out on Duck Hunt. :E)
Red Steel
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
Rayman: Raving Rabbids
Far Cry
Call of Duty
Splinter Cell

Although we don't know much about the last 3.
I'm going to get Red Steel and Zelda (is it a launch title for us UKians?)

I can't see much point in the rest for now. Those will keep me occupied for the most time.
I'm going to get Red Steel and Zelda (is it a launch title for us UKians?)

I can't see much point in the rest for now. Those will keep me occupied for the most time.

Plus you'll have Wii Sports and Wii Play if you buy a second contoroller.
I'll be picking up Wii Play and Zelda to go with the bundled Wii Sports. Red Steel still looks ropey, so i'll wait for a few reviews/impressions. I'm also hoping Monkey Ball turns out to be a return to form, but after the crappy 2nd and 3rd in the series i'm a little sceptical.
Well obviously. If Red Steel is crap, I won't get it. But I've heard favourable things the past two playable demos. (GC 2006 and the Wii Event) Any review over 80% in the first few months of a console's life is worth getting IMO.
what's the deal with the opera browser? We paying or not?
Opera Browser + Channels are free until June/July 2007. Then we have to pay. Mii Channel and Virtual Console are free all the way though.
And can anyone answer my question on using encrypted WiFi (wpa) on consoles?
Opera Browser + Channels are free until June/July 2007. Then we have to pay. Mii Channel and Virtual Console are free all the way though.

I think as long as we get the Opera Browser downloaded before June '07 it'll be free afterwards. I thought Wii Channels were free all the time...
I'm going to get Red Steel and Zelda (is it a launch title for us UKians?)

I can't see much point in the rest for now. Those will keep me occupied for the most time.

That's what I'm planning on getting too. The latest videos of Excite Truck look pretty neat too.
For me it's Wii Play with an extra controller, then Zelda. And although Wii Sports + Wii Play amounts to a shedload of minigames... I doubt I'll be able to resist getting Wario Ware as well, because it looks so fvcking cool :rolling:

I've seen reports which say Red Steel is ropey as hell, so I'm extremely wary of it. And Excitetruck looks more fun to play, anyway :p
That's what I'm planning on getting too. The latest videos of Excite Truck look pretty neat too.

Excite Truck reminds me of Flatout2 (by far my favourite racing game). But it just doesn't look as complicated :(. I don't think I'll get it for sure until people say it's worth it.
I think as long as we get the Opera Browser downloaded before June '07 it'll be free afterwards. I thought Wii Channels were free all the time...

The Wii Channels are free with the Opera Browser. So providing you have Opera, you get the channels. But I thought it was only free until June 07 at which point you would have to buy it through the Virtual Console Shop.

EDIT: w00t, I got a payrise today. Looks like I can get all those launch games after all. XD
For me it's Wii Play with an extra controller, then Zelda. And although Wii Sports + Wii Play amounts to a shedload of minigames... I doubt I'll be able to resist getting Wario Ware as well, because it looks so fvcking cool :rolling:

I've seen reports which say Red Steel is ropey as hell, so I'm extremely wary of it. And Excitetruck looks more fun to play, anyway :p

WarioWare looks awesome. Looks like i'm going to be having some fun with my mates when we get together for drunken nights :D

Also, Excite Trucks graphics have improved a lot since i last saw them. (E3?) Not sure it's my cup of tea though.
You mean to say driving a truck at breakneck speed along the Great Wall of China whilst the ground terraforms beneath you isn't your cup of tea? You crazy.
Good news for RPG fans getting a Wii

Lost amongst the sheer torrent of news revealed in Nintendo's press conference in Tokyo on Thursday, was the news that Yasumi Matsuno - developer of FFXII (until he left the team halfway through), Vagrant Story and FF Tactics - loves the Wii and has decided to develop for the machine.

WTF. Amazing blind kid gets a Wii early from Ellen.
Vagrant Story, what a game, I always hoped for a sequel, if the Wii gets such a game, then I will consider buying one...
If the Wii is as successful as the GC, I'll be pretty happy. I have played my GC almost as much as I've played my Xbox (and minus Halo 1 I have played it WAY more).

However given how much GOOD 3rd party support is behind the Wii and the surprising number of titles I plan to buy inside the launch window (maybe not AT launch, but in the few months after it) is good news to me and everyone else I think.

I think the fact that Nintendo has something truely unique this time around to bring to the table will help them a lot.
Publishers fuel developers, revenue fuels publishers to carry devs (financially)...
The xbox360 and ps3 are going to be nearly identical when porting games to and fro'... The wii will take extra work, and cost more money. If the sales aren't there (since third party titles will look like ass on the wii compared to the 360 or ps3) I think most gamers will buy those games on the beefier systems. Leaving the wii little sales, pushing publishers and developers away, for the sake of the all mighty dollar.

Nintendo's first party games, no matter how ingenious, and fun. Can only be pumped out so fast, and will only hold the console up so much. I have a bad feeling the wii will go the way of the gamecube.
Publishers fuel developers, revenue fuels publishers to carry devs (financially)...
The xbox360 and ps3 are going to be nearly identical when porting games to and fro'... The wii will take extra work, and cost more money. If the sales aren't there (since third party titles will look like ass on the wii compared to the 360 or ps3) I think most gamers will buy those games on the beefier systems. Leaving the wii little sales, pushing publishers and developers away, for the sake of the all mighty dollar.

Nintendo's first party games, no matter how ingenious, and fun. Can only be pumped out so fast, and will only hold the console up so much. I have a bad feeling the wii will go the way of the gamecube.

Who's to say games will cost more to develop on the Wii? Everything I've heard is on the contrary. The only major hurdle companies have is getting motion sensing working the way they want. They say the Wii is easy to develop for otherwise. I've even heard it's cheaper to develop for the Wii than it is the other consoles.

THQ estimated costs themselves as to how much it would have cost them on the PS3 or 360 to develop Red Steel.

Wii is considered to be the cheapest next-generation console to develop for. In May, THQ president Brian Farrell estimated Wii development costs are in the range of a quarter to half of that required for PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 development. What does this mean for developers? A game such as Red Steel could cost them between $24 - $48 million on PS3 or 360.
I'm not saying they are going to cost more to develop... but they will cost, and if loads of people buy the same game on the other system they own (be it 360 or ps3) they aren't going to buy it on the wii too. Especially when the graphics surpass it on the other systems.

To be more clear on this, most people are going to own a wii, and another system, say an xbox 360. Third party games, for instance, splinter cell double agent, will be released on both of these systems. Joe gamer walks into electronics store, sees SCDA on the 360, and the wii, takes one look at the graphical differences, and buys the 360 version. Wii loses a sale, publisher takes notice, quits funding wii development, wii becomes soley first party (a'la gamecube/n64), gamers cry.
There's certainly no guarantee the wii won't flop. Despite being a huge Nintendo fan, i've been sceptical ever since the wii and its controller was announced. Not because it doesn't scream of promise, but because much depends on how good a start it gets and whether the 3rd party support comes (think what the best developers in the industry could do with the wiimote if they felt their time and money would be well spent).

Either way, i'm confident it'll be great value for money and provide much enjoyment overt the next few years. £180 is worth paying for a machine that'd only play Nintendo games, everything else is gravy.