Oh Noes, Not Another: "Show Us Yer Pic" Thread!!!

Ennui said:
note that i do not actually wear a ring on a string around my neck, sulkdodds just has a twattish sense of humor

I remember that. Rofl.
SHIPPI said:
I realised as I posted and hoped no one would pick up on that...

damn you, Ennui, damn you
i'll be damned with pleasure, my love
MiccyNarc said:
The second I saw your pic I thought "Frodo!"
i don't really look like a hobbit, just that picture :p
Ennui said:
so, how about some pics, people? me, in noir style:


note that i do not actually wear a ring on a string around my neck, sulkdodds just has a twattish sense of humor
I need sulkdodds to make me a noir pic too.
Shippi is too good looking... I commend you on your genetic dice rolls.
sinkoman said:

Yeah and definitely too much so for the internets. Either it's not her real pic or she egregiously mismanages her time. Judging by her face and intelligence she could probably dominate the social realm if she wants.

Can't stop laughing at what? What are you putting on your wall?
Murray_H said:

Can't stop laughing at what? What are you putting on your wall?



Even if it isn't you, it's golden.

edits: I can't do any noir since my computer with the wacom is busted. :(
I dunno if I already said, but in the picture you posted you reminded me of a young, English Coastal Che Guevara. I think it was the gaze, and the hat with the unruly hair bursting from underneath. It was quite spectacular.
Grow a beard and complete my life. Please.
Why does it look like you're about to deep-throat that bottle, steve?
This picture is quite astounding for its ability to make my extremely sexy friends and I look very very ugly:

If you can guess which one is Mikki the kerrrrrrazy Japanese exchange student, you get a pat on the back and a cookie.
Who the hell uses the word eigit(idgit)?

That was stupid before it ever began.
Sulky, if you make me a noir pic, you will earn a place in my signature here and at
bvasgm said:
Sulky, if you make me a noir pic, you will earn a place in my signature here and at

Booo, hiss!
OvA said:
No offense, but you are one ugly motherfücker.
Tis no problem. I know. That's a good picture though, it was shit quality. I'll upload another later.
Raziaar said:
Just shows he's a cool guy... cause anybody else might of ripped your OvAries out. :P

Exactly, it was a test, and he passed.
Your breasts put woman-kind to shame.
