oh oh...



the source code is apparently around for dl of warez sites..

not sure whether this is the latest ver of the source code,the old source leak,or a fake..i'll try and find out what it is,but whatever it is,i tell you this..it ain't good!
It'll be full of gay porn.
well,i will find out soon i think..if it is gay porn,i'll send you a link ;)
=ooo Gay Pr0n eh? Maybe that's what VALVe has been sending us in the Pre-loads for a laugh!
mortiz said:
=ooo Gay Pr0n eh? Maybe that's what VALVe has been sending us in the Pre-loads for a laugh!
haha we can only hope ;)
-UGC-Commando said:
the source code is apparently around for dl of warez sites..

not sure whether this is the latest ver of the source code,the old source leak,or a fake..i'll try and find out what it is,but whatever it is,i tell you this..it ain't good!
I don't see it on suprnova, so I don't believe it's real :D
-UGC-Commando said:
well,i will find out soon i think..if it is gay porn,i'll send you a link ;)

You are downloading the source code? :flame:

Isn't saying that you're downloading the source code or other illegal parts of Halflife2 a bannable offence on the forums?
Yeah BANNABLE. (Hint, hint).

It has been universally agreed that the leaked code thingy was a big bag of wank.
lol..i never said i was downloading it,i said i would find out.Im told its real,and its NOT the previously leaked source code.
Im not gonna dl it,but don't be suprised if it is at some point confirmed as being the source code-which is very bad news imo!
think they can use it to make cheats and stuff..i know mod teams in the past have been limited by the SDK and have said they could do anything with the source code though..so i guess mod and cheat are the two things that can be done.
Sucks anyway.
it was not gay porn.. it was animal porn. dubbe to finnish. o h lordy ;(
It's fake. How can they rls something when they don't have the full game!!
yes well,i remember argueing with the same guy that told me about this leak,about a year ago,about the leaked alpha and source code..before it was reported on this forum,about how there was no way they could have the source code/alpha...and he was right about that.
any updates? is it a recent version.

Would hate this to turn into a halo 2 escapade.
i think is from cs:s because a friend of mine does alot of warez and since he know i like hl2 he told me that a day or two after cs:s fulll version was out... Dont know tho

Edit: He said something about a source code beeing out today (the day he told me)
It's fake like the other two times "new" source code was said to have been leaked.. its either gay porn or the same old stuff from last year repackaged, easy enough since most of the community wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway.
The Dark Elf said:
It's fake like the other two times "new" source code was said to have been leaked.. its either gay porn or the same old stuff from last year repackaged, easy enough since most of the community wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway.

it's real... i can show you a picture :|.
The engine code is STILL with valve - how can it leak? It hasn't even been preloaded yet.

That is most likely the engine code from the stolen build.
Well, the engine code wouldn't even be available in the preload. I don't think the .dll files are of much use. They would need the source files. After the previous stealing I would have to say the realness of this are next to nill. In 15 minutes I know someone who will tell you whether it is or not.
MiccyNarc said:
I don't see it on suprnova, so I don't believe it's real :D

oh yeaaaaaah Suprnova, always got the latest leaks on it hasnt it, its SOO upto the minute with the warez scene i mean.. wow.

if you detected any sarcasm in that, then it was deliberate.

A friend of mine downloaded a torrent from there for a movie that has been on the net for some time now, when he finished downloading it (at the stupid slow speed you get from suprnova's seeders) he opened it to find it was a gay porn flick.

Yup, awesome is suprnova, honest.

The leak is real, what it contains i dunno, ill go get the .nfo and find out.
El_Babo said:
It's fake. How can they rls something when they don't have the full game!!

Wel even with the full game, the source code is suposed to be unavaileble since that would make things easy for cheaters or anybody who wants to steal the engine to use it for their game :)
I knew CSs would be hacked as soon as it was in the hands of the lowlifes. Who gains from all this hacking? Do the people who hack do it to screw with their friends who also play CS. Then their fun gets leaked to the children who abuse these {said} hacks?

I don't understand why anyone would completely ruin a game for no money. They don't stand to gain from it at all! Unless someone can tell me how they do.

I have no doubt that CSS is doomed. Pray for good Admins.
i dunno how people can have so much doubt tbh..surely last year showed us anything is possible?It completely possible the leak is real,i just hope it ain't.

Its fake, no worries.
so commando elite wat is new in this leak??..u were supposesd to find out ...
Its fake, nothing but a folder that empty and a folder with MP3's in it. It loads up as a DVD but nothing happens.

If the source code has been leaked again it would have to come directly from Valve's HQs. Meaning it would have had to have been hacked and stolen again.

In the very rare case some hacker has risked doing this (considering the prosecutions the last time), or in the very rare case Valve have been idiotic enough to let the same thing happen again (considering the heart ache it gave them last time) - yes it's possible.

Valve has not let their source code leave their offices. Sierra don't even have it. There's no other way than the methods described above and they're both unlikely.
Vehicon said:
The pic shows what is on the img file after unpacking.

You obviously got the wrong download lol... (we're not talking about an image here, look at the screenshot from the other guy...)

Anyway, I checked my regular sources and found nothing, so I'm inclined to say it's indeed fake.