OHH MY GOD! (Huge spoilers)

I hope in E3 we get to ride Dog across the arctic sheets of ice to a hole in the Borealis just like Mario and Yoshi would enter Bowser's castle or something.

You know, those advisors reminded me of the brain bugs from Starship Troopers... wouldn't surprise me if they 'picked their brains' for information the same way...

It was both poignant and sad, but also very interesting. It shows just how dangerous the master-race of the Combine can be, yet they've been designed to also signify just how weak they really are. Yeah, they're all 'I'm so l337 with my telekinesis' when they have you at their mercy, then suddenly DOG comes in, smacks one around and it's 'I'm screwed, let's run!', using their teeny tiny little robotic hands to scuttle while it squirms like the maggot that it is...

You know, those advisors reminded me of the brain bugs from Starship Troopers... wouldn't surprise me if they 'picked their brains' for information the same way...

Next person who says this will officially get the "Most Fail Post Evar" badge from me, current holder of "Most Fail Thread Evar."
Yeah, its been discussed before...Antlions have been compared to the bugs in Starship Troopers as well...
I was quite taken by that surprise ending almost had a tear in my eye and them my girlfriend who sat next to me at her computer sad something about "shit games" looking at my screen. Let's just say she didn't get any that night :p
THATS IT!!!!!!!

eli was probably going to say something bout the gman, bout gman in black mesa
if gman is gorden from the future he wouldeve told the combine adversorses were eli is,they absorb his knowlege and all combine go the the apaiture sinence ship (boradels or something) now that the combine are all ther the rebels finish them of in one reallllyyyyyy long battle.

thats my idea
THATS IT!!!!!!!

eli was probably going to say something bout the gman, bout gman in black mesa
if gman is gorden from the future he wouldeve told the combine adversorses were eli is,they absorb his knowlege and all combine go the the apaiture sinence ship (boradels or something) now that the combine are all ther the rebels finish them of in one reallllyyyyyy long battle.

thats my idea

Your 1 post count and lack of comprehension of the English language put the integrity of your theory in jeopardy...
/facepalm indeed. GMan is NOT Gordon from the future. And yes, most definately Boradels. :rolleyes:
Alyx was not dead.
Eli is dead.

See the difference here? They saved Alyx because she was still alive and mostly in one piece.

Not quite, while your in the elevator going back up to Alyx the vortigaunts say her heart has stopped beating, not to mention all of the blood loss she suffered. Alyx was dead.
THATS IT!!!!!!!

eli was probably going to say something bout the gman, bout gman in black mesa
if gman is gorden from the future he wouldeve told the combine adversorses were eli is,they absorb his knowlege and all combine go the the apaiture sinence ship (boradels or something) now that the combine are all ther the rebels finish them of in one reallllyyyyyy long battle.

thats my idea

Not quite, while your in the elevator going back up to Alyx the vortigaunts say her heart has stopped beating, not to mention all of the blood loss she suffered. Alyx was dead.

They did not say that.
Epic ending, but i expected to battle a slug somewhere in the game, but you can't get everything...
Re: Advisor knowledge-sucking - from a narrative point of view, it is conventional to have brain sucking = knowledge sucking. The brain of course signifies knowledge, and to have this method of killing carried out so deliberately (and on a character who was noted to possess important knowledge earlier in the episode) lends further strength to the argument that the combine now possess all of Eli's information.

Note the name of the creature - "Advisor". It seems to me to imply someone who gives advice/imparts knowledge, and I would guess that their knowledge sucking ability is the very reason for their name. It also goes hand-in-hand with the whole Combine Borg-like assimilation of other races - assimilate their genes, assimilate their knowledge too.

In conclusion, stealing Eli's knowledge also kicks off the tension in the next episode - the combine know where you're going, and more importantly, they know why even better than you do.

re: Advisors not interfering in epic Stider battle - note how in Eli's death scene, the initial single advisor seems to be able to restrain both Gordon and Alyx quite easily, but does nothing to Eli, who is able to attack it with a lead pipe. After Eli's desperate attempt, the second Advisor enters, and they are then able to restrain Eli. It seems to me that the Advisors are quite fragile, and as far as restraining humans psychicly, one advisor can only do two at a time. If this is true, had they entered the strider battle, they would have been quickly and easily dispatched.

re: G-Man. I'm on the G-Man is Gordon band wagon. Let's just say for a moment that the home world of the combine doesn't just exist in a far away PLACE, but in a far away TIME. I'm willing to bet that some technology devised by either Black Mesa or by Aperture is the technology that CREATED the combine, and likewise the technology that gave the G-Man his powers of teleportation etc. If Gordon finds the Borealis, and discovers in it technology that allows him to travel through time, the logical thing that he would do is go back and try and prevent the initial Black Mesa incident. If in doing so he created some kind of paradox, he mind find it necessary to allow this incident (or indeed create it, as he did), and then try and defeat the combine later. He would probably do the whole thing over many time, traveling back and forth, influencing events, to try and come to the best conclusion for either himself or mankind. Having been back and forth many times, it might even seem, to an outside observer (like his past self) that he has immense, even divine knowledge and power, simply because he has experienced countless possibilities of events before. Who knows what the initial, un-altered version of history contained? And who knows G-Man's current motivations, after years and years of seeing events unfold over and over again?

Or better yet, maybe G-Man is an advisor...
Re: Advisor knowledge-sucking - from a narrative point of view, it is conventional to have brain sucking = knowledge sucking. The brain of course signifies knowledge, and to have this method of killing carried out so deliberately (and on a character who was noted to possess important knowledge earlier in the episode) lends further strength to the argument that the combine now possess all of Eli's information.

Sure, but Valve has always made their stories scientifically plausible/believable, sucking knowledge by eating brains is just silly. The very act of consuming brain is what destroys memory. Memory is not localized in a special place in the brain, or as a singular piece of anatomy that you could integrate into your own brain, but it's spread through out the brain and eating a brain would destroy the memory.
It's no as implausible as you think. Worms can eat the brains of fellow worms and gain their knowledge of maze navigation. There've been studies. Trust me.

And since Dr Breen's body no longer exists, and we have been led to believe (and have accepted) that he has been transferred into a host body, we must either accept that knowledge/personality is transferable via combine technology, or that Breen's entire brain was taken, and made viable in another body. If we accept the latter, then it is entirely possible the the advisor took Eli's whole-brain, and could indeed implant it into another body which could then be interrogated for information. (Or the intact brain simply analysed)
Dr. Breen is not inside his host body; that's not physically possible.
As far as we know....perhaps there is something this super advanced alien race knows about brains that we dont, eh?
re: G-Man. I'm on the G-Man is Gordon band wagon. Let's just say for a moment that the home world of the combine doesn't just exist in a far away PLACE, but in a far away TIME. I'm willing to bet that some technology devised by either Black Mesa or by Aperture is the technology that CREATED the combine, and likewise the technology that gave the G-Man his powers of teleportation etc. If Gordon finds the Borealis, and discovers in it technology that allows him to travel through time, the logical thing that he would do is go back and try and prevent the initial Black Mesa incident. If in doing so he created some kind of paradox, he mind find it necessary to allow this incident (or indeed create it, as he did), and then try and defeat the combine later. He would probably do the whole thing over many time, traveling back and forth, influencing events, to try and come to the best conclusion for either himself or mankind. Having been back and forth many times, it might even seem, to an outside observer (like his past self) that he has immense, even divine knowledge and power, simply because he has experienced countless possibilities of events before. Who knows what the initial, un-altered version of history contained? And who knows G-Man's current motivations, after years and years of seeing events unfold over and over again?
As far as I know, GMan can only see events in the past or future, but not actually alter them. Either that, or he simply has access to unlimited information and can make predictions based on it. There was never actual time travel in Half Life(apart from "slow teleport" in HL2 but I doubt that you can call it time travel), and I doubt that Valve will introduce it at any point. Mute and faceless Gordon, who essentially IS the player, cant be GMan, because otherwise it would ruin the idea of Gordon=You established so hard throughout the series. As we know, what YOU think is what Gordon thinks, and unless Valve plans to take that away from us at some point, I don't see how GMan(as he acts according his own, very specific agenda) can be Gordon. Time travel is just bad sci-fi solution to any problem and a cheap way of writing. Laidlaw is not that bad of a writer to make GMan - Gordon from the future.

It's no as implausible as you think. Worms can eat the brains of fellow worms and gain their knowledge of maze navigation. There've been studies. Trust me.
I don't believe you. Care to provide a link to these studies? Google search got me nothing.
I think you should replay that scene because they definitely do.

I uploaded the .wav of them saying it from the .gcf. Here you go:
"No pulse!"
"Her heart has stopped!"

Well in two plays throughs I didn't hear this, I can never be bothered routing through audio files too.

Lets put another way then. Alyx had her brain intact. Eli had no brain, so unless they have the power to create a new brain and somehow insert it into Eli, then there is just no point going there.
I don't believe you. Care to provide a link to these studies? Google search got me nothing.

Of course not - If I had to back up half the flippant things I claim, I'd end up appearing only half as smart as I'm not.

As far as I know, GMan can only see events in the past or future, but not actually alter them. Either that, or he simply has access to unlimited information and can make predictions based on it. There was never actual time travel in Half Life(apart from "slow teleport" in HL2 but I doubt that you can call it time travel), and I doubt that Valve will introduce it at any point. Mute and faceless Gordon, who essentially IS the player, cant be GMan, because otherwise it would ruin the idea of Gordon=You established so hard throughout the series. As we know, what YOU think is what Gordon thinks, and unless Valve plans to take that away from us at some point, I don't see how GMan(as he acts according his own, very specific agenda) can be Gordon. Time travel is just bad sci-fi solution to any problem and a cheap way of writing. Laidlaw is not that bad of a writer to make GMan - Gordon from the future.

I agree with you there, time-travel is the easy way out, and they'd be also doing the whole "OMG! The protagonist IS the antagonist" thing so it would be two cliches in one. But as far as removing the sense that Gordon=YOU, I don't think that would be so much of a problem because the Gordon that you are hasn't done the things the G-Man has done yet, and having met the G-Man, you could choose to go down a different path. Thus the G-Man is shaped by different experiences and is more or less a completely different person.

Part of me wants the time travel thing to be the answer, and another part of me wants to be surprised. I think either way it's gonna be one hell of a ride.
Well in two plays throughs I didn't hear this, I can never be bothered routing through audio files too.

Lets put another way then. Alyx had her brain intact. Eli had no brain, so unless they have the power to create a new brain and somehow insert it into Eli, then there is just no point going there.

I'm not disagreeing, I don't think Eli will come back either, I was just pointing out that Alyx was also dead.
Not quite, while your in the elevator going back up to Alyx the vortigaunts say her heart has stopped beating, not to mention all of the blood loss she suffered. Alyx was dead.

This is true, but she also didn't have a tentacle rape her head, and destroy her brain. Even if they could do that for Eli now, he would come back as a mindless zombie like figure, with nothing more than instinct to guide him, if even that. The body cannot live without the brain. People are brought back to life on a daily basis in hospitals around the world, but they need the brain to be intact to do so. That's why we relate things to brain surgery, because in that operation, if you **** up, that guy is dead. And the brain can only live for a short period without blood flow. It's common biological knowledge that no living creature can ever live again without a brain, or to begin with.

Besides that, I don't think that Alyx had any sufficient damage to any vital Organs that the Extract couldn't heal. And on another note, to get the extract it would take as many hours as getting to white forest and getting to the extract, then going back to white forest to save him. Even with the Vortigaunts it's impossible.

And all these other theories resurfacing that happen every time Valve releases another detail of the game, all these people join the forum just to tell people their retarded opinions. What the **** on earth makes one think that G.man and Gordon are related? For Christ's sakes, we see him plastered over every half-life related box, game, and even on this website. Gordon has red hair, G.man has black hair. See the difference? Not only that, but i think Gordon would be very reluctant to get rid of his tight ass goatee. And i know what they are going to say now "BUT HE DIED HIZ HARE TO DISGUISE HIMSLF!!11!" K. A few things I have to say first.

1. You mean Dyed.
2. it's spelled Hair in that sense.
3. Why the hell is it so hard to type an E? You just wasted more time than that would take you by typing all that "!!11!" bullshit. Sort out your priorities.
4. So just because it's "G.Man" means that the G and Gordon's first initial are related? Come on... Gordon Man? Do you really think that's a good disguise name? Besides that, the guy doesn't even really have a name, that's just his nickname. We call him the G.man because he looks like he does business deals for the government. If you want to play along in our speculation posts, you're going to have to brush up on your half-life history. This isn't that hard to figure out. Think about what you're getting into before you go join a forum like this, because they're filled with assholes, like me for instance. I got your wheels turning now, don't I? Yeah? Keep em' turning, and use them to wheel your ass the hell out of here. -.-


*Moar fresh air*
I'm not disagreeing, I don't think Eli will come back either, I was just pointing out that Alyx was also dead.

I believe it's easier to heal someone who has been stabbed in the stomach, than to heal someone whose brain is sucked out.
This is true, but she also didn't have a tentacle rape her head, and destroy her brain. Even if they could do that for Eli now, he would come back as a mindless zombie like figure, with nothing more than instinct to guide him, if even that. The body cannot live without the brain. People are brought back to life on a daily basis in hospitals around the world, but they need the brain to be intact to do so. That's why we relate things to brain surgery, because in that operation, if you **** up, that guy is dead. And the brain can only live for a short period without blood flow. It's common biological knowledge that no living creature can ever live again without a brain, or to begin with.

Besides that, I don't think that Alyx had any sufficient damage to any vital Organs that the Extract couldn't heal. And on another note, to get the extract it would take as many hours as getting to white forest and getting to the extract, then going back to white forest to save him. Even with the Vortigaunts it's impossible.

I agree, if you had read my other post you would have seen I wasn't implying the vortigaunts could save Eli. ;)
I hope that's a really stale joke. Why do people think that the question "Who is G.man" is answered by something right in there face? Magnusson sounds, looks, and acts NOTHING like G.man.

Besides that, you don't need the spoiler tab, because the thread title says "Spoilers." -.-


*Breath of fresh air*

Yes, it was a joke. I was continuing the tradition of crazy people trying to claim every character ever is the Gman. :)
I agree, if you had read my other post you would have seen I wasn't implying the vortigaunts could save Eli. ;)

I know, but newbs might not understand why and carry on your plot. :D

And for this page's op, I am VERY glad you were joking. I was hoping we didn't have another new member go awry. :D
Why are you people looking away from the "Advisor knowledge-sucking"-idea? I don't see any other obvious reason for killing him.

PvtRyan said it was silly. A flying giant larva capable of controlling humans by using his mind isn't silly? A man with a suitcase that is able to alter space and time isn't silly?

From the thread "Orange Box Guide Info *possible spoilers*"
Advisors can immobilize multiple human-sized objects against their will before "feeding" on their memories, courtesy of a brain-stem savaging that is too disgusting to contemplate.
This was the reason they risked going to White Forest, to feed on Eli's memory.
I'm not disagreeing, I don't think Eli will come back either, I was just pointing out that Alyx was also dead.

Heart has stopped does not mean dead, there were 4 vorts working on her, it is safe to take the chance they were manually pumping her blood and maintaining her organ functions. They said that they had repaired minute breaks in her veins and arteries so it shows them talented enough
Heart has stopped does not mean dead, there were 4 vorts working on her, it is safe to take the chance they were manually pumping her blood and maintaining her organ functions. They said that they had repaired minute breaks in her veins and arteries so it shows them talented enough

Point taken, however the clinical definition of death is in fact, when the heart stops beating.
Why are you people looking away from the "Advisor knowledge-sucking"-idea? I don't see any other obvious reason for killing him.
We're ignoring it because it's laaaame. No reason to kill him??? Are you serious? How about, you know, Eli being an important figure among their enemies? How about being pissed off? They tried to stop the rocket launch but got there too late and decided to dole out some payback? They didn't want Eli pulling any tricks like that in future? Countless reasons, come on. They were about to start on Alyx too, so it's not as if it was necessarily even a targeted kill on Eli.
A flying giant larva capable of controlling humans by using his mind isn't silly? A man with a suitcase that is able to alter space and time isn't silly?
No, those things are not silly. They are worked into the story in such a way that you don't find it unusual to see them.

'Knowledge-sucking', on the other hand, is silly. That's why it wasn't out of place in a B-grade farcical sci-fi like Starship Troopers. Knowledge isn't a tangible, physical substance that you can eat. You can't pour yourself a cup of knowledge juice.

Besides if the Advisors could do that, why would they have humans like Mossman and Breen working on a teleporter for them in the first place? Why not just suck out their brains and acquire the knowhow themselves?

I dunno why I'm bothering to argue, it. is. just. lame. If Laidlaw did indeed decide to employ that particular plot device I would puke in my CD tray and then kick my PC down some stairs.

Also, all this talk of Gman manipulating time - can someone who thinks Gman is a time traveller point out where he has ever time-travelled in HL? Other than from the past into the future, just like everyone else?
I dunno why I'm bothering to argue, it. is. just. lame. If Laidlaw did indeed decide to employ that particular plot device I would puke in my CD tray and then kick my PC down some stairs.]

we'll hold you to that.
I just finished EP2. Such a helpless sad ending. Pretty emotional.
Besides if the Advisors could do that, why would they have humans like Mossman and Breen working on a teleporter for them in the first place? Why not just suck out their brains and acquire the knowhow themselves?

Good point here.

mmmmm, knowledge juice. :frog:
Point taken, however the clinical definition of death is in fact, when the heart stops beating.
Not really. Clinical death is when the brain stops working. You can keep the body running after that point, just get a couple of nifty machines, but without those, the person's dead (even if you get the heart running again, thanks to the machines.) The heart not beating anymore is just, well, cardiac arrest, nothing else, it can be dealt with (often, but not always, of course.) Just do some CPR. The person's only dead if the CPR doesn't help and the brain gets no oxygen over a certain amount of time.
The ending was just plain creepy, not just sad. This is the first time we encounter an Advisor with all its robotic parts, the young one in the old shed had nothing but goggles and mask, the ones in the citadel were either in pods or on a screen, but this is quite different.
Two healthy, angry, fully augmented Advisors with creepy spindly arms and antigravity devices (or whatever they are) smash through the window! Quite different from a mere glimpse we saw in the other games.

Those arms are truly creepy. Valve did an amazing job again. Every moment of the attack orchestrated perfectly, right up to when Dog attacked them and they fled, with perhaps one backward "glance".
The devs clearly watched Starship Troopers a wee bit too much.

Thats what I was thinking as it happened! I really hope in episode 3 a vort touches a advisor and says 'It's afraid!' which would be met by masses of celebrating rebels.
Ok, Starship Troopers IS a stupid movie. But hell. Defending Mr. Vort and unconscious Alyx with Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy against HORDES of bugs... errr... antlions (and of course the two turrets went boom sooner than hoped) made me whoop and go "I'm John Rico you bastards!"